
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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26 Chs

13 Trade 2

Sitting on the sofa, Ying looked toward the young man in front of him. Opposite him, Dante laid down the contract papers.

"Boss Ying. I have looked your proposals. To be honest, I can agree almost everything except for the Volvo. We will not let anyone monopoly our resources." Dante spoke

"Except for the booze? So everything else are alright? Mr. Bunta said you didn't have enough supplies." Ying was surprised. In the last attempt, Bunta always rejected their offer on the same reason. They didn't have enough supplies to give it to them.

When Dante appeared, he immediately said yes which made him have a doubt bout the sudden changes.

"Don't worry about that. We have some reserves supplies for you. Not only that, we will increase our production after next season." Dante stated his reasons.

"Increase of production? Can we increase our deal." Ying was surprised again with the sudden news.

"I can only give 150% of your current deal. No more." Dante stated his limits.

"Deal. I'll take it. About your booze..." Ying tried to strike another deal.

"Sorry. This one is definitely NO. Those portions are the most I can give." Dante immediately refused.

"But I can give you an exclusive contract for our new product." As Ying was about to feel disappointed, Dante took out a new deal.

"A new product?"

"Grandpa." As Ying was wondering ehat is the new product, Dante signaled Bunta to take the product out.

After a few seconds, the maids took put some cups of warm water and a jar of brown sugar.

"This is the new items?" Ying was confused.

Dante smiled as he took a spoonful of sugar into the warm water. "Try it."

Ying reached for the cups and drank it. When the water entered into his mouth, Ying eyebrows raised up before he closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, Ying opened his eyes and eyed the sugar."This.."

"Our new product. Cane sugar. Low in production. Surely a limited supply. At most I can only give you 30kg per year." Dante smiled.

"The price?" Hearing the limited supply, Ying can guess this won't be as cheap as normal cane sugar.

"100,000 berry per kg." Dante grinned.

"Absurd! No way a cane sugar can be that expensive." While Ying was dumbfounded his assistant spoke with disdain tone.

"20 kg." Hearing the disdain tone, Dante immediately changed his offer.

"No no no Dante kun. Don't listen to him. Give me the 30kg. I'll pay you an extra million as apologize." Ying snapped out of his dumbfounded and asked Dante.

"Humph, I hate barking dog. 20 kg. Take it or leave. You should be glad you had stopped him. Or I'll cancel this offer." Dante said with an arrogant tone.

"Take it. Of course I take this offer." Said Ying staring at his assistant. If not for this assistant, he could get 30kg deal. As for the assistant, he was shocked by how fast his boss agree and blame him for the deduction of cane sugar.

"Hahaha. Dante kun. With these, we can conclude our deals right?" Ying decided to conclude the deals as he already satisfied with he could get from the deals.

"Well it depends. If you could agree with my three conditions, we can conclude this deal." Dante said as he lean of the sofa.

Beside him, Bunta frowned as he never heard Dante talked about any conditions in the past.

"Conditions?" Ying didn't understand what did Dante meant by that.

"As long as you fulfill my three request. Our deal will be concluded." Dante spoke again with serious eyes.

"State your request." Seeing Ying being serious, Ying decided to hear his request.

"First. Recently someone had fanned my relatives to take over my business. It happened after your troupe's arrival." Dante spoke.

"Impossible! I might want this deal to happen. But Dante kun, I value my own reputation. Such radical method is impossible." Ying immediately denied his involvement.

"Calm down Boss Ying. I never say you are the one who did that. Instead after meeting you, I have discarded you from my list. It is just this event is to real to be coincidentally with your arrival. I just want to know if anyone on your ship has anything to do with this." Dante said it seriously.

"You'd mean..." A thought came to him as he turned towards his assistant.

"Never! Boss, I have been working for you in so many years. How could I not know how you do things. This kind of blunder, I can assure you I didn't do it." His assistant firmly convinced Ying.

"Dante kun, this assistant of mine might rash sometimes, but I can assure you his credibility." Ying tried to convince Dante.

As Dante was about to speak again, the assistant interrupted. "I remember. Poja said he that he had strike a good deal to help you boss. As he didn't say what it was, I ignored him in the past."

"Poja? Call him immediately!" Ying filled with anger. His reputation was on the line.

"Wait. Let us deal with other conditions before you go and fetched him." Dante stopped the assistant from leaving.

"Secondly. I want the money to be paid immediately including half of the next transaction." Dante pulled his second condition out.

"Including the next transaction? Do you mean I have to pay extra 50% of our deal today? How can our next transaction be the same?" Ying asked.

"The important goods like grains, boozes and the cane sugar will always be fixed in the same numbers. Unless decrease your demand, we will not goind to raise them. As for other variables. They don't count." Dante spoke again.

"Alright. I have no problem with that. I can agree with that. But can you tell me the reason?" Ying asked again.

"Hahaha. As we are going to open new lands, I thought we can have some extra cashes. Don't worry. This condition only be asked once. Next year, you only need pay half of the remaining price." Dante laughed as he scratched his head

"Hahaha. Good. Good. No wonder you are asking for extra money. How about I invest in your project?" Ying smiled as he asked.

"Of course No." Dante smiley splashed some cold water to Ying's ambition.

"... The third condition." Ying decided to ask for the third condition after the cold water dried.