
Glint Glint fruit

Luffy was asleep after eating a lot last night but unfortunately for him he died during his sleep leaving a emtpy shell for our Mc to take over.

Wake up he started looking around,

" Where am i? "He asked himself.

{ Friendship System booting up...0%...50%...100%

System booted up

Would you like to open beginner pack? }

" Friendship system? What in the fairty tail bullshit is this? " Luffy told himself.

" Alright then open the pack. "

{ Confirmed...

5 gacha tickets

Luffys wano arc clothes

Normal size boat }

' Atleast i have the drip but i won't use them right now. For the Gacha tickets though. ' A small crazy smile appeared on his face.

Our Mc was a lucky person back in his world, always winning the lottery always winning anything that had to do with luck even if you only needed a tiny bit of luck to win. But unfortunately or forntunately he got hit by a truck and died.

" I expect atleast 2 gold with my luck ! System use all 5 tickets. "

(A/N the grades are just gonna be C-B-A and S cuz i don't wanna give myself too much work.)

{ 10x Kunai C-Grade

20k berries C-Grade

Glint Glint fruit A-Grade

Body improvement pill- B Grade

Sasukes Kusanagi sword- A grade}

Just as expected he got 2 A grade things in this gacha machine,

" Glint Glint fruit? I have the Rubber fruit though no? That means i can't take it? "

{ You can take it, with the help of the system you are able to hold mutliple fruits. Besides, once you took over luffy his fruit disappeared from this world. You can still get it through the system gacha though. }

" How convenient. Well, i guess i don't have to follow cannon and do whatever i want. " A smile grew on Luffys face.

{ Mission- Gain Zoros friendship

Reward- 10 gacha tickets }

" That's not right. Maybe i just have to because of the friendship i don't have to follow cannon. " Luffy said to himself but oh how wrong he is. He doesn't know the author has no creativity.

" First i'll take the body improvement pill. According to chinese novels black gue will come out of me so i'll go to the bathroom first. " Like that luffy walked himself to the bathroom.

He stood naked on the tub as he swallowed the pill,

he didn't feel much besides a small bit of heat before a comfortable feeling took over but black gue indeed flowed out of him.

Ignoring the bad smell he took out the fruit next and ate it, just like in cannon it tasted like shit. How luffy could eat this without vomiting is a miracle.

Once he finished eating it he showered to get off the disgusting smell and gue off him. Once he finished he went outside and flew to island near where he was at. (A/N Also i forgot to mention he is in shells town when he was going to recruit zoro )

He got there in a few seconds showing off how fast this fruit really was, gaining a smile he decided to try out some of borsalinos moves.

Pointing his finger at a tree he sent out a light bullet making the tree explode, (A/N Yh ima change the names of the skills for convenience sake. )

Gaining motivation to train more he created a sword out of light and slashed at a tree cleanly cutting it leaving only a slight burn on it as half of the tree slid off.

" This is fun, no wonder he walked and acted like he was the shit. Kind of like Vegito when he turned super saiyan vs Buu and mainly fought with his legs. " Flying up a little he started kicking at the island throwing light bombs from his feet while having a massive smile on his face.

After a few hours he finally calmed down, once he finished he felt how he grew stronger with his fruit.

' I have to calm my cockiness or else im going to end up dying, let's go get Zoro ' Luffy thought as he left back to Shells town in a flash.

As he arrived the sun was up and everything was pretty lively as he walked around trying to find wherever luffy found Zoro. After a couple of minutes he finally found the place as he even had time to buy himself a bag of food.

Once he reached there Luffy saw Zoro just staring down at the food the little girl brought before.

" Yo, join my crew " Luffy said nonchalantly to which Zoro automatically got pissed.

" Huh? Why would i join you scum pirates? "Zoro asked.

" Scum huh? " Luffy flashed infront of Zoro surpsing him.

" Well, what is scum to you? Someone that kills? Someone that rapes? Someone that steals? Someone that sells people? Someone with slaves? Someone who doesn't take care of their underlings? Maybe someone who would kill his own family? " Luffy asked confusing Zoro a bit.

" All of them. " Zoro replied.

" Well, as a bounty hunter you've already killed. Meaning you've already stooped as low as someone like me. The only thing i'll do during my journey is kill. Ofcourse i won't kill innocents. I will only kill those who get in my way to become Pirate king. " Luffy explained.

" Pirate king huh? Nice dream. But I can't blindly trust your words. Help me escape and i'll atleast join you for a bit to see if i can trust you. " Zoro said.

" Fine, that's good enough. I'll be back. " Luffy said flashing inside.

Soon he found the yellow haired kid that took Zoros swords,

" Take me to your room. Or i'll kill you. " Luffy said pointing his light sword at his neck.

He quickly listened and took him to his room so Luffy grabbed the swords and flashed outside back infront of Zoro.

" My swords? " Zoro said confused.

" You better keep your promise. " Luffy quickly cut the ropes holding him.

" That's them dad! " Helmeppo yelled to morgan his dad.

" Here" Luffy ignored them and kept his back to them as he gave Zoro his swords.

Zoro put on his durag as he got ready for a fight as Luffy still stood there doing nothing which confused him. Instead he took out a cigarette and started smoking it.

" Looks like you look down on us. " Morgan said as he rushed at him.

Slashing down his axe-hand with full force,

right before he reached his neck Zoro quickly reacted and stopped it.

" With your strength i know you can dodge so why didn't you move? " Zoro asked.

" If you can't defeat someone like this, then your skills won't be needed. Consider it your trial. " Luffy said as he kept smoking his cigarette.

" Huh? Sounds like you're underestimating me. " Zoro said as he pushed him away.

" Think of it however you want. " Luffy said as he turned around to watch the fight.

(A/N Yep mc will only act like the normal luffy when he meets someone he already knows like Ace/Sabo/garp )

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