
Chapter 53

[Next day]

I woke up, and everyone was still sleeping.


I grabbed my head.

'They sure can drink.'

I was about to go to the bathroom to freshen up when I sensed dozens of people close to us.

'Aren't they marines? I should take care of them before they report back to base.'

I was about to grab my swords.

'Wait, why should I do that? Maybe they'll think that we're allies or something and be more scared to make a move on me.'


'I'm too smart for my own good.'

I went to the bathroom and freshened up. After that, I went to my cabin and put on a change of clothes.

I walked to the deck and kicked Mikita awake.

"Ouch, what was that for!"

"I'm hungry, so make me some food."

She pouted.

"You could have woken me up in a nicer way."

"Sure, I'll do that the next time."

We went to the kitchen, and she made me some breakfast. I started eating.

"You're cooking is so good, Mikita."

She smiled.

After a little bit, the rest of my crew also walked in.

"Good morning, guys."

"Good morning." x9

They all sat down.

"Where are Shanks and his crew?"

"They are still sleeping." said Deuce

"Deuce, go and invite them for breakfast."

"What!? I can barely make enough food for you guys."

The door suddenly opened, and Shanks and his crew came in.

"Did anyone say breakfast!?"

"Hahaha, you guys must be hungry. Come and have a seat."

"Thank you."

They all sat down. Our kitchen is really big, including our table, so they had no trouble finding a place to sit. Shanks and I were sitting opposite of each other.

"Ey Mikita, hurry it up."

"I can only do so much!"

"Yeah, you're right. Robin, go and help her."

She nodded and stood up.

"Does your body still hurt, Shanks?"

"Hahaha, I'm fine."

He scratched the back of his nose.

"It would be embarrassing if someone found out that our Captain got beaten up by rookies." said Yasopp

"Hahaha, well, you shouldn't underestimate us, rookies."

My Den Den Mushi suddenly went off.

I picked it up.


"Yo, Dorry? Are you okay?"

"You can't come here."

"Why, what happened?"

"They're going to send a Vice Admiral to capture you."

My crew tensed up.

"Do you know his name?"

"Uh, I think he is called Momonga."

'So it's that bastard. He must be out for my blood after I embarrassed and almost killed him."

"Where are you guys now?"

"We're on our ship at Water 7."

"Can you guys leave?"

"They've blocked up every exit. We could easily survive, but the ship will definitely be done for."

"Sigh. We'll be coming right away. If someone tries to fight you, don't hold back and eliminate them."

"Don't worry. We'll be here waiting for you."

"You better, because I was planning to go and pick up your crewmates after this."

"I'll kill any bastard that dares approach us!" screamed Brogy

"We'll be there in two days max, so wait for us."

"Yes, Captain!"

I hanged up the Den Den Mushi.


I stood up.

I looked at Shanks

"Unless you want to come with us, we'll have to say our goodbye's."

"We won't be able to come with you, but we'll wish you luck. Let's go, guys. We should leave them alone now."

"Yeah, you're right, Captain. Thank you for the food, guys. I had a blast hanging out with you guys." said Lucky Roux

"You guys are always welcome."

We all walked out of the kitchen, and they went back onto their ship.

"This is where we'll have to say our goodbye's." said Shanks.

"Till we meet again."

We started saying goodbye and all that shit. When they were about to leave, I grabbed a paper from my pocket and made it into a little ball. I threw it to Shanks, and he caught it.

"What is this?"

"That's my number. Call me if you want to hang out sometime."

He smiled.


"Yes, Captain."

Benn also took out a paper from his pocket. He threw it to me without making it into a ball.

'They're even better at throwing papers.'

I opened it and saw a number.

We said our last goodbye's and finally parted ways.

"Alright guys, go to Water 7 with full speed!"

"Yes, sir!" x10

[2 days later]

"Captain! I can see it!" screamed Robert.

We all walked to the front of the ship and saw a huge fountain looking island.

"Wow, it looks so beautiful." said Zala

"We don't have time to admire this place."

As Dorry said, this place is completely sealed off by the marines. But when we approached, they moved out of the way.

'Does he really think that numbers will help?'

"Laffitte, bring us to Dorry and Brogy."

"Yes, sir."

A couple of minutes later, we docked onto the island next to a massive ship. I immediately jumped onto that ship.

"KEN!" screamed Dorry and Brogy

They suddenly picked me up and hugged me. Luckily my body is strong, or I would have been squashed to death.

I smiled.

"It's nice to see you two again, but I'm kinda getting squashed."

"Sorry!" x2

They let me go, and I jumped onto Brogy's shoulder.

"Did something happen in these last two days?"

"The Vice Admiral is already here." said Dorry

"I see."

I motioned to the rest to come here.

They all jumped onto the ship.

"Let me first introduce the two crewmates I have been talking about. This guy here is Brogy."


"And this is Dorry."

"It's nice to meet all of you."

"We got five new crewmates since we've met last time. They are Robin, Mikita, Zala, Van Augur, and Urouge."

"It nice to meet you." x5

"Alright, now that the introductions are done, let's get to business. Laffitte, Robert, you guys know what to do."

They nodded and disappeared.

"And the rest of you can stay here."

"What!? But I want to explore this island." said Deuce

"You can go, but if something happens to you guys, I won't be responsible. I'm going to do some business, so you guys can do whatever you want."


I disappeared.

I took out a map from my pocket. I had Laffitte make me a detailed map of the island when he was last here.

I appeared at Dock One. This is where the Galley-La Company is.

I walked in through the open gate.

When I walked in, everyone stopped working.

"Don't mind me. I'm just looking for your boss."

A guy with brown and orange striped clothes with blue hair came walking towards me.

"My name is Iceburg. I'm the boss of this Company. What can I help you with?"

"I'm just looking for a shipwright. Laffitte told me that you're guys are the best of the best. The ships you guys build for me are also fantastic."

"I'm happy to hear that you're happy. But I can't force my workers to join you. How about this. I'll gather whoever wants to join you, and you can choose for yourself then."

"Thank you for helping me out."

He smiled.

"You're an important customer of ours, so we will always do our best to help you. I will now go and ask my workers."

I nodded, and he walked towards the workers.

A little bit later, he came back with two guys.

'Rob Lucci and Kaku. I wonder why those two want to join me.'

"These two are both extremely good at what they do. I'm sure that you'll be satisfied with either one."

"What about the rest?"

He had an awkward look on his face.

'He is probably afraid to anger me.'

I looked at the other guys.

"Ey, guys!"

They all looked my way.

"There are three beautiful single girls on my crew! Plus a lot of booze!"


They all appeared in front of me.

Iceburg had a shocked look on his face.

'How could all of you betray me like that! Is probably what he is thinking.'

I smiled.

"I had already made a choice before I came here."

"But this is the first time that you came here, right?" asked Iceburg

"Did you forget that Laffitte was here for quite some time?"

He seemed to understand.

Rob Lucci had a little cocky smile. He thought that I would 100% choose him.

I smiled.

I pointed at the person I wanted to recruit.


[Women and booze always work. Hahahahaha!"]

(Do you guys think that Ken will be able to win against Momonga?)

One Piece Quotes:

"Sometimes the only thing you have to doubt is your own common sense."

– Nico Robin

"Destiny. Fate. Dreams. These unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life, these things shall not vanish from the Earth."

– Gold D. Roger

"I couldn't confess my feelings for you, so I watched you from afar, being happy with someone else."

– Sanji

(Does anyone know who Sanji meant?)

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