
39. Kaido Vs. Zephyr continues. Ochoku occupying the Beehive Island.

│3rd Person POV│

[Grand Line, New World, G5 Marine Base…]

Observing the situation, Zephyr's expression changed as he growled out angrily, "Bastard!"

He didn't anticipate that Kaido would use such a big move right at the start, aiming for a quick victory.

The only option left to him was to defend the attack at any cost.

Disregarding other considerations, Zephyr promptly channeled his Armament Haki to envelop his right arm.

"Black Arm: Impact!"

With a resounding roar, Zephyr's jet-black arm moved decisively toward Kaido.

In the next moment, Zephyr's Black Arm clashed with Kaido's Hassaikai.

Bang—, bang—, bang—,…

Subsequently, continuous explosions filled the air as Zephyr and Kaido repeatedly clashed against each other with their battle intensity increasing to an unbelievable pace in just a few seconds.

"Come on, Kaido-sama!"

"Finish the Marine, Kaido-sama!"


"You can do it, Instructor Zephyr!"

"Teacher Zephyr, show them the power of the Marines!"


For a moment, countless cheers erupted from the Beasts Pirates and the Marines as they supported their respective fighters.

If Ron's previous battle with Iris was merely an appetizer, the current clash between Zephyr and Kaido was the main event, a pivotal moment determining the fate of the entire G5 base.

In such circumstances, both Marines and the Beasts Pirates hoped for the victory of their combatant.

On the contrary, the Whitebeard Pirates, who were the stars of the previous battle, were now just spectators in this momentous struggle.

As the battle unfolded, all the Division Commanders, Ace, and Ron watched with keen interest.


Suddenly, a voice rang out.

Following the sound, a member of the Whitebeard Pirates could be seen hastily approaching them.

Upon reaching Whitebeard, he knelt down on one knee and conveyed the news, "Something terrible happened. I just received information that Ochoku has invaded Beehive Island in our absence and has completely taken control of it.

"Our people reported that Ochoku claims the territory as his own, and announced that it was not under the jurisdiction of my Whitebeard Pirates from now on."

"What!? Beehive Island was taken away by Ochoku!!??"

Hearing this, everyone present was left stunned.

Subsequently, the expressions of Marco and others turned ugly, including Whitebeard, who had a grim expression on his face as he stated, "Ochoku, is it because I'm getting old that he even dares to challenge me now?

"To plunder an island belonging to my Whitebeard Pirate group, he truly is seeking his own demise."

Among the onlookers, Ron furrowed his brow slightly.

Beehive Island!

This wasn't an ordinary island.

It used to be the gathering place for the Rocks Pirates, and could even be considered as their headquarters in a sense.

After the defeat of Rocks Pirates, Whitebeard took control of the island. While it wasn't utilized as a main base, it held significant importance within the Whitebeard Pirates.

According to events of the Canon World, Beehive Island was indeed ruled by Ochoku for some time, and later, after Blackbeard defeated Ochoku during the Rocky Port Incident, the island became the headquarters of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Initially, Ron believed Ochoku seized control over the island after Whitebeard's death.

However, the recent report indicated that Ochoku had acted even before the Summit War.

But based on the original account, Whitebeard might not have reclaimed it; otherwise, the future events wouldn't have unfolded as they did.

So, what occurred that compelled Whitebeard to decide to not take back the Beehive Island in the Canon World?

'No, no! That's not right!'

Suddenly, Ron shook his head and discarded the train of thought.

A new conjecture began to take shape in his mind, 'Maybe I am the reason this happened now. Some kind of Butterfly Effect.

'Maybe, due to my absence in the Canon World, the Whitebeard Pirates probably didn't participate in this incident.

'In such a scenario, the Whitebeard Pirates' main combatant would have been present in their territory prompting Ochoku to take control over the Beehive Island after Whitebeard's death.

'Or the Beasts Pirates might not have been successful in destroying the G5 Base, allowing the Marines to proceed with their original plans and complete the establishment of the G6 Base.

'Then the Marines would have undoubtedly dispatched powerful figures to oversee it.

'Faced with such a situation, the Whitebeard Pirates may have decided to not pay attention to the matters of Beehive Island so as to not let the Marines take advantage of them.

'This may have led to Ochoku not facing any retaliation from the Whitebeard Pirates.

'But things are different now. The Whitebeard Pirates are embroiled in this situation, significantly increasing the likelihood of the Beasts Pirates destroying the G5 base.

'Without the threat of the Marines, the Whitebeard Pirates would undoubtedly launch a large-scale attack to reclaim Beehive Island. The conflict with Ochoku was inevitable.

'Well, all of this is just speculation from me. Who knows what really happened in the Canon World.'

"Dad, let's go back."

"Pops, let's return and eliminate that Ochoku."

"Yes. Pops! Beehive Island is the territory of the Whitebeard Pirates, we cannot allow Ochoku to seize it like this."


At this moment, the Division Commanders voiced their opinions one after another.

Unsurprisingly, they all expressed the desire to go back to reclaim Beehive Island.

"There's no need to hurry!"

However, Whitebeard calmed them down.

Seemingly recalling something, he took a deep breath and said, "We'll address Ochoku later, dealing with him is inevitable.

"But under the current circumstances, it's not that simple. This place needs to be destroyed quickly to thwart the expansion plans of the Marines and eliminate the possibility of establishing a G6 base.

"Only then can we engage Ochoku in warfare, possibly even annihilate him, without also worrying about the Marines interfering in our matters.

Hearing this, Marco and others immediately nodded.

As Whitebeard suggested, this matter couldn't be rushed or approached impatiently.

After a moment of contemplation, Marco said, "Pops, should we start taking action now?

"Since we're set on destroying this place, maybe we should speed up the process. Otherwise, if the Marines' reinforcements arrive by then-"

"No need to take action ourselves."

Smiling nonchalantly, Whitebeard was confident of their victory as he remarked, "Leave the matters here to Kaido. We won't destroy this place ourselves.

"The Marines' reinforcements can lend their aid to stall the Beasts Pirates in completing their objective. However, If no reinforcements reach here, Zephyr and others won't be able to contend with Kaido."

After stating this, Whitebeard contemplated something for a moment. He looked at the ongoing battle before continuing, "Marco, go talk to King.

"Tell him that the Whitebeard Pirates will help the Beasts Pirates block the Marines' reinforcements, but we're not obliged to do more."

"Alright, Pops!"

Hearing this, Marco nodded. He turned around without hesitation and headed towards the area where the three All-Stars of the Beasts Pirates were situated.

'Smart move! With this, Whitebeard kills multiple birds with one stone.'

Observing this, Ron couldn't help but feel impressed.

If they help the Beasts Pirates now, the Whitebeard Pirates would surely gain a lot of benefits.

Without the Marines' reinforcement interference, Kaido would undoubtedly dismantle the Marine Base, causing the G5 Base to fall, rendering the G6 construction impossible!

The Whitebeard Pirates could then address the situation with Ochoku when the time came without any worry.


A/N: Good news, my dear friends. I've been released by my kidnapper. I am safely back in my home.

I don't know why I was released so suddenly but I am not gonna look a gift horse in the mouth.

Let's put that unpleasant encounter behind us. You guys don't stop giving this FF Power Stones, alright?

Also, Post a Review if you liked the translation quality or if you have some constructive criticism for me.


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