
One Piece: Anything is Possible!

Ja who died of an airplane cash wakes up in a endless void as he's giving 4 wishes. Read as he enters into a more dangerous world of One Piece and finds out that Anything is Possible! - mc has appearance of Kenpachi Zaraki by the way

SteaIth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


Three days had passed, Eraser and Kuzan were in a room with four concrete walls and a metallic door.


Garp pulled the door removing it then entering it with Bullet behind him.

"So have you decided your path yet..? Will you join the Marines or will you let me expose your DNA to the World Government..?"

Garp said with a devilish smile which did not seem nothing like him like in the anime or manga


'Hahahahahaha to think one fucking wish would make a difference!'

Eraser thought in his mind bringing out a crazy smile on his young face, making Kuzan give him a questioning look.

Though he was a 9 year old, he had mentally been trained by Eraser making him understand the world much better, you could say that he had the mind of a 19 year old despite being 9 years old.

"You want me to become a Marine?" Eraser questioned Garp as he broke out of the chains using physical strength. Kuzan noticing this did the same as well.

"First of all, how the hell are you going to enroll me into the Marines, We're 9 years old."

As soon as Eraser said that Garp and Eraser both had their Jaw dropped on to the ground. When Eraser saw them lose their focuse he found the opportunity to use his lightning and teleport him and Kuzan at the other side of the destroyed island.


"Where do you think you're going brat?"

Garp appeared behind Eraser and one shotted both of them on the ground knocking them out.


Back at the cell, Eraser and Kuzan were both chained across the floor with multiple sea prison stone chains in a Doflamingo pose.

"Listen brat, what I say is what I say, you feel me?! You are joining the Marines, and there's nothing you can do about it!"


Garp punched Eraser's head with a coated fist, not enough to make him get knocked out but enough for him for him to feel the pain for a while.

'Sigh how did it come to this, how the hell does Garp know about my DNA, was his connection with xebec deeper than that to know about me, or is it the fact that my hairstyle gives off vibes like him, Why did Garp give me that devilish smile is he evil here? Also why the hell is any of this happening to me is this happening to me because God made it way too interesting or someone's messing with my path to power?'

Eraser was questioning al of this in his head as he was confused as to why this was all happening to him. Garp then bent down and started whispering into Eraser's ear.

"Sigh.... I don't care if you're 9 years old or not, but you're related to Xebec and I can't have you become a pirate. Killing you would be meaningless because if we have you in the Marines there won't be any more troubles happening to the world. Nine World Government ships are heading here to investigate what happened, they will reach here by tomorrow."

Eraser then understood why Garp was acting the way he was, as he didn't want the Marines to face a threat as great like xebec again, he then started to wonder why he never treated Luffy this way. Garp then tore of the sea prison stone off both Eraser and Kuzan as Bullet picked them both up.


[Name: Monkey D. Garp]

[Talent Reached/Prime: 12/12]

[Name: Douglas Bullet]

[Talent: 11.8/12]

As they headed outside, Garp launched into the sea as he picked up Thor by his hair, yanked it back and forth as he instantly woke up.

"You will become a marine too!"

"What are you ta-


Garp one shotted him with his Fist of Love. He then started to pull Thor by his hair as he was pulling him through the sea with his Strength.

"Bullet make a metal plate big enough for this giant to float on!"

Garp ordered bullet as he used his submarine that had been broken into pieces to make a metal plate durable and big enough for Thor to float on. When Bullet finished making the metal plate, Garp's iconic Warship shown in the manga appeared out of the sea with a bubble coated on it.

Eraser then scanned the entire ship with his observation haki.

It had a lot of marine soldiers on it atleast 200-300. The ship was also way bigger than the one in canon, atleast on the size of whitebeard's ship. It also had two iconic figures in one piece who weren't Marines in the anime.

They were Crocodile who looked like he was a temporary chore-boy at the moment, he looked like he was at the age of 7 or 8. The other iconic figure in the anime was Katakuri who looked like he was 9 at the moment and a temporary chore-boy.

The most iconic thing about the ship was that it had the word G-5 printed on the sails.

'What the fuck?! Katakuri is a marine, don't tell me Big Mom is a freaking Marine too...? Nah I doubt that with her personality it would be impossible for that to be true....well with Douglas Bullet being a marine I guess anything is possible...I can't even imagine who is a pirate considering the Marines have more powerful people...'

As Eraser was having a mental breakdown on how weird this world was and how hard it would to conquer it, other weird things were happening on the outside.

As soon as the Marines onboard spotted Garp moon walking towards them they all got on deck as they got into a line-up formation. This wasn't like the G-5 in the original, it was basically a correctional center for Marines to start behaving which most G-5 barely even did due to Garp leading them.

"Hello Admiral Garp and Rear Admiral Bullet!!"

(A/N, Admirals only have to follow Celestial Dragons sometimes, like they get the option to go or send vice admirals to fill in for their position instead)

The marine soldiers yelled as they saluted Garp, and just broke their formation and started walking away as soon as they greeted him.

Garp then took both Kuzan and Eraser to his cabin as he shut the door behind them.

"This here is what you will wear until you're enrolled into the Marine Academy." Garp said as he pointed to a marine clothing with green pants with black boots, a normal marine white shirt, and a green marine cap. Eraser and Kuzan then picked it up.

They both began to change as when they got naked Garp stood up and started inspecting them. He then looked down there and said "So you really are nine huh." ( A/N I'm just playing 😂)

"What's your name?" Garp asked both of them.

"Er- no it's Kenpachi." Eraser said as he stuttered on what his name would be, he didn't want something like what happened to Ace to happen to him. (A/N Eraser will still go as Eraser at some point in this fic, so don't be sad.)

"Aokiji" Aokiji said with bored eyes it seemed that he was about to sleep anytime soon even though he had eaten that mythical Zoan fruit, it didn't affect his will and his personality that much, Eraser on the other hand when every year passed the fruit influenced his will, that he started talking about becoming stronger than the strongest creature, or anything to ever exist.

"What is your Devil fruit?"

"Lightning Lightning Fruit, a Logia."

"Bird Bird Fruit Model: Ice Pheasant, it's a mythical zoan."

"Now I kinda wished I had made you pirates so I could fight you." Garp said as he began picking his nose making both Eraser and Kuzan sweatdrop.

As they both finished dressing in the uniforms they were led outside by Garp.

"You over there lead them to the room where the rest of them are being held, also give them a broom."

Garp pointed at a random marine who led both Eraser and Kuzan towards the room.

Whiles they were being led to the room, Eraser sensed with observation haki that that's where Katakuri and Crocodile were at. The random marine led them to the room as he handed them both a mop, a bucket, and a broomstick.

"When it turns dark you will both be released onto the deck and then clean the ship until dawn, don't even try escaping because Vice Admiral Bullet will come after you." stated the Marine with huge pride he didnt even try to cover up.














(A/N my bad, the next chapter will be much more better than this one.)

(New!) Name: Rocks D. Eraser (Goes as 'Kenpachi')

Age: 9 years

(New!) Height: 6'6 (Grew in battle)

Bloodline: D.


(New!) Strength: 75 - 2 Tier Rear Admiral

(New!) Intelligence: 73

(New!) Stamina/Endurance: Unlimited/Unlocked

DF: Strength Pillar/ Lightning Fruit, Muscle Fruit.

(A/N removed bloodline points.)



7% Zenkai Boost

(New!) Conquerors Haki (Low Advanced Lvl:80/100)

(New!) Armament Haki ( Low Advanced Lvl: 69/100)

Advanced Observation Haki (Maxed out - Mantra)

6 Navy Styles (High Intermediate Lvl: 45/50)

Clothes Creation (Maxed out)

Transformation Jutsu (Maxed out - Unlimited Stamina)

Talent Observation

Voice of All Things (Begginer Level:1/10)



Oil Oil Fruit. Bird Bird Fruit model: bald eagle. Lit Lit Fruit. Plastic Plastic Fruit. Meat Meat Fruit. Paper Paper Fruit. Bubble Bubble Fruit.

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