
Chapter 6

In the year 1520,

"Mom." Ikari looked at his mother. "We will set sail today. Once I finished my goal and sailed around the world. I'll come back here and bring you to Wano Kuni."

Uzuki Sakura held back the tears forming in her eyes and embraced her son. "Be careful. Never let your guard down. And remember to come home..." she ruffled his hair one last time. "Now, go!"

Ikari smiled at her and walked with his friends. Law bowed his head to Sakura. "Thank you for taking care of us this whole time! We'll help Ikari and be by his side always."

Bepo ran and hugged his sensei. "Sensei! Thank you for taking me in..." he bawled his eyes out. Shachi and Penguin also bowed and thanked her.

"You're like my sons!" she patted Bepo's shoulder. "You're much taller than me now. Go!"

Ikari and the others waved their hands goodbye as they sobbed and wiped their tears.

They soon arrived at the port of Swallow Island. Ikari grinned at the prey in front of his eyes. "Guys. There is our ship!" he pointed toward a two-mainmast galleon that had a voodoo motif. "It's our loot now..."

Law smiled as he stretched his arm with his open fingers upward. "Room! Shambles!" he exchanged their positions with the men aboard the ship.

They were surrounded by the remaining pirates that slacked around with the ship. "What are you brats doing here!?" yelled a pirate which resulted in the other pirates noticing them. "Do you not recognize whose ship this is?"

"Who cares?" Shachi said nonchalantly.

"This is Hawkins-sama's ship!" the leading pirate announced. "He's a fifty million belly pirate! Now, scram!"

"Fifteen scums." Ikari counted. "We'll be doing fifteen days' worth of good deeds, lads."

Shachi and Penguin grinned as they unsheathed their katanas. "Aye! Captain!" they answered.

Bepo prepared with his electro-martial art. "Electro Art!" his footsteps unheard as he faced the nearest pirate. "Lightning Fist!" a char of black was left on the man's chest.

"You manned up, Bepo!" Ikari grinned. "Now, you're even initiating the fight."

Bepo looked back. "It's either them or me lying on the deck." he turned his gaze back on the pirate drawing near him.

Law swung his sword horizontally and sliced a pirate in half. "Don't cut the ship, Law!" warned Ikari. "You bet!" Law answered back.

Ikari coated his Rain Moon Kitetsu with hardened haki. "Absolute Zero Sword Technique," his body and katana conveyed an icy aura. "First Tempo, Arctic Collision!"

An icy laceration developed on two pirates' chests on his left. "Four down, eleven to go!" Ikari, Shachi, Penguin, Bepo, and Law started to neutralize the remaining scums.

Shachi and Penguin developed a kind of twin fighting style with their backs on each other.

Bepo merged his electro-martial art with his sword technique. While Law improved his devil fruit ability and kept up with his sword training and haki training.

Ikari, after six years of cultivating his way of the sword finally, has his sword style. Each extreme absolutes of the spectrum of temperature, and he trained and reached a suitable technique.

After cleaning up the pirates aboard their new ship. They tossed them to the sea. "Shachi and Penguin turn the rudder 45 degrees portside. Law and Bepo catch the wind from the starboard," he ordered as he swiveled the helm.

"What's our course, Bepo?" he asked from the cockpit.

Bepo took out his map and glanced at it. "An island can be found after two days of sailing from swallow island."

"We should change the jolly roger of this ship and the god-awful voodoo in the bow of the ship," Penguin said as they came out of the anchor room. "What will be our flag?" he asked excitedly.

Ikari scratched his head. "It can be a crescent moon instead of the straw face. We can replace the grey nails with two katanas crossing upwards on each other. Erase the white cross in the middle. It should look like a crescent moon! Not sun, there were already the sun pirates."

"It's okay." Law sat down on the deck. "Fisher Tiger is already dead."

Ikari frowned. "We respect the dead. Especially, him. He has my full respect, rescuing the slaves from the bastards at Mary Geiose."

Law nodded. "Room!" the ship was enveloped by the dome. "Radio Knife!" he sliced the sails and the colored sail.

"Shachi and Penguin can draw our jolly roger and replace it." Ikari went inside the cabin.

"Aye, Captain!" they both smirked and brought the paint found in the storage of the ship. "Let's split. You erase the other sail. Bepo! help us with the other sail."

"You don't order me around!" Bepo reluctantly got the brush filled with black paint. "I joined earlier than you!"

"Shaddap!" Shachi stroked the brush on the sail. "I also don't want you to order us around. We're much older than you!"

Penguin nodded. "Sensei said that you should respect your elders!" he added.

Bepo had a tick mark on his forehead. "Don't bring your age into the topic! I'm much older than you in terms of seniority in the crew!"

"You're the one who brought the age here!" Shachi complained.

"That's enough!" Law interrupted and they all shut their mouths. "Just do the damn job. In Ikari's mind, age doesn't matter."

"Hey! Why would you just sit there!" Shachi pointed his brush. "Get your ass here and help us!" to which Law turned deaf to his complaints.

Meanwhile, Ikari scanned the cabin, bathroom, storage room, and kitchen. "It's pretty good... Ha ha! I should have left a note." he rubbed the back of his head.

Ikari went inside his room. "The captain's room is big enough." he nodded as he took out the clothes in the wardrobe and replaced it with his. "Law!" he shouted.

A few moments later, Law arrived in his room. "What's wrong?"

Ikari tapped the grey box. "It's a safe box. There should be treasure inside. Scan it with your ability."

Law nodded. "Room! Scan! ... There is a thing inside." he tilted his head. "My guess would be a devil fruit... Amputate!"

The container unlocked and a devil fruit lay inside. Ikari searched the desk and bookshelves. He found a devil fruit encyclopedia. "He should be on the island looking for someone to trade... Ha Ha! Bad luck for him, good luck to us." he smirked maniacally.

Law browsed the encyclopedia and found the fruit. It was a black pineapple with swirls on it. "It is called Force Force Fruit. It can allow the user to manipulate and control the weight or mass of an object or the user." he read the data in the book.

"Who should eat the fruit? We already have ours..." asked Ikari.

Law shrugged his shoulders and tossed the fruit to him. "You're the captain. And it's your loot, you should decide who gets to eat it."

'Bepo can eat this but he already has his electro-martial art. Shachi and Penguin... I should let them decide for themselves.' he inwardly thought.

Ikari and Law went back to the deck. They noticed that the two mainsails have been replaced with their jolly roger. "Moon Pirates." he read the words on top of the sail.

"Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin," Ikari called out to the three men resting on the railing. "In my hand is a devil fruit."

He saw that their eyes were focused on the fruit in his hand. "Paramecia devil fruit. It is called force-force fruit. This allows the user to control his weight, items, or someone's weight... So who wants to eat this?" he asked them.

Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin gazed at each other. "I still like to swim," said Bepo. Ikari looked at the other two.

Shachi and Penguin stepped back and whispered with each other. Then, they decided through rock, paper, and scissors for three rounds. A few minutes later, Penguin lowered his head in defeat as Shachi raised his hands.

"Looks like the fruit will be eaten by Shachi." Ikari laughed at them. "Here. Take a bite," his eyes turned into a quarter moon and chuckled evilly.

Shachi quickly took a huge bite and swallowed it. "Guh! ... It tastes like shit!" he glared at Ikari who only whistled. "And you knew it would taste like shit!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." he shrugged. "Mine tasted sweet though..."

"Liar!" Law shouted. "It tasted like shit."

"Like you know any better! You swallowed the whole fruit without chewing it!" Ikari defended.

Law scowled, he remembered almost choking on the fruit. 'I wonder what happened to Cora-san...'

The Moon Pirates let the wind and waves lead them away. Two days later, they arrived near the shore of the island. "What was this island called again?" Ikari asked Bepo.

"Um... It's called Swamp Island. There is a town on the island, most of the residents refer to it as Willow Town." answered Bepo.

Ikari turned the wheel to the left and docked away from the port. "Shachi let the anchor go. Fold the sails!" he hopped down toward the shore.

Bepo, Law, Shachi, and Penguin followed closely. "Did you familiarize yourself with the devil fruit?" asked Law to Sachi.

Shachi demonstrated his powers, he picked up a stone and threw it into the tree. It pierced the thick tree but the stone was pulverized as a result. "I need to have cannonballs and practice my aim and accuracy."

"Do you need to touch something or someone for it to work?" Ikari asked.

Shachi nodded. "I tried changing Penguin's weight without touching him but did not work."

"Did you attempt to use a stick or your sword and touch the person and change their weight?" Law shared his idea.

Shachi's eyes lit up. "We should try. Come here. Penguin!"

Shachi poked Penguin with his sword and initiated his devil fruit ability. "Gravity Bind!" Penguin kneeled as his legs can't support his weight.

Ikari noticed something odd. "When you tried changing Penguin's weight, were you meters away from him?"

Shachi recalled and nodded. "Yeah, we were five meters away... Oh! So it was the distance."

"Yes. It wasn't about the sword touching him. Your area of effect is just short." Ikari imparted what he thought. "Your sword's reach is your limit. Train it well... Can you fly around?"

Shachi shook his head. "I can only make stuff heavier. I can't make it lighter."

"What a pity. I thought you could make our ship fly."

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