
One & Only

Hiro is a 19-year-old college student. He and Robin have been dating since they were 16 years old in 2025. Prior to Robin going away to college, they had a happy relationship. During one of the holidays he takes part in every year, Hiro traveled to his parents' home. During his visit, he tried to figure out what had been happening between him and Robin. While they've been together for a long time, they've lost touch ever since Robin started college. Despite their efforts to improve their relationship, they face many challenges. In the end, will they be able to make everything ok again, or is it too late? (I'll try to post every 1st, 10th, and 22nd of the month, but there is no set schedule (Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I make, English isn't my first language)

Robin_man · Politique et sciences sociales
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

Hiro walked out of the house. It was later than he expected. He checked his phone for the time.

Wow, it's 1:30 am. I should call an Uber to be safe.

He called the Uber, it was said to arrive in 5 minutes.

"Hey, you!" Some random person yelled. "It's too late for someone like you to be outside! Why don't you come insi- WAIT! YOU'RE HIRO AREN'T YOU?!?!" They sounded mad. No, more like angry, like Hiro did something to them.

Did I do something to them? Do I know them? I can't see them.

"Uh, hello?!? Who are you?"

"What do you mean, who am I?! Has he not told you about me? Damn that idiot. I'm Omar, listen, we need to talk."

Omar… WAIT OMAR!?! Omg no, I need to get out of here! I remember Robin told me never to get near him! Oh, shit!

Honk honk. There was a car that pulled up to Hiro. He suddenly remembered that he ordered an Uber. He looked at the license plate and it matched.

"What's my name!"

"Uh… Hiro?"

"Get me out of here now!" He exclaimed while getting into the vehicle in a hurry. "Please hurry"

"Uh, ok!" the driver hurried off.

"DAMNIT, GET BACK HERE!" Omar yelled at the driver.

"Thank you so fucking much! I owe you! He was my boyfriend's toxic friend, and he warned me not to get near him."

"Oh, no problem! I'm glad that I was able to help you."

Hiro went on his phone to text robin.



Please answer me.


What's the matter?

Be careful!

I just ran into that

Omar person.

I was able to get out

in time, but he was going

to your house.

Are you ok?!?

Yes I am but I'm worried

about you!

I'll be fine! But I'm glad

You're ok.

Hiro sighed in relief. Thank god I'm ok. I hope Robin will be ok though. They arrived at Hiro's house, and Hiro got out of the car.

"Thank you again, I mean it."

"Yeah, no problem!"

Hiro then walked into the house. Locked all the doors. He then went to his parents and told them he was ok. He then got ready to go to bed and slept.

Thank god the driver got there in time!

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