
One & Only

Hiro is a 19-year-old college student. He and Robin have been dating since they were 16 years old in 2025. Prior to Robin going away to college, they had a happy relationship. During one of the holidays he takes part in every year, Hiro traveled to his parents' home. During his visit, he tried to figure out what had been happening between him and Robin. While they've been together for a long time, they've lost touch ever since Robin started college. Despite their efforts to improve their relationship, they face many challenges. In the end, will they be able to make everything ok again, or is it too late? (I'll try to post every 1st, 10th, and 22nd of the month, but there is no set schedule (Also sorry for any spelling mistakes I make, English isn't my first language)

Robin_man · Politique et sciences sociales
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26 Chs

Chapter 5

"Hey, Hiro. How are you…?" Robin said nervously.

"I'm doing good… You?"

"I'm good. Hey, can we talk somewhere?"

"Uh… yeah sure"

They both started to walk to Robin's place. Even though Robin was studying out of the country, he still had an apartment here, so he wouldn't have to stay with his parents. The apartment looked exactly the same as before he moved out because no one was staying there every once in a while. His parents went to his house to water his plants, but that was all. Robin and Hiro walked into the apartment and sat down on the couch.

"You want water?" Robin asked.

"Yes please"

Robin went into the kitchen and got water for both of them.

"So… listen, I'm really sorry that I ghosted you. I didn't mean to."

"What do you mean, you didn't mean to?"

"Well… I had this friend. He was actually a really bad friend. But he kept on stealing my phone whenever I was texting you. He got really jealous and kept on trying to do.. stuff with me"

"He tried to do what?!?!"

"I declined every time! Don't worry! He would never listen to me, though. One time I got so mad that I snapped. I told him that I already had a boyfriend… and that."

"Spill it out, Robin. I don't want to get the wrong idea and end up being pissed at you for no good reason."

"That I was planning on marrying you one day… Even if we didn't talk that much in the time that I was gone, I still really love you and I want to be with you forever! But I don't think we have that good of a connection anymore that I didn't want to bring it up, but I had to bring it up so you could understand my intentions"

"You what?!?!"

Oh?? He what?!?

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