
One of Many (DXD Fanfic)

This is going to be a different DXD Fanfic of what is usually found here on this Site/App. The DXDverse has so much potential to be had and I decided to try my luck with it. I am going to take this a little slower than some people might like, but I like to really build a strong foundation to expand later on. I also want to make every character more realistic and interesting than just big boob thots and skinny cosplaying edgelords. :) /\ Due to this it's going to take a while to arrive on canon plot. I want a very solid background foundation. General Story: MC get's transmigrated into DXDverse with a few hidden powers (nothing op but with a lot of potential). MC will stay human and become powerful with influence and intelligence use of his time. MC will be semi present at canon beginning and all that, but also active in the more unexplored potential story that makes everything more interesting. Chapters will be between 1500-2500 words long (prologue is a little shorter) I don't have a set upload schedule but that may change in the future. PS: Also this Synopsis will change after getting the story going.

Froschmann · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs


The land of freedom. The name might be misleading, but in a certain sense it's true. Although the times of freedom are ending. It's lucky he even made it this early. It's the golden 80s and Finn has been in the streets of Los Angeles California for a few days already. Why exactly here, he didn't know, but he didn't complain that much.

The weather was warm and promising to stay that way for a few months. It was important considering that he didn't really have anywhere to sleep. The last few nights had been uncomfortable for sure. Park benches weren't really that good for your back.

Sitting up and stretching himself a little, Finn looked out onto the morning beach, the sun rose behind him, streaks of sunlight tickling and warming up his neck. He was feeling good today, something rare for him and considering his situation a little unusual maybe.

He sat there for a moment, looking at the already bustling promenade, people of all ethics and style. People watching has never been greater. Germany wasn't really a place for a sight like this so he was cherishing it. 'He was alive'. And he had plans and goals to achieve.

The most important but not first of them all was learning to wield magic. Something incredible to be had and with unlimited possibilities something very important to be had in his repertoire. The only issue was that he didn't know where to start. For him everything looked normal and how it should be. But he knew that there were supernatural threats of incomprehensible scale hidden from the mundane.

It was for him to find out which, and what to do with those. He needed a lot of preparations to explore everything this live had to offer and he wasn't about to give up because of the promised danger. No. A Chance like this was an incredible boon and everything he ever dreamed about. Something to finally proof himself and achieve whatever he wanted to.

Finn smiled, staring into the air, the passing people probably thinking he was on drugs or something. Not an uncommon occurrence around here and it's cause the next step of opportunity. He needed money, a lot of it. He wouldn't shy away from doing anything illegal, he just needed to be smart about it.

He stood up, shouldering his small backpack. His belongings right now were few, only another change of clothes and currently five bucks. And his cap, which he wore on his head. He liked caps.

Getting a normal job was out of the question right now. Nobody would hire a homeless person and investing into something with his future knowledge needed great amounts of money in the first place. Stealing money would also be very risky and he wouldn't waste his chance like that. He wasn't sure what happened if he wasted his second chance just like that.

Something that came to his mind was maybe trafficking certain substances across state and country borders. If he played it right he could make big money in a short time and get some connections that would proof it's worth later on. He just had to make sure he played it right. He probably even needed a car, maybe not. He had a license already so there was no problem on that part.


It was easier than he expected, surprisingly so. It seems back in the 80s people would trust you easier when showing confidence and good character. He had gotten a deal to drive to Florida and back. It would be an easy 7k for a weeks worth of time if he took it easy.

The crack cocaine epidemic founded by the CIA in the 80s to launder money really made a big impact. Latin America and specifically Colombia had massive export potential and would reach it's heights soon. Good for him, a shame for all the poor souls getting addicted and their lives ruined. It would happen anyway, he just needed to be the first grabbing the spots to make money. He could even enter the big game if he was good enough in a few years.

He was currently driving in a Chevrolet cavalier, dressed in a very cheap office worker attire, from the outside he looked just like your average company employee. He was also white so there was almost no way he was getting stopped anytime soon. He couldn't be safer, he didn't wann risk it too much.

He enjoyed the foreign american landscape, but also knew he was going to get tired of it soon. It was going to be a long drive and he didn't really look forward to it. *sight* At least the radio was good with all the good classics. It helped making it all less monotonous.


It was evening of the third day je arrived at the right address. Finding his way was harder with the old maps from the glove box. He was too used to google maps, luckily he remembered to use maps from his teen years. It made it easier, but with everything being foreign still an arduous task.

Finn looked outside the rolled down window, two guys looking back at him leaning against the wall next to the entrance. After checking each other out he took the initiative. "Yo, I'm looking for Luis." Silence. Was he at the wrong address, he was pretty sure it's the right one but he could be wrong.

"Who asks? Not just anyone can go and see Luis" The bigger one of the two said and walked towards his car. Putting his hand on the roof and leaning down, he could smell the strong smell of aftershave and food on him. A big golden cuban chain dangling down his neck. His white undershirt unable to hide his hairy chest. He was at the right place.

Chuckling he answered and offered his hand for a handshake. "The courier asks. Good to meet you, Been a struggle finding my way here." Apparently that was the right answer and the man smiled shaking his hand. "Martez. Luis is right inside, you came at the right time for dinner too." That was good. He was getting pretty hungry after slowly driving past food stalls the past hours and not having eaten anything all day.

They accompanied him inside into a big lounge area, various men and woman chatting animatedly, music playing in the background. These people had character, one of them having just taken a line. Looked friendly too.

Luis was in the back room connected to the kitchen, arguing with a woman currently cooking in spanish. Him arriving made the woman have the last word in the argument, Luis attention was now taken by him. Martez briefly talked to him in spanish while Luis signed him to take a seat. He did, the atmosphere around here was warm. The music coming from the radio actually being really nice.

"Friend you arrived, Martez said you're the courier?" He sounded friendly enough. Luis was a big guy, not in the height department. His shirt being even more sweaty, chain bigger and chest hair more bountiful than Martez's. "Exactly, It's my first time being in the area so I had trouble finding my way."

Luis was understanding, unlike what the surrounding "gangster" picture might suggest. Apparently he had trouble with Finn's predecessor. He was just happy for him to be someone else and having an open mind. There were some people that didn't really like the cubans around here so he was a friend now.

They had a great talk about the current political situation and general outlook for immigrants in america. The Vietnam war had ended only a few years earlier and many people were top tier racists. Finn knew it had been a problem in america, especially in the more modern times, but he was still surprised hearing it all first hand made him feel sympathy towards them.

Luis was very surprised about his Intelligence and political foresight about the next years and other things. He was very interested what he had to say about the internet that was just created and how much he knew about technology. He was a little skeptical about what Finn said the world would eventually evolve into and what opportunities the future possessed.

Without them knowing they almost talked for an entire hour. Luis wife was the one that cooked for everyone and he was very much invited. The food tasted heavenly and he had to respect the cuban housewife. The atmosphere was also very familiar, everyone was laughing and eating happily. He truly felt to be in good company since a long time.

In the evening, they watched a boxing match together in the lounge room. Over twenty people filled the room pretty quickly, the neighbors and friends were apparently all invited. It was a match with Jose Ramirez against Edwin Rosario competing for the lightweight title. Most were rooting for Edwin with him being puerto ricon for some reason.

He took the chance and bet against the odds for Edwin also with a guy that was trying to convince everyone otherwise. In the end Edwin won with points in the 12th round. A little anticlimactic but 500 dollars entered his pockets.

He was offered to sleep on the couch for the night. They had lots of fun that night and he had become good friends with most. It was just something about him. He always had the talent to easily make friends. It was early morning and everyone went to their own homes, with him having to share the room with two other guys that had too much to drink and were good friends with Luis. It wasn't a problem at all.

He was awoken with the smell of morning coffee and the smell of freshly toasted toast. The kitchen was already bustling and the breakfast at the dinner table went good. All good times had it's end however and after talking some more the conversation switched to business. Luis had a whole shipment of cocaine for him to drive back to California.

A few guys helped to pack everything into his car and disguise it with blankets, not the best cover but not being stopped in the first place was preferable anyways. Luis shoved an extra stack of bills into his pocket to promise to come back sometime and buy some better clothes and a nice chain.

After a pleasant goodbye with everyone while driving out the street and waving a few guys while driving, he mentally prepared himself for the long drive again.