
Once Upon A Royalty

Princess Rosaline of Dalotopia I messed with the wrong man. He was once weak and sweet but I broke him and made my Monster. My living dream and nightmare, my day and night. Sir Callum (Axel) of Donahalla. You messed with the wrong man princess. I was once weak but I you made me stronger. She was once my star but now she is my moon and I'll break it. ๑๑๑๑ When the king is murdered in his chambers, Rosalina sets it upon herself to find who the murderer is, she is to become an investigator before all hell breaks loose and she is sent away from her home to meet a new fate. Will she find the killer? Who is he? What does her fate have to do with her past? She has to untie the knot and figure out things in the presence of betrayers. _______ I don't know when I'll start this book but I am excited to since I have alot in my mind already.

AlesHa14 · Fantaisie
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13 Chs

Deal or B̶l̶a̶c̶k̶m̶a̶i̶l̶

"Where were you on the night of the murder of King Kaden Hazelwood, your father?" the investigator, Charleston, asks.

I have no reason to be worried and I am not worried, my expression neutral I reply,

"I was in my room when I heard, Chance scream due to his night terrors so I went to see him and helped him like usual then he told me to go check on dad and then I found him on the floor"

"You found him?"

"No the guard did" Charleston nods then scribbles something on his notebook.

"Is there anything you would like to inform me about his murder, extra information or anybody you suspect"

"No, I believe in your abilities" I reply and finally he gestures for me to walk out. The hallway is connected to my brother's office so I decide to say hi since it has been long since I last talked with him.

The closer I walk the more I hear voices from inside.

"They are going to attack soon and am not really sure you can help us out, you posses no power compared to His Late Majesty" Lloyd speaks.

Will sighs in defeat, Lloyd continues,

"Your Majesty forgive me for this suggestion, what about Princess Rosaline, isn't she-"

"Absolutely not Lloyd!" I jump back surprised by his outburst.

"Your Majesty, it was just but a suggestion and I think you should really consider it" another male speaks. He must be from the court since I do not recognize his voice.

"Litsen Lloyd, the minute the North finds out that she possess some power she will be in danger and I cannot let that happen, she's a weapon but not for the kingdom" I flinch at the bite that accompanies that last sentence.

I am a weapon but not for the kingdom. What is that supposed to imply.

My guard appears from around the corner so I walk away from the office and head for Chance's room.

I keep remembering those words and what I question myself if my brother see's me as sister, princess or weapon. This makes me question my trust in him.


"I visited all of this people and what that priest told us was true, apparently the Asher Knives are weapons not only against your father but also in hunting wild antelopes in the woods."

"So that's why they needed the knives, I don't understand why he said I was there" I question myself more than I question Chance.

His look is skeptical as he thinks to himself, ever since that day with the priest. He has doubts which doesn't make any sense to me.

"Charleston report comes out tomorrow" he says moving to watch an aerial from the window.

"I was just with him, did he talk with you?" my gaze drifts to his table. An array of pictures lie there, I move to look at them, the first one is a list of names with a cross at the end after his name and year of birth.

It states;

𝑹𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒚 (1960 - 1979)

𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒖𝒔 𝑱𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒚.......... | 1962

𝑬𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒂𝒃𝒆𝒕𝒉 𝑴𝒂𝒍𝒇𝒐𝒚....... | 1960

𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒂 𝑫𝒆𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒔........ | 1972

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑹𝒊𝒍𝒆𝒚 𝑱𝒓........ | 1970 メ

And Many more names under his. I frown and look at him with questions but he's already walking towards my direction, he snatches it and the pictures from my hands and hides them in his drawer then locks it.

He notices my surprise, "What was that Chance?"

"He said that it was not necessary to talk with me" Chance says with a strained voice.

"What!?" my confusion is livid on my face.

"You asked if I talked with Charleston" he stated. He totally ignores my question.

"Why did he say that?"

"I don't know either, I actually took myself there he didn't have to call me" Chance continues his features relaxing. "but he dismissed me"

I decide to let that topic, about the list and pictures, go since I can't really coerce him to talk it out with me.

"That's weird" I say heading out to my room.


Immediately am back to my room, I summon my guard. Although am a princess and a guard should always be by my side always, I usually dismiss mine I've never really understood why there always should be somebody following like I can't take care of myself.

"My princess, you summoned me"

As I take off my earnings I ask, "When was the last time I went out Reynolds? and you may speak freely"

He's friendly compared to my previous guards, " When we went to Oregon"

"No, before that" I untie my hair knot then finally look at him but end up laughing. "What were you doing before you came here Reynolds?"

He hesitates slightly embarrassed since the shirt he has put on is wet and hair disheveled. He wasn't particularly ready when I called for him.

"I had just left the bath" he smiles rubbing the back of his head wolfishly. He is very attractive by the way, I notice. And the fact that he just left the bath makes it even better.

"Princess?" he questions probably after noticing me checking him out. The embarrassment is on me now.

"Before Oregon?"

"You never left the castle before that Princess, you've been here" he says confirming my story.

"Then why-" I turn my back to him and try to think as to why that priest lied. He looked very convinced that day.

"Her Majesty may I ask why you're conflicted?" he asks politely. I turn to look at him still deep in thought.

"I shouldn't really tell you this but-" I should be telling my brother not my guard, " when we went to Oregon, the priest said that 𝐼 had gone there to get the Asher Knives"

Reynolds doesn't seem the least bit surprised as he smiles at me. Not the 'empathetic' smile the 'I know something that you don't smile'.

"What is it Reynolds, why are you smiling?" I ask inching closer to him.

"When did he say that you got the Knives?"

"The previous night before dad died" I reply really trying to understand why he smiled initially.

"I can help you Princess but you'll have to do something for me" he requests. I stop in my tracks really rethinking why I just told him all that nonsense. He's blackmailing me now.

"You're blackmailing me?"

Now he's surprised, "Not in the least bit, I will help you find your father's killer but you'll have to help me too I would never blackmail you" he says with finality.

I play with the ring on my finger and peep at the setting sun, he traces the movement with eyes fearful.

"What is it you need Reynolds?"

"Can I tell you when the appropriate time comes?"

"I am yet to agree with this Reynolds"

"I know my qu- princess, think about it please, see you tomorrow I shall call your maids then" he walks out quickly then my maids walk in right after.

Am not really sure that that deal with Reynolds will be a good or bad idea.