

Mystery is something that captures her heart and he was the definition of secrecy She didn't know who he was yet loved being enchanted by him.

LoveRubyJane · Sports, voyage et activités
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6 Chs

The Electric Jolt

It's a bit dangerous but I'm so sweet

- Pied Piper By BTS


"Jane get your fat ass over here" Charlotte screamed on top of her lungs looking at the brunette who was just removing her yellow sneakers.She tossed it on the floor and slumped herself on the sofa,relaxing her body.

"What happened?" Jane sluggishly questioned.

"your secretary called" Charlotte shouted again making Jane's senses go dumb.

"What does she want?" Jane didn't look keen,she rather looked like a teengaer listening to the maths lecture.

"She sent you a few designs for the Claire fashion week.It's day after tomorrow idiot,you haven't even inspected the dresses"

Jane is not only a good friend and a excellent student,but she was also the CEO of a famous fashion industry.It was in the hold of her father but after his death it was passed onto Jane.She was young yet she managed to have normal student life and a famous personality's lifestyle.

"Did she send the designs?"

"Yep" Lily announced with a tablet in her hand.Swiping and checking out a few designs and models.She handed over the tablet to Jane and the cat eyed girl examined each and every design closely.

"I like that one" Roseanne uttered eating her french fries.People can't live without inhaling air all the time and Roseanne can't survive without eating food all the time.The strawberry blond pointed the pink empire waist mini dress,She imagined herself in that dress and she swore she pictured an angel.

"You want this?" Jane chuckled zooming the details in and out.

"Not like that,I just like it" Roseanne tittered scratching her nape.She liked the dress and she is just a little embarrassed to tell her friend that she wants it.Jane tilted her head and smiled along with Lily and Charlotte.

"I'll go to my study" Jane blurted out before leaving the hall.She entered the blue painted study and slammed the tablet on the desk.A jolting bump of electricity passed through her when she reminisced the anecdote she shared with the dark devil.Something about him got her going through his photo again and again.

Unkown: Hi there scarlet!

The message she read on her inbox sent a shock down her spine.She thought it was merely a dream,him flirting with her thinking Jane wouldn't notice,lying to him that he never passes her thoughts,she thought all of them was a trick her mind played on her.

Who is this?

She decided to play it safe.She wanted to make him believe that he had no effect on her,no impact in her mind.She still can't believe the fact that she is texting an unknown creepy man.

Unkown: Ouch.

Ouch x2

Unknown: What was that for?


Unknown: The ouch?

Why did you say OUCH in the first place?

Unknown: I thought you forgot me scarlet

I don't even know you dude.

Unknown: OUCH x3

The Mystery Man?

Mystery man? That was how she saved his first number,the one vanished without any traces.How did he know the nickname she gave him? Jane felt insecure with each and every texts he sent.

How do you know it?

Unknown: I don't know scarlet

you fell into my trap

I was just kidding and now you earned yourself a new nickname

Pretty Little Liar.

Fine,I know you.

our texts erased just like that.

How can I not be freaked out?

Unknown: Don't be scared scarlet.

I'm just a mystery man who loves to surprise pretty girls

Girl's' ? Dude I'm chickening out.

Unknown: The girl's' are scarlet and Jane

Still chickening out?

I'm being romantic.

You are being creepy man




Unknown: Caps lock got stuck scarlet?

I told you I'm full of mystery.

I'm done,I'm gonna block you

Unknown: I have thousand different numbers scarlet.

Goodbye creepy dude

You can't send messages to this contact anymore

"And I called this creepy guy hot" Jane mumbled going through the texts again.He knows her name,her number,her nickname for him,what if it is her address next? She was terrified a little thinking about him.He is creepy but undeniably gorgeous.A normal person can never do this,he literally hacked her phone and found her personal details.He must be a professional hacker or something else.Now the thoughts of uncovering this man anchored inside her more deep.

"Jane,I'm leaving" Charlotte's voice brought Jane back to the reality.

"Where to?"

"Jason called me out" Charlotte blushed a little.

"a date?" Jane smirked teasingly.Jane knows the past Charlotte and Jason shares.They were in high school at that time,Jane,Charlotte,Jason and many other classmates threw a party.While playing truth or dare,Charlotte was dared to kiss Jason,She was shy at the start but went on flow quickly.They both developed feeling for eachother,they decided to date before labelling themselves into a serious relationship even though it was tough for Jason to keep up due to his job.

"Stop now,I'm leaving" Charlotte sheepishly smiled and checked her outfit in the mirror for the last time.A half-shoulder lilac knitted crop top and a short black skirt that showed off her milky clear legs.She wore open toe lavender heels that finished her overall outfit.She tied the black bow she used to braid her hair and blow a kiss to the mirror.

"Go get your man" Jane chuckled blowing a kiss to Charlotte.The jet black haired beauty caught the kiss and swallowed it before pouting with her heart lips.She muttered a sweet bye and left for the coffee date.

Lily decided to drop Charlotte instead of sending her in a taxi.Lily brought her motorcycle wearing a black leather jacket.Charlotte thanked and pecked lily's cheeks before leaving to find her date.

"I'm here" Jason squealed examining Charlotte from head to toe.He peeked his eyes from the black mask that almost covered his whole face.She was the beautiful girl you will see in a public place,looking like a whole girlfriend material and cry all night realising you will never see her again.She advanced towards Jason to get closer to him but she tripped on her heels creating loud thud.Everyone's attention was now on her spying the poor girl making her feel awkward and embarrassed

Jason pushed away the chair and forwarded to help the pretty girl but he tripped too,the slight heeled shoes he decided to wear today failed him as his nose felt the pain of the ground.Charlotte chuckled at him.

"A little clumsy aren't we?" He balanced his hand palms on the floor and stood up,giving out a hand for Charlotte to support she got up too.A cute little clumsy couple,that's what the strangers whispered to each other.Even though it was clumsy,they were envying for having cute boyfriend or girlfriend who shares the same thoughts and appearance.

They sat on the reserved table and smiled.Jason giggled knowing how much he loves this girl,so much that he purposely embarrassed himself in front of many strangers to make her feel better