
Once and twice

In the heart of a martial arts sect, Zhihui Xianjian, a character from a beloved novel, finds himself thrust into the role of a villainous master. Determined to rewrite his fate and that of his beloved disciple, Zhi Yong di Jun, Zhihui navigates a world where power and deception lurk in every shadow. Faced with the humiliation of his disciple, Zhihui must tread carefully to maintain his authority without violating the sect's rules. As he confronts the healer and seeks out his wayward disciple, Zhi Yong, he must balance his desire for justice with the need to avoid drawing unwanted attention. With tensions rising among the Peak Lords and the Sect Master, Zhihui seizes the opportunity to address the injustice done to his disciple. His calculated words and unwavering determination to uphold justice send shockwaves through the sect, challenging the status quo and laying the groundwork for a dramatic confrontation that will test loyalties and reshape the fate of all involved.

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22 Chs

ch 15: the celebration

The welcoming celebration at Bai Xiao Jin Ding Peak was a grand affair, as was customary for such an occasion. The peak, usually serene and imposing, was now adorned with lanterns that cast a warm, inviting glow over the landscape. The air buzzed with excitement as disciples and elders mingled, sharing stories of bravery and valor.

In the heart of the festivities, Zhi Yong and Ming Cheng were the guests of honor. Their recent victory in Xianglu City had earned them accolades and admiration from their peers and the city's inhabitants alike. The City Lord of Xianglu had even traveled to the peak to express his gratitude personally, offering a heartfelt speech that moved many to tears.

"Your bravery and skill saved our city," the City Lord declared, raising a toast. "You restored peace and hope to our people, and for that, we are eternally grateful."

The crowd cheered, raising their cups in unison. Ming Cheng basked in the admiration, recounting their exploits with a dramatic flair that drew gasps and applause from the audience. Children ran around, reenacting the battles with makeshift swords, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement.

Despite the joyous atmosphere, Zhi Yong felt a growing sense of unease. Throughout the evening, he kept scanning the crowd, searching for the one face that was conspicuously absent ,his master, Zhihui. The celebration felt hollow without him, and the image of Zhihui's wound nagged at the back of his mind.

"Why isn't Shizun here?" Zhi Yong wondered, his heart heavy with concern. "Is he still recovering from his injuries? Or is something else troubling him?"

Unable to shake off his worry, Zhi Yong finally decided to seek out his master. He excused himself from the festivities, drawing puzzled looks from Ming Cheng and the others.

"Where are you going?" Ming Cheng asked, concern etching his features.

"I just need some air," Zhi Yong replied, trying to sound casual. "I'll be back soon."

He made his way through the quieting streets of the peak, the festive sounds gradually fading behind him. The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery light over the temple grounds. His steps quickened as he approached his master's quarters.

When he reached the door, he hesitated. What if his master was resting and didn't want to be disturbed? But the image of Zhihui's wound pushed him forward. He had to know if his master was alright.

Taking a deep breath, he knocked softly on the door. "Shizun, it's Zhi Yong. May I come in?"

There was no immediate response. The silence stretched out, making his heart pound louder. He hesitated for a moment, then gently pushed the door open. The room was dimly lit by a single candle, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

"Shizun?" he called out again, his voice filled with a mix of hope and worry.

To his surprise, Zhihui was sitting by the window, gazing out into the night. He turned slowly, his usual stern expression softened by the dim light.

"Zhi Yong," Zhihui said, a note of surprise in his voice. "What brings you here at this hour?"

Zhi Yong stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "I... I was worried about you, Shizun. You didn't come to the celebration, and... your wound..."

Zhihui sighed, motioning for him to sit down. "I see. I apologize for causing you concern. The wound is healing, but I needed some time to reflect."

Zhi Yong sat down, his eyes never leaving his master's face. "But Shizun, you've always been there for us. Why didn't you join the celebration? The people wanted to thank you."

Zhihui smiled faintly, a rare sight that always took Zhi Yong by surprise. "Sometimes, it is important for the disciples to receive the recognition they deserve. Tonight was your night, Zhi Yong. You and Ming Cheng have grown so much. It was time for the people to see that."

"But Shizun," Zhi Yong pressed on, "we wouldn't have succeeded without your teachings. You are a part of this victory as much as we are."

Zhihui's eyes softened, and he placed a hand on Zhi Yong's shoulder. "Your concern is touching, Zhi Yong. But my role is to guide you, not to seek glory. Tonight, the city saw the future leaders of our sect. That is what matters."

Zhi Yong felt a mix of emotions welling up inside him. "I understand, Shizun. But please, don't bear everything alone. We are here to support you too."

Zhihui nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "I will remember that, Zhi Yong. Now, tell me about the celebration. How did it go?"

Zhi Yong's face lit up as he recounted the night's events the speeches, the laughter, and the genuine gratitude of the people. Zhihui listened intently, a sense of pride evident in his eyes.

"The City Lord gave a heartfelt speech," Zhi Yong began, his voice growing more animated. "He talked about how our actions saved the city and restored their faith. Ming Cheng was practically beaming as he recounted our battles. And the children... they were so eager to hear about every little detail."

Zhihui nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It sounds like it was a memorable evening. I'm glad the city has found hope again."

As the night wore on, Zhi Yong felt a weight lifting from his shoulders. He realized that his master's absence at the celebration was not a sign of neglect but a lesson in humility and leadership. Zhihui's unwavering support and wisdom continued to guide him, even in moments of doubt.

Eventually, Zhi Yong bid his master goodnight, feeling reassured and more determined than ever. As he left Zhihui's room, he looked up at the night sky, the stars shining brightly above. He knew that challenges lay ahead, but with his master's teachings and the strength of his own resolve, he was ready to face them.

Returning to his quarters, Zhi Yong felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path was clear, and his master's faith in him was the beacon that would light his way forward.