
On the Edge of Mediocrity

When you are 27, you will know the secret of your life. But what if you have no reason to live until that day? Dion is a young man tired of mediocrity and worried about his future. The gray city he lives in, his monotonous life and meaningless relationships are eating him up. His only solace is the "Secret" he will learn at the age of 27. But will this mysterious knowledge save him or will it drag him down even further? Filled with existential questions, dark humor and mystery, this story will take you on a gripping journey through the dark depths of modern society.

Syhx0 · Urbain
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5 Chs


I've been so bored lately.

I am sure this bench I am sitting on is as bored as I am. Every day people sit on it and get up, and the same thing goes on until one day it is dismantled or the bench is broken and a new one is put in place.

I wonder if the bench is still the same bench when a board is replaced? Or is there a limit? At what point does the change take place?

When we think about it, we are not so different from this bench, after all, aren't we all in a cycle? We experience small differences just like this bench, but basically, we keep doing the same thing.

For example, now I'm bored of talking, it's raining, I'd better go home.

When I'm walking home, I have these thoughts a lot, I don't know, I guess it's my habit.

Not only on the way home, but whenever my mind is free, I get lost in thought. I question everything I see. I guess a lot of people do that.

Was it a mistake not to come to this city for university? I ask myself this question a lot. This city is as boring as I am, they even call it the gray city, but I don't know if it's because they call it boring or if I find it boring.

After all, who among us doesn't have an opinion influenced by someone?

My problem is not the city but my expectations of it. A new city, a different environment, and different people. I thought it would change my life.

I'm almost home...

"I'm home!"

Yes, no one says "welcome" or "dinner is ready". Because I live alone.

The place where I live is not very special. My house is 1+1 and the rent is affordable and my family helps me.

I should wash my hands and face...

When I look in the mirror, I am not complaining about the face I see. I have auburn hair and brown eyes. The last time I measured my height, I think it was 176 or so, although this height is considered short by some.

But in this world, it doesn't matter much. The university you study at, your appearance or your achievements.

The only thing that matters is "The Secret".

I know it sounds very cool when I say it like that, but our coming into the world is all about luck.

And this secret is nothing but luck for me. I am 24 years old now, only 3 years left before I learn my secret.

I might have lived all these years for nothing... I say.

I think it's just a joke made up by the men in suits to make everyone nervous.

Anyway, I won't think about it, for now, all I want to do now is sleep...