
Omsim Magic lang Malakas

Current Earth but with Magic Our MC pushes himself to go through life with Everything he has Since Fate wants to play he will play Till one of them backs down Let there be Chaos and maybe order.

Arthas_san075 · Fantaisie
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17 Chs

Training 2

" Huff huff... Geezus umay!" a person out of breath running in the forest after being taught the basics of casting immediately thought that he could solo a slightly stronger boar due to being affected by the elements. Luckily he was able to run fast and hide from an angry boar and that someone is Ceazar. "Umay, how the heck can that boar freaking hide be stronger than my earthspike, huff huff I thought I am fit but this is crazy me a chaos holder is being bullied by a boar. I could accept a bear but a boar??, anyways as dad taught me. Analyze what went wrong, 1. that boar has a thick hide, 2. I underestimated that boar, 3. I lack preparation 4.?. Is there a 4? well, that is it for now." Ceazar strategizes his plan smoothly to kill this boar that made him run for his money. It may be embarrassing nonetheless, it is the cold hard truth, so he must face it. ' Tsskk a brat is a brat dang higher-ups why did they have to pick me to babysit this one. A boar hahaha.' A man in combat uniform was sneakily stalking or guarding the life of Ceazar. His orders were to intervene if and only if, Ceazar's life was 1 breath away from Death's grasp. He would not move even if Ceazar even lost a limb or he is stuck someplace. The man's awakened elements were Earth and Darkness. Therefore, in a forest like this, he would thrive and the capability to do more would almost multiply by almost two. The richness of elements is so thick that he as an Intermediate Magi would be able to bend the elements to his will with more quantities than he usually would be able to do.

' Hmmm, good thing I brought my enhanced shovel I got from dad. Let's go the old-fashioned way sharpen sticks and make a dang trap for that boar. Now let's look for some trees because am pretty sure any normal stick I make from a normal tree won't do jackshit to that hide.'

' now what is he up to' The combat-ready man follows Ceazar as he sees that he seems to be cutting the branch of a pine tree that has evolved due to the elements.

" well will you look at that harder indeed" he holds a branch of the Pinetree that has a darker bark and has glowing mushrooms attached to its trunk.

" Now I have to get 15 more and sharpen it, Oh yeah forgot about ropes" he looks around the forest to see if there are any strong vines around the forest. The forest is not a jungle and so that makes it harder for Ceazar to find materials he must use. "oh wait I have an idea, that boar obviously won't go through my trap since it is very confident and arrogant in its hide it may also have a bit of intelligence and so I will do that, hehe boar here I come."

Ceazar proceeds to create the trap for the boar using the materials he has gathered and readied. After he found a location suitable for his current plans, he made sure to run the scenario in his head again untill he was satisfied with the possible outcomes.

"Now surely I will be the one winning hehe"