
Omniversal Travel

A young man with a terminal illness dies and is reincarnated in the world of The Witcher as Vilgefortz Of Roggeveen,knowing the fate that awaits him,a new ambition is born within him,to unravel the mysteries of the Omniverse. The protagonist is someone who would do anything to achieve his goals,although he is serene and kind most of the time. This is my first fanfic and there will be no harem. sorry for the bad spelling but english is not my first language. Disclaimer:Most of the characters and stories do not belong to me. The various images are from official websites.

OmniDark · Anime et bandes dessinées
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54 Chs

Chapter 3:New Ambition

It is decided, from today your name will be Vilgefortz."

The baby, now named Vilgefortz, blinked twice in confusion.

"I didn't understand anything that old man said, but the last thing he said was a name, that's my new name, but how? Could it be a coincidence?or did I really get reborn as fucking Vilgefortz? "His thoughts were cut off when wrinkled hands lifted him off the old man's lap,turning his head he saw it was a kind looking old woman smiling at him,the old woman snuggled him into her embrace and then spoke:Old Vecell,being so noisy you'll end up scaring the poor baby,besides,Vilgefortz,really?how can you be so horrible with names?why won't you let me name him?

Vecell, the old man, replied irritably: "Narika, old hag, I have decided to take in this baby as my grandchild, so obviously only I can give him a name".

The old woman scoffed, "Really, do you even know how to change diapers?

Vecell was speechless.

The old woman turned and said as she walked, "Well, let's go inside the hut to let the baby sleep."

The old woman, Narika, stood in front of the hut that strangely seemed to lack an entrance door, grabbed a wooden stick she carried on her back and waved it a couple of times before touching the hut with it. Vilgefortz, who decided to call himself Viltz for short, watched with wide eyes as the branches began to twist and then form a large hole through which the old woman, the old man and the young woman entered, after which the vines twisted again until they sealed the previously formed hole.

Viltz,who had not yet recovered from the shock of witnessing magic for the first time,was left on a small table by the old woman,who turned to the old man and said: "Look old man,I'll only explain it to you once,to put a diaper on a baby you have to do it like this. "Viltz, helpless, could only watch as the old woman put on the diaper while the old man at her side stared at her so as not to miss a step of the old woman's movements.

After changing his diaper, the old woman Narika left him on a straw bed to sleep and then left the hut with the old man Vecell and the young Lyana.

Viltz, now alone, stared at the roof of the hut while thinking to himself: "It seems that my guess is right, I am reincarnated as Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, one of the antagonists of "The Witcher" story,and the most talented sorcerer in this entire world,but despite this,Vilgefortz went down the dark path,abandoning the teachings of the druids and working as a mercenary and spy.He then became obsessed with the elder blood,a gene that allows its user some control over space-time,with it,its bearer can open portals to other worlds,but Vilgefortz's plans ended up being ruined and he ended up dying at the hands of Geralt of Rivia. But I don't have to follow in his footsteps, I'll take the opportunities he missed and avoid making the same mistakes he did."

Resolution shone in the eyes of the baby barely a day old as he made an oath in his heart: "Whatever happens, and whatever it takes, I will achieve what the original Vilgefortz could not achieve, I will gain control over the greater blood and travel through the different worlds, besides, if the world of "The Witcher" is real, there will be other worlds based on video games, books, anime?"

With this new oath made just like that and a lot of questions roaming through his mind,exhaustion caught up with him and he quickly fell asleep.