
OMNISCIENT READERS if it was Royalty Based (WIP)

Roles of kim company (Other characters soon mentioned.)

Also, most things are kept canon such as kim dokja's backstory.

Kim Dokja: countess's son

Yoo Joonghyuk: crown prince

Han Sooyoung: poet as well as the duke's daughter

Yoo Sangah: marchioness

Jung Heewon: duchess

Lee Hyunsung: pope

Shin Yoosung: marchioness's son

Lee Gilyoung: marchioness's son

Lee Jihye: princess

Lee Seolhwa: crown prince's consort

Jang Hayoung: knight

Han Myungoh: commoner

Gong Pildu: knight

A cough escapes my shut mouth, I lay unconscious on the ground. I was sure this was the end for me, there was blood pouring everywhere, that blood was my blood. I was unsure of what to do. Should I decide my fate now, or keep going? it was overwhelming, i thought, maybe death was the best option for someone like me. honestly, how did I even get here? When did this happen? when..

right, it was that day.

His story.

It was like any other ordinary day, I was studying in my private library at the estate, when I suddenly heard a thud. It sounded like glass, cracking. "Not again.. is it father?" I muttered to myself. I excused myself, and ran to the office. my mother was a fragile person, but a great countess, my father on the other hand, was an abusive drunkard. he got where he was with my mother, but took everything for granted. By the time I got to their office, it reeked. I didn't want to open the door, but I had to. My mom was all I had, all I needed, and someone I had to protect. opening the door, it smelled worse than it did outside. I couldn't stand to look at either of my parents, one was sobbing with dark blood flooding down her arm, while one was aggressively yelling with glass bottles in his hand. this was probably the 7th- no, more than the 7th time this had happened, "Father, please calm down, there are guests coming soon, if they catch you like this, it'll be the e-" *Crack* shattered glass flew across the room, it would have gone into my right eye, but it didn't, my mother had shielded me and taken the hit, that's when i snapped. I couldn't handle this anymore, this man had pained us for too long, he didn't deserve anything, he didn't deserve this wealth, he didn't deserve me or my mom, he didn't deserve to be a noble. I grabbed my pocket knife, without thinking, I stabbed his heart in a flash. my shirt was bloodstained, and so was his, it was a gorey scene. "I.. i didn't mean too.." I repeated, over and over again, tears flooded my face. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I told myself. but soon, I thought the opposite. He was dead, finally dead, his heartbeat stopped, he was unconscious. I cried, but couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Its okay Dokja, He deserved it." my mother told me. Sooner than I thought, the police came. my mother quickly took my pocket knife, and pushed me down, taking the blame. the rest was a blur. I couldn't forgive myself, it was my fault my mother went to prison. Her sentence wasn't that long considering it was self defense, but it was tough without her. After that day, I had to stay with my grandmother, who was a commoner. it wasn't the life i expected, nor the life i wanted. Before my mother could get out of jail, my grandmother had fallen and became deceased, so I lived on the streets. It was difficult to survive, especially during hard weather. i had lost all hope, I thought, until that day. the day of the outbreak.


I had finally earned enough gold to replenish my hunger. There was a cheap shop nearby that sold bread for 3 gold, i decided to go there, it was the only way I could get food honestly. when i got there, i was tripped by the people running, "i'm truly sorry for tripping you, but please, please get out while ur still conscious sir!!" yelled one, "get out?" I was confused, what was happening? I tried to look in the direction those people were coming from, but it was crowded. "Damn it.. what's happening?!" I muttered. Even after I tiptoed, there was no use. Suddenly, I was dragged by a ruff, but somewhat soft hand. Why was I being dragged?! "LET GO!!" I shouted. I seemed like a maniac towards the many people surrounding me, but I felt suffocated. There was a lot going on, I was being kidnapped amidst over a thousand people running from something.. "Moron, I'm saving you." whispered a feminine voice, Excuse me? I didn't need saving, I was 100% capable of protecting myself, but what would this person be saving me from? Before I could finish that thought, there was a loud growl. A grotesque monster appeared behind us. The Anonymous person ran faster than lightning, and i was dragged along. I tried my best to calm down and waited, hoping this person would take me somewhere that I can ask questions. I wasnt sure where this person was taking me, but many muttered towards this masked person, saying things such as "is that Han Sooyoung?" or "They look like TLS123.." For those wondering, Tls123 is a popular writer, best known for her poetic writings, whilst Han Sooyoung is the daughter of a major duke in this empire."Hey, it's been a while since you decided to kidnap me, Anonymous person, can't you just tell me who you are? There can't be anything worse than what's happening currently, i'm sure..'' I said, trying my best to convince them. I still didn't know what was going on, nor did I know where we were going. after ages of persuading, or well , talking? They responded. "Argh, will you quiet down already? Jeez! I'm Han Sooyoung, happy?"


By the time Sooyoung replied, we were at her destination, I assumed since she stopped walking. "This is our Hideout, the people here had already predicted that there would be a monster outbreak soon, so we planned this." Han Sooyoung confessed, how could they have predicted something like this? We heard another growl in the distance, I assumed we were safe, it's always better to be 100% safe though. She pushed me into the gap that led to the real hideout, and went off to check the area for others. It was quite awkward, there was a dark haired man in a rubbish suit with spectacles, another man who looked to be balding and 40, but strong enough to be a commander, and the marchioness, Yoo Sangah. I wasn't that surprised that there were 2 other people here, who seemed to be commoners like me, but a Marchioness? "Err.. Hello everyone! I'm Kim Dokja.. ehe.." I stuttered. This truly was awkward, without Han Sooyoung, it was dead silent! "Goodness, couldn't you all break the silence? Im Yoo sangah, by all means, call me Sangah, or Sangah-nim, i don't mind." she let out a chuckle. She looked too young to be around 25-29.. "Ugh, I'm Gong Pildu, the commander of the royal knights." Pildu blurted out. My assumption was right? Guess I really am smart..! "Han Myungoh." Myungoh interrupted. Out of everyone here, Han Myungoh was the only one I didn't recognize. I assume he's also a commoner, as I am. "So, you are Kim Dokja, right? The same Kim Dokja who's the son of a criminal countess?" said Pildu. Being the son of a killer wasn't something i wanted to be brought up. "Uhm.. er.." I didn't know what to say. Suddenly, Han Sooyoung came in through the door. "I'm back, I couldn't find any other survivors that seemed worthy." she announced. The silence was broken. What did Han Sooyoung mean by Worthy? How could someone like me be worthy? Everything was so confusing. "Oh right, Kim Dokja, we'll all be heading out to get weapons in a few minutes, so be prepared." Han Sooyoung yelled. Prepared? Am I supposed to change or something? This was foolish. Minutes passed, and we went out as sneakily as we could for weapons, i grabbed a pocket knife and a bat.


tezz0creators' thoughts