221 Episode 42 - Asmodeus (1)

A sleeper car was rolling around. The citizens of the council, including Aileen, were busy moving me somewhere. I could feel the fragments of my stories constantly entering, like patient in critical condition.

Putting aside the urgent situation, my mind was gradually becoming calm. I decided to sort out the situation.

[Currently, you have the inheritance rights to the Gilobat Industrial Complex.]

How did I become a revolutionary and gain the inheritance rights of the Gilobat Industrial Complex?

The answer was simple.

「 'Kim Dokja' killed the ruler of the Gilobat Industrial Complex. 」

At first glance, it seemed like a circular argument but this wasn't the case. It was because 'Kim Dokja' wasn't my body. In other words, it was easy for someone to impersonate me, build up a reputation there and finally kill the ruler.

[The Star Stream is correcting the scenario error.]

[A new story related to you is scheduled.]


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