
Episode 22 - Three Promises (5)

I looked around and  discovered what this place was. Then I felt despair.

Damn, there was no doubt. This place was...

"You don't have to be so nervous. I won't bite if you get closer." Kim Namwoon told me and I sighed.

I was certain. It was Tartarus, the famous prison of the Underworld. I glanced at the three-headed monster guarding the entrance of the prison. It was a cerberus, a mythical monster dog. Two of its heads were dozing off while one head was acting as lookout.

"That son of a bitch. It should be a 4th grade monster. There are even stronger ones downstairs." Kim Namwoon spoke like he was a guide to hell.

He was right. This was how it was described in Ways of Survival. The strongest prisoners were trapped in the lower floors of Tartarus, meaning the size of the cerberus became bigger with each floor you descended.

Kim Namwoon chuckled and asked, "What do you think of hell?"

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