

I woke up with a buzz, feeling like my whole entire body hurt, while at the same time feeling the best that I ever felt in my whole entire life.

then as if on cue, a voice sounded in my head.

[young lad are you awake!!!??? please tell me that you are!!!! and then we can continue with this test]

the voice was loud, but it sounded pleasant to the ears.

I shook my head, about to completely ignore The voice, when a golden yellow screen appeared in front of my face.

[young lad, I would advise ignoring me!!! for if you do, I'll have to forcefully make you play attention!!!]

the loud voice proclaim, and I can feel my eyes forcefully glued to the screen.

[thank you.... anyway with that Aside, let's discuss why you are here, and how you got to this situation]

I didn't ignore the voice, since at this point it was pretty clear who was in control here.

[my name is Bella Maya sim p, but you can call me creator Sim p]

'like God creator?'

[you can say that, but you can't really move anything other than your heart, brain and eyes, so in this case, you can think]

[but anyway I'm not here to talk about me, I'm here to talk about you. and well you see, things have gotten boring for me and existing just kind of seen pointless at this point, as I am speaking to you right now, I'm not currently existing, I have returned to nonexistent]

'so how in the world are you speaking to me? if you don't currently exist'

[like I said, I'm not here to talk about me, I need to talk about you, I had all the power in all the existence and I was unrivaled by all, but you see being at the top for literally before all of existence began got boring, and so I cast myself into non-existence and decided to give my power away to you, you are now, my successor]

'so what does this entail?'

[do whatever you want, all of existence in whatever is beyond belongs to you now, I am just something that can just be your memory for now, for once you decided to cash yourself into nothingness we will meet again, but for now goodbye]

yet again as if on cue I felt an enormous pressure descending on my whole entire being.

unable to do anything, I screamed as a crown of flames and light appeared on top of my head.

my physical form melted into Oblivion, as I was now one with everything.

[congratulations, I was expecting a more explosive transformation, but you inherited my power without much failure, don't worry about anything, you can do everything, just worry about having fun okay?]

I couldn't even respond as I felt something grabbing me, pulling me towards something.

I woke up in a flash of light inside of my house, my whole room in complete chaos.

paper clothes everything that was inside of my room was just flying everywhere.


I shouted, and as soon as I did, the whole world became great.

time has stopped, everything in reality just paused.

and it was at this moment, that I knew, that what I have wasn't just a dream it was reality.

and I was now God...


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