
Omni-Summoning System: Rise Of The Elven Overlord In Another World

" The God of Light have foretold, of black wings in the cold, That when worlds wage war come unfurled! Alduin, Bane of Gods, Ancient shadow unbound, With a hunger to swallow the world, will come back to our world and devour everything In sight!" And so a Prophecy was told to everyone. A Prophecy that may or may not come true, who can truly tell? ...Well, I guess I can. Being the one who is the start of it. A Great tale unlike any other. A Tale that will be sung throughout the very Omniverse. The Great Summoner from another world. The Great everlasting Overlord of the Elven race. " Let's have fun now~!" ~~ [***Disclaimer: I don't own anything I use In this Fanfic, other than my own creations***] [***Tags: Skyrim | Yandere | Harem | Nasuverse | Naruto | Warlock Of The Magus World | Tensura | So I'm a Spider, So What? | Re: Monster ] [***Disclaimer: I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could count as Wish-Fulfillment. Updates are uncertain and Irregular***]

RinneganGod · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginning

Just before dawn, in a dark, foggy forest, one could see two figures, a young man and a young woman with fire-red hair and blood-red eyes.

No, if you look closely, you can see that the woman is holding a baby in her arms, which must have been born about a month ago, wrapped In a thick white blanket.

As they looked at the sleeping baby, their faces were filled with deep sorrow and… a little fear.

" Hey, hey, honey. Do we really have to abandon this child?"

" Haven't we talked about this enough? We've talked about this a lot, haven't we? We can't leave him in the city. He's an abomination, a curse."

" But, but! white hair eyes and golden eyes are not the only things that makes a child an abomination!"

" Golden eyes and white hair are the sign of an abomination! It's not as if you don't know the consequences of raising an abomination in a town or village!"

"..." The woman, who was unable to say anything due to the man's brutality, looked down at the pointed-ear baby, still sleeping comfortably despite the shouting, and shed a tear.

" I'm sorry for yelling at you," she said. she didn't want to abandon her child.

" If you don't abandon the child, you'll be causing trouble not only for us but for everyone in town." The man said.

" Well, it's the King's… order… isn't it?"

" You can't help it," The man told himself, sobbing.

" I'm sorry… I'm sorry…" The woman apologized again and again and hugged the baby without waking it. To never forget her child, whom she would never see again.

She also wanted to make sure that her warmth would stay with her child, even if only for a little bit, as he was about to embark on his journey to death.


Watching the two humans leave the forest on horseback, a pair of burning red eyes flashed.


In a flash of black light, the odd baby disappeared.


" Kiir vos zey [ ] hiif hi." A deep and dark ancient female voice said, looking at the odd white-haired golden-eyed pointed-ear baby.

" Hi fen wahl flogah Vahjiik fah zey." The voice said as It disappeared Into the child.


" Hm?" Looking at the human(?) child, a black Tiger blinked Its gray-white eyes In surprise.


" Dragon!" The Tiger said In a young male voice.

Sniffing once more, the black Tiger started to run away, In profound fear and terror.

Watching the Tiger leave, a large Dark Griffin blue eyes flickered.

" Fufufu~ You'll do fine." Flapping Its large wings, the Dark Griffin dived down and picked up the body with Its talons softly.


After flying for around six hours, the Dark Griffin soon can see Its Family nest.

" Solanine, where did you run off this time?" A mature female voice asked, from the top of the nest

Hearing the voice, the Dark Griffin lazily looked up and said In an equally lazy young beautiful female voice," Somewhere." And shoot off somewhere to the right of the nest, her room.

" *Sigh* What a foolish child of ours." The older Griffin sighed out deeply, laying her head on her husband chest

" Don't worry, she just young and dumb, like we once were."

" Are you call me dumb husband of mine?"

Hearing that cold tone, the older male Griffin smiled," Of course not, I'm called both of us dumb."

" Hmph!"


" There-there, you're going to be okay little one." Solanine the Dark Griffin mumbled In a soft singing voice to the crying baby.

Hearing that beautiful soothing voice, the baby's golden eyes flashed, In awe and happiness seeing the large Dark Griffin towering over him.

" Aww~ I think he likes you." A young male voice said In mock surprise.

" Gus, what do you want?" In a cold yet lazy tone, Solanine without even looking at the other Griffin that is tree-green In color.

" Nothing much. Just want to know why my dear older sister is taking care of a Human baby?" He said looking at the baby In hate and disdain.

" Because he smells like a Dragon, that's why."

"...Say what now?" Stepping back a little the green Griffin asked.

" Licht show'em."

Following her order, the Human baby's eyes burned blood-red with boundless disdain and loathe, as the baby is looking at the dog shit on the road.


Not wanting anything to do with this, Gus flew off In profound fear and terror.

" Heh, what a weakling." Saying this, she smiled somehow and giggled at the happy smiling baby who is now normal looking, well normal looking as one with golden eyes and white hair can be.

" Fufufu~ I can't wait till you grow up~"


" Father! Father!" Yelling In shock and panic, the black Tiger ran back home.

" What?" Looking up from his meal, a White Tiger asked, furiously looking at one of his many-many sons.

" Dragon! There's a Dragon here!"

" Dragon, you say?" Humming the white Tiger mumbled, eating some deer.

" Yes! It was Inside an odd-looking human child!" The Black Tiger added, nodding rapidly.

" Now It's inside a human child?" Shaking its head, he waved his son off," I'll investigate this later, go help your Mother with your brothers and sisters."

" Sir!" Running off, the Black Tiger smiled and fist-pumped the air.

" Go me!"

Watching him do this, the White Tiger face-palmed and sighed deeply," let's hope my next group of children are better than... whatever that is."


" So she awakened..." Looking at the moon, a mature female smiled In a sinister manner.

" I... No. We wonder who's going to be our new Young Master, is." Flicking her slender white pale finger, a group of black-robed beings appeared behind her.

" Princess!"

" Find our new Young Master... And oh, find someone they can bed with."

" Hmm? Why the last part, If I may ask, Princess?" One of the robed beings asked In a kind older man's voice.

" You may. Because we want more Family. That's why." She confessed, with a smile under her black robe.

" A Noble cause unlike like any other!"

""" All Hail our Immortal Princess!" They all yelled In pure enjoyment and joy.

" Yes, a noble cause. Now go find them and their new concubine." With bright glowing purple eyes, she smiled a smile that is nothing sort of pure.
