
Old Knight In Another World

Charles Integra is a man of integrity, justice, wisdom and courage. The upholder of peace and order, the one who strives to eliminate all evil from this world. A pious man, a loyal man, a man loved by all, an old man. Watch as this old knight from another world brings peace to the new world he finds himself in, starting with a beautiful cold-hearted princess and a classroom full of troublemakers.

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41 Chs

Old Knight Challenges Cliche Young Master To A Duel

[Author's Note: Sorry for the late update. I was busy with work. The next chapter will be uploaded soon. Also, please leave a review or comment if you wish to continue this series. It helps me out a lot. Enjoy!]

Babylonia Academy Hallway, Charles POV:


I was almost too late!

Thank Ishta that I managed to arrive on time thanks to the contract.

Seriously though, isn't this young ginger a little too short-fused?

He's supposed to be a Royal, for goodness sake!

Back on Solaris, such behaviour would have been immediately punished with expulsion, and he would have been disowned by his family and forced to serve on the frontlines in the army as penance.

This world must be more corrupt than I thought!

However, after I complete the Headmaster's task, I'll obtain the authority necessary to reform these miscreants.

I ignore the outbursts coming from Prince Ginger and his lackeys and turn around to lend my hand to Miss Lilith.

"Are you alright, my lady?"

Miss Lilith helped herself from the floor with my hand and glared at me.

"You're late."

That is impolite to say to someone who just rescued you, but I'll let it slide since she must have suffered a lot at the hands of people like that red-haired prince from an early age. There will be plenty of time later to reform and correct her.

For now, I'll teach these little tw*ts a lesson!

"OI! Old man! Move off to the side or else-"

"Or else what? You'll throw another one of those half-baked Fireballs at me?"

"Unfortunately, I'm sorry to say that with your current skill level, I could easily dodge all of them without using magic."

Here it comes.


He'll say, "Do you know who I am?"


Then he'll reveal he's the son of some royal household or bigshot noble.


Knew it. Next, he's probably going to ask me to grovel.

"As a Royal of the Beland Kingdom, I shall be merciful and forgive you for getting in my way. IF! You kneel down before me and beg for forgiveness."


There's only one way to deal with pretentious little b*stards like these.

I slung my sword across my back and walked up toward Prince Ginger.

The little prick gave an evil smirk as he saw me walking up.

"That's right! Kneel before me and beg for forgiveness! Then I'll let both of you go."

I was a meter away from Prince Ginger when Miss Lilith called out.

"Don't listen to him! He'll only make your life more miserable!"





"WHAT!?!" (Lilith and cronies)

"By Ishta's name! Quiet down! I only slapped him with my glove!"

That's right. I just slapped a royal with the glove from my left hand.

Boy, was that a nice loud slap!

But I didn't expect him to be sent flying into the wall.

Hopefully, I didn't give him any fatal. I controlled my strength as much as I could. Well, I may let go of my restraints at the last second. Seriously though, could you blame me? The brat was asking for it.

Lilith grabbed me by the shoulders and turned me around to face her.

She did not look too happy.

"You realize that we just attacked a royal, right? There will be serious repercussions for this."

"Don't worry. As long as we were in the right, the Goddess shall stand on our side."

"This isn't about whether we're in the right or not! You're dealing with a royal family! The Royal Family of Beland, no less! One of the world's Nine greatest powerhouses! Do you think you'll get away with this with your head still safely attached!?"

"Young lass, have you never learned not to underestimate your elders? When you were in your diapers, I directed a campaign against an evil that threatened to destroy the world. The Demon King and his Army weren't the only enemies I had to face. I also had to outwit foxy politicians and shrewd greedy nobles who only sought to benefit themselves. Naturally, I had to learn, adapt and dabble my hands a little in the underworld."

"Then may I ask what plan you have?"


Using magic, I produced a three-meter by two-meter screen that showed the exact same hallway we were in with the scene of Miss Lilith being ganged on by Prince Ginger and his crew.

I snapped my fingers, and the screen came to life, replaying everything that happened within the last few minutes.


"F*cking b*tch! You think that just because you got a Named Familiar, you think you're better than the rest of us!"

"That's right!"

"Give her more, Prince Albert!"


Oh, it looks like Prince Ginger is still alive. I moved my screen to the side to see how Prince Ginger was faring.

Not too good.

The prince leaned on the shoulders of two of his hanger-owns and attempted to glare menacingly at me.

Since half his face comically swelled up like a tomato, and he was really weak from getting sent flying into a wall. His glare did not affect me.

I glanced behind him and saw a crater twice his size on the wall.

It looks like he was sturdier than I thought.


What a pain.

Before he could finish his sentence, I slapped his face again with my glove. This time on his right side.




"I think I applied too much force. He might be dead this time."

(You think!?!) (Lilith and cronies.)

To my surprise, the prince got up in one piece and tried to say something.

Unfortunately, I couldn't understand anything he said.

"Yu, moherhuker! I'm gong to ill yu fur dis!"

I tilt my head in confusion.

"What are you trying to say, you tenacious brat? I can't understand you.

The prince's face, barely visible behind those enormous swollen cheeks of his, turned bright red with rage.


Everyone looked at the prince with confusion as he spewed a string of unintelligible noises.

The prince became even more enraged and grabbed the shoulder of one of his cronies and punched the air several times before pointing at me.

The goons seemed to have understood their leader's message and looked at me with hesitation in their eyes.

Which was understandable since I did slap their leader half to death after all.

Seeing none of his cronies obeyed his orders, the prince drew his sword and charged at me, screaming.


Oh, he can properly speak now. I suppose one word was the limit this red-haired retard could manage after I dropped his one-digit IQ point into the negatives.

Before I could slap him a third time and turn him into a human vegetable, the prince became entrapped in ice from the neck down and stopped moving.

The sound of footsteps grew louder and louder until an unknown, tall blue-haired and blue-eyed woman, who was a beauty in her own right, strode leisurely into view.

"I-i-it's Lord Albert's sister! Princess Helen!"

"What is she doing here!?"

"Oh, man! We're so screwed!"

"Hey, we could still salvage this! All we have to do is pin the blame on that Sharon girl and her Familiar."

"Yeah! We're nobles of the Beland Kingdom! If she wants us to support her ascension to the throne. She'll have to take our side!"

"Yeah! That's right! We're the sons of important households that are the pillars of the Kingdom!"

"Maybe if we're lucky, one of us might get to marry her!"

Are all of you idiots? You realize everyone could hear you speaking your plans loud and clear, right?

To prove my point.


The princess said one word, and the chattering cronies/young masters fell silent before her.

What a bunch of cowards.

Not long after, frantic footsteps could be heard, and Instructor Emily charged into view behind the princess.

Instructor Emily took a good look at everyone and the school hallway.

"What on Lunara is going on here!?!"

What perfect timing! Someone with authority I could immediately report to before these obnoxious young masters try to pull strings and cover up what actually happened.

"Ah! Instructor Emily! Perfect timing! You see, I was minding my own business w-"

Instructor Emily angrily cut in while I was still speaking.

"And you! What are you doing here!? I still haven't forgotten how you disrupted my class earlier! You better have a good explanation for this!"

Hey! Do you have no respect for the elderly!?

"Rather than me explaining, it's better for you to watch."

I presented her with the screen that displayed how Prince Ginger brutally beat up Miss Lilith before I rushed in to save her.

After watching the entire scene play out before her eyes, a shadow was cast across Instructor Emily's face, and her eyes became filled with rage.

"Mister Albert, from what I have seen, you can consider yourself expelled! What do you have to say for yourself!?"

Seeing the brunt of her wrath directed at their leader, the loyal, noble young masters who all clung to Prince Ginger tried quietly escaping.

Their movements did not go unnoticed. Barely moments pass before they got electrocuted by lightning and frozen in ice.

"You people who assisted Mister Albert will also be held responsible."

After she made sure Prince Ginger's cronies were well-frozen in ice and weren't able to move an inch, Miss Emily turned her attention back to Prince Ginger.

Prince Ginger, still trapped in a block of ice, tried to say something, but his swollen cheeks prevented him from speaking clearly.

Extremely annoyed, Instructor Emily cast Healing Magic on Prince Ginger, and his face returned to normal.

Prince Ginger looked at me with fury in his eyes and loudly declared.


I saw that one coming.

As he yelled out those words, an icy cold voice spoke.

"Have you no shame at all, Albert? You have already smeared the name of the Royal Belran household far enough. If word gets out that a member of the Royal Belran assaulted a noble just because a noble answered a question correctly, we'll be labelled despotic tyrants."

"HA! That'll never happen! The very noble you said I assaulted is a member of the Sharon Household! Nobody gives a damn about what happens to them! In fact, they'll probably all praise me and erect statues in my honour! They might even-"

Having heard enough of her sibling's rants, Miss Helen walked up to Prince Ginger, still stuck in the ice his sister trapped him in. She raised her arm high in the air and brought it down with great speed.


Oh! That was a good slap! I could see the red handprint on his face! Seven out of ten points!

"That's enough. Not only did you assault a High Noble for a petty reason, but you've also got yourself expelled. Do you think our family needs a hot-headed buffoon such as yourself? Despite belonging to House Sharon, our Lord Father still cherishes Miss Lilith and her mother. If you do not silence your insolent mouth. I'll do it myself."


Before Miss Helen could smack Prince Ginger again, I grabbed her raised hand that was about to slap his face.

Miss Helen turned and looked at me. Her cold azure eyes looked at me with curiosity.

"You, aren't you Lilith's Familiar? Why are you stopping me? I doubt you want to help this stupid brother of mine. Also, do you mind letting go of my hand? It's rude for a gentleman to hold a lady's hand without her permission."

I immediately let go of my hand, apologize and introduce myself.

"Apologies, milady. My name is Charles Integra. Is it possible for you to perhaps release your brother from the ice you created?"

Everyone looked at me as though I had grown an extra head.

"Why do you wish to help my brother who harmed your master?"

"Are you attempting to curry favour from him? That seems unlikely after you sent him flying twice. Then perhaps you're afraid the Belran Family might retaliate against your actions? If so, you don't have to worry. Despite my age, I have accumulated a lot of influence in court, so you don't have to worry about my stupid younger brother's faction."

I shook my head.

"That is not why I wish for you to unfreeze your brother. Nor do I wish to help your brother."

Princess Helen raised a brow in interest.

"Oh? Then why do you want Albert to be unfrozen?"

"I wish to accept his challenge for a duel."



"Pardon me. I don't think I heard it correctly. You wish to accept my brother's challenge?"

"There is no need for you to do so, as thanks for stopping my brother's acts from going too far. I-"

"He has already gone too far."

"What do you mean?"

"I could clearly feel it."

"Feel what?"

"Your bother's intent to kill."


"Sir Charles, as grateful as I am to you for preventing Albert from embarrassing the Belran family any further with his atrocious actions, you accusing a Royal of attempted murder has consequences. It requires a lot of evidence if you wish to incriminate him. If he isn't found guilty, you will face grave repercussions."

Of course, I'm aware of the consequences of offending a Royal. However, she is right. Telling the judge that I sensed he wanted to kill Miss Lilith won't cut it. Even if I show video proof, the most they'll do is suspend him.

Despite Miss Emily claiming he'll be expelled for his actions, there'll likely be other powers at work that'll reduce his expulsion to a suspension. Once his suspension period is over, he'll return to the Academy seeking revenge and will make Miss Lilith's hide even harder.

Also, given how unpopular her family is, the nobles attending court would judge her instead of Prince Ginger. What has her ancestor done to be so hated besides insulting a goddess?

No, given what Miss Medea said, it's more likely that the famous story of their ancestor being cursed was an elaborate ruse to cover up something far grander. Nevertheless, I should ask what the rumour is about. There can't be smoke without fire.

"I'm well aware."

"Are you sure you want to go through with the duel? If you lose, I don't know what my brother might ask you to do. When that happens, I cannot help you."

"That is fine by me. Miss Emily, do you mind being the witness for this duel?"

"No problem, it's the least I can do after you saved my student."

"Isn't Mister Albert your student as well?"

Instructor Emily gave a snort of anger and disgust.

"The brat stopped being my student after trying to kill another fellow student. One who can't even fight back at that."

Oh? Interesting. She could sense his killing intent? For someone of her young age to be able to identify killing intent, she must be a seasoned warrior. I should pay more attention to her in the future.

"Now then, Miss Helen, do you mind unfreezing your brother? It would be hard for him to duel in this state."

"Very well."

Miss Helen snapped her fingers, instantly removing the ice Prince Ginger was trapped in.

Prince Ginger fell to the floor shaking and spoke through chattering teeth.

"G-g-give m-m-me a f-f-few h-h-hours t-t-to p-p-prepare."

"I-I-I'll m-m-meet y-y-you i-i-in t-t-the A-A-Arena! A-a-at n-n-noon!"

"B-b-be s-s-sure t-t-to a-a-arrive o-o-on t-t-time s-s-so I-I-I c-c-can w-w-wallop y-y-your *-*-*ss"

With that, he ran off.

"You know, he would have sounded more intimidating if he didn't stutter so much."

"Agreed" (Lilith, Instructor Emily and Helen)

"By the way, can one of you young ladies guide me to where the Arena is? I don't know where it is."

"Having been a teacher for a few years, I know the school's layout like the back of my hand. I'll guide you there if you wish."

"Much appreciated."

I followed Miss Emily to where the Arena was. On the way, we passed by many classes in the middle of lectures. It was fascinating to see the professors demonstrate their magic, my favourite so far was an alchemist transforming a lump of iron into a longsword. This kind of magic had many practical uses, especially if you need to produce a large quantity of weapons in a short time during a war.

Tagging along with us were Miss Lilith and Miss Helen. Who were glaring daggers at each other. To be more precise, it was Miss Lilith glaring daggers at Miss Helen while Miss Helen ignored her.

I wonder what her issue with Miss Helen is? She seems to be a reasonable person that won't discriminate against someone because of her inability to use magic and a few nasty rumours.

I made a mental note to ask her later before I asked both of them why they were following us.

"Miss Lilith and Miss Helen, pardon my rudeness, but why are you two following me? I am but an old man. If you seek me for social reasons, I'm afraid I don't make a great conversation partner. After all, not only do I lack knowledge and common sense about this world, my traditional, out-of-date thinking is vastly different from your young and flexible growing minds."

Miss Lilith stopped glaring at Helen and looked at me with a huff.

"I'm here because I don't want to get assaulted again in retaliation by Prince Albert's faction."

[Author's Note: Be honest, Tsundere. You want to thank him, but you're just shy.]

"As for me, I'm here because I find you very interesting."

Everyone turned to look at Miss Helen.

"Not in the romantic sense, of course. I mean, you came from another world and possess great strength, not to mention you seem very well-mannered, wise and experienced. Who wouldn't want to get to know more about you?"

"Oh." (Everyone besides Helen)

"Well, that became awkward. Let's just continue on our way to the arena."


Someplace In The Academy:


"That damn old geezer will pay for humiliating me!"

A shadowy figure in a dark unlit room rummaged through what's presumed to be a wooden chest or box.

A few moments later, the figure pulled out several objects and laughed with glee.

"Ha! Just wait! I'll have you all on your knees and begging for forgiveness!"

[Author's Note: Be sure to leave a comment or review if you enjoyed. Thanks for Reading!]