
Oh my Love!

A beautiful story of a girl who overcomes her fears with the help of a boy who eventually become the reason for her to leave the life happily.

crystal_0919 · Musique et band
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The Best Day!

I don't remember my father's face, my father died when I was 10 months old due sickness. That is why always thought that my mom never had a good love life because my father died too early. But my mom always used to tell me that the love story which had a happy ending is not always a beautiful story but a story which is left incomplete is also a beautiful story because we remember each and every moment like it happened just yesterday.

'30th November' my birthday.

Today is the day I first met him years ago.

I still remember each and every moment from that day with all the inches of feelings I felt with him. On my every birthday I thank the god for bringing him in my life.

My name is Soo-Ah and this my story of falling in love with him. My love Jungkook.

The story begins 10 years ago, my last year of college. I was kind of a nerd so I was always bullied due to my looks and for not having a father. Due getting bullied and getting the frustration because of it, I decided to do my last year of college as a transfer student in another college. So that no one will know me there and I can study and graduate peacefully.

It was my birthday when I transferred to another college 'Park University'. It was big compared to my old college so as my nature was, it was normal for me to get lost. I was reaching near my classroom, the bells rang and class started so I decided to run. While running suddenly crashed into someone and tumbled on the floor. That's when I saw him. Those deeply gazing eyes, perfect face and body. But I was getting late so I gathered my things and went to the class. I was new so teacher didn't scolded me. I introduced myself and acquired a seat in last row. After some instance of time the boy who crashed into me entered the class and teacher started scolding him as if it was normal for him to be late everyday. While he was being scolded his eyes found me in the class and started staring me. I felt nervous feeling washing over me so I sighed and hid my face into my book and pretended to read something. After being scolded he came near me and sat on the seat behind me.

During the lecture he kept on flirting with the girls surrounded by us and the teacher ignored him, maybe because it was no use to say anything to him.

The bells ranged and the lecture ended. When I was leaving the class he came in front of me with his friends and introduced him as Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook! His friends also started to introduce themselves as Jimin and Taehyung. Jungkook raised his hand for a handshake, I hesitated for a moment and then shaked his hand.

While leaving he turned and said to me that, "I think we can be good friends, as if we are destined to be together". Hearing this my heart fluttered for first time in a while. That's when I realised that I have gotten myself either into most best or into the worst situation.....