
Odin the Boundless

To the newest incarnation of Odin Borison, the All-Father and ruler of Asgard, a unique change occurs. Not only does this reincarnation merge Odin with the knowledge of his past incarnations, but it also introduces a fascinating twist: the infusion of meta-knowledge from another existence. In this new life, Odin becomes a fusion of his former selves and the accumulated wisdom and abilities of a separate existence (another reincarnator). This unexpected fusion bestows upon Odin everything that was which the other life wished for ... Essence of the King and Essence of the Blank ... what is that?

Vincent_0580 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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34 Chs

Second changes

(Odin POV)

I am in the process of creating my own secure training space. I have decided to start my ascent to power ... I mean even more power, by introducing the Speed Force to the Multiverse. I have done billions of calculations to come to the best conclusion and found out that should my plan succeed, I wouldn't be able to just be erased from existence by anyone but the one above all. I am not certain but I believe he could still deal with me. 

I am not saying I would get as powerful as him, only that not even the Living Tribunal could destroy me. The way I would do that was simple. I would fuse the Speed Force with myself and the Odin Force. That way, I would not only become a conduit, but I would become the Speed Force itself. 

Now whether that was possible ... that was another question. But thankfully, I had no limits at all. I could learn this and become the Speed Force, because of the Essence of the Blank. 

There was only one thing that I was currently figuring out. And that was whether it was smart to only introduce the Speed Force without the Still Force. I believe that it would not only be better but it would complement the Speed Force and make both of them stronger. There is however a downside to that. And the downside is that similarly to the Odin Force, in the beginning, I would have to go into another Odinsleep. 

The amounts of energy that I would release and fuse with, are limitless and by fusing it with myself/ the Odin Force, I essentially have to adapt to it again and that needs me to go into hibernation or the Odinsleep. And I don't know how long that would take. It would likely take years before I wake up ... many years. Year during which Asgard would be unprotected by me. I would let things take their course for a long time and whether that is a good idea ... I can't say because I don't see the results of this. 

I have to ask Gaea about this. I no longer just live for myself. I am a king and a husband now. So I will see how she reacts to this. 



Odin was correct to be wary of simply going into another Odinsleep right now. The Angels were getting a bit arrogant as of late and so were the Dark Elves and Jotuns. The Angels were the inhabitants of the Tenth Realm. They were a race of extremely materialistic and selfish creatures, who would only be moved by the desire for material reward. 

Odin knew about this and he also knew the role they played in one of his previous incarnations daughters lives. The war between Asgard and Heven was not a good one and all of that was because of their greed. It had been millions of years since Odin had become the All-Father. 

Asgard had made tremendous progress and Odin's strength was rising ever so slowly. Without proper stimulation, Odin could only create harsher conditions for himself using runes. But it was getting a bit tiresome. Gaea was in the process of creating a scythe ... *sight*. She had thankfully not always done that during these years. 

Gaea and Odin had grown even closer during these years and they travelled across the universe using his runes. They visited worlds and watched different galaxies get created. Gaea had been training with Odin and had grown more powerful than she had ever been. It is remarkable how powerful the Earth Mother could be if she put some work into it. 

In a fight against Set, she would no longer lose. She would beat him easily. Odin himself had grown tremendously. That's what millions of years do for you. It had been during their latest travel through space, that Gaea had spoken to him about her desire to have children. Finally, after all those years they wanted to have children. It was funny that they waited this long. Normally a new king and his queen would start the 'baby-making' process as soon as they are married. 

But that is the difference between mortals and immortals like Gaea and Odin now. Odin's lifespan seemed to grow along with his power. The Odin Force grew along with him and if you saw the representation of it now, it would look like a grown and powerful man in his twenties. They had time while others didn't. So when Gaea told him that she wanted children, Odin was beyond ecstatic and couldn't wait. 

So if he does this, he would have to do it before they have their first child. If he waits longer, then he won't get to raise his daughter/son ... and that just wouldn't work for him. He knew how important it was to be a good parent. That mortal soul really put things into perspective. He saw what it was like to grow up without a father and also what a bad father Odin himself was in most stories. 

So he went and asked Gaea.


"You want to do what?! I sometimes don't like your nigh omniscience. You know so much that you want to prepare for everything. "Sigh* ..."

For a moment Gaea didn't say anything. No matter her age, she was a woman first and foremost. So her wish to have a child was not in her mind. She understands what it means to have Odin go through with this. It would take him away from her for many many years and then she would be lonely. But Gaea was not a normal woman. She understood that Odin knows more than she does and if he thinks it appropriate to prepare and gain more power, then he has a reason. 

So after not saying anything and thinking for a while, Gaea looks at Odin and sees his smile. She smiles as well and they kiss tenderly. 

"Good, do it. But I want you back as soon as possible. If I have to fight a war without you, I will punish you dearly when you're back.", she says into his neck. 

"That is very unlikely. And in the chance that you would have to, I have long prepared for an 'Odinsleep/ Odin-absence'-type of situation. Asgards defences and technology allow us to hold our own with no problem whatsoever. The new generals are instructed on how everything works and our soldiers are smarter and more powerful than ever. Our technology and magic are far beyond what anyone else in the ten realms possesses."

"*Sigh*, I know. I just dread the long time when you're absent."

"I won't be absent. You can come and visit me whenever you want. That is assuming that I won't be pulled into any dimension of any kind. The process is still unclear but Asgard is safe in my absence. And you can continue with the Titans and their fight against Ouranos. Just remember what I told you-"

"I know, I know. Don't trust blindly, always make sure. I don't understand why you don't trust them ...", she says and Odin raises an eyebrow. 

"... right. When would you have to go then? Are you going soon?", she asks Odin.

"The sooner I go, the sooner I am back. I don't know how long it will take but it will take a long time. When I'm back, I will have reached a new level of power that you wouldn't dream of. I can guarantee Asgard's safety ten fully. But nothing is certain in the Multiverse."

"I know. I'll miss you."

"And I will miss you too."



(Odin POV)

I dealt with the last few things. I talked to the generals and the highest officials about what to do in my absence, although no one except Gaea knew that I was leaving. Gaea would hold the highest authority while I am gone and an illusion of mine will make sure that I am not forgotten and that the other realms don't get the wrong idea. 

The Dark Elves and the giants were getting restless again. if they find out that I'm not even really here, things will get annoying. Asgard has the capacity to protect itself indefinitely. It is self-sustaining in any way. We can use portals to Midgard, Nidavellir and also Alfheim. These three realms hold a very special position within Asgard. 

Food could be produced, water was coming freely and whatever else you could need was also taken care of. So there were no problems there. I could go ahead and do it. I entered the chamber that I created for this purpose. It was reinforced with thousands of runes as well as could be reinforced with the Odin Force when I was there. 


I close my eyes and then begin the process that I have prepared for a long time. The Speed Force formula is: '3x2(9YZ)4A=?'. 

I focus on what I want to do. My potential is limitless ... this is possible. I have a lot of pride in my own strength but this is something never seen before. My runes won't help me here. Nevertheless, I will do it. Only those who have strong wills can do this and I have the strongest of wills. 



From seemingly nowhere a rainbow-coloured lighting struck me and made me gasp for air. In the next moment, I seemingly disappeared from this place and fell. I fell and fell for an unknown amount of time. Everything around me was red with yellow lighting everywhere. But that wasn't all there was. There were many different colours. 


I continue to fall until finally ... 


... I stop. I don't know where I am but that is not important. I look around and all I see is a seemingly unlimited space of different colours. I sit down and do the thing that I have been doing for millions of years since I started my training ... meditation. 

If I am truly inside the Speed Force, then it is about understanding this magnificent force. So that's what I did. I spread my Haki far and wide and all of my other senses as well. 


#### time later ####

I am not sure ... but I believe there is something... I have to continue. But another Idea has come to mind. I feel my Odin Force and spread it far and wide. My mind is suddenly assaulted with massive, sheer limitless amounts of information. 




#### time later ####

I understand!!! I finally understand!! Of course. What I have been seeing all this time, is the expansion of the Speed Force through space-time and into all Universes in existence and even further beyond that. Everywhere where the movement of any kind exists, there the Speed Force has spread ... and I have observed this process. 

But another thing has happened. Unknowingly, the Speed Force has fused with my Odin Force and with me completely. By using the Odin Force to feel and probe what is happening, I unknowingly combined the Odin Force with the Speed Force. That was what allowed me to observe its expansion. 

The Speed Force's Big Bang was observed by me. 


#### time later ####

I understand the Speed Force now. Its purpose in this Multiverse is clear for me and I have far surpassed anyone who has ever wielded the Speed Force. I AM the Speed Force now. Completely fused with me and with the Odin Force. But I can tell that there is more potential. I feel that there is more to gain from this. There is a Yin to this Yang and I know what it is. 

The Still Force. 

The other part of my coin. I focus on the opposites of the Speed Force. What is it lacking, and what are its weaknesses? Slowly my perception changes once again. On the ground where I am sitting, on my left side the ground begins to change again. 

On the right, there is the Speed Force. Electrically charged, the speed and momentum are palpable and visible. 

On the left side the Still Force. Calm as a sail without wind. It is beautiful. The Still Force is a cosmic force based on entropy and inertia. I can see it now. I feel ... complete. What a wonderful feeling this is. I feel so energized ... 




(3rd Person POV)

As time passed, Odin began to understand both of these forces more and more. He not only understood them but they became him. He became them. While the Speed Force is the representation of reality in motion, being the very cosmic force that pushes space and time forward, the Still Force represents entropy and inertia. 

Odin has entered a new level of power. One that his other counterparts and past incarnations would never dream about. He now had the power to both expand and stop the expansion of the universe. But that was only the beginning ... 

So after many many years in Asgardian time, Odin finally woke up again. And it would change the history of Asgard and the Multiverse forever.