

Allan" a rich yet cold person with an unbearable past came accross "Athenesia" a girl who is trying to cope up with the world. They seem to have some conflict as soon as they meet due to a strange reason. He forcibly kidnaps and restrain her, she is totally under his command. It was all good till he finds himself in love with her without realising it . Now he is to hold onto his past or to embrace her. She leaves him after that sinful night. Time flies but now he is unable to forget her and wants her back. Will he be tangled up with the life or focus on bringing her back.....? "

Annadiya · Urbain
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6 Chs


"Lily....lily... Baby where are you?" Athanesia is looking for the cat. And slowly slowly she walks through the alleys and reaches the main road near the signal. She walks towards the bus stop and as she is about to pass through it, she heard some sounds. She walks towards the garbage bags and slides it one by one. Her eyes starts to shine,

"I found it... I found it.. Lily my baby, come to me." Lily a white cat. As Athanesia comes forward to lift her up, the cat starts running towards the other side of the road. Athanesia is about to run after her but a car passes her with blowing horn.

She stops her feet in huge fear. She then steps backwards and spots Lily going under a car which was on the opposite side of the road.

The car belongs to no one else but Allen. Meanwhile Allan heard a sudden sound of horn and turns around, sucking the smoke inside and then throwing it out of the mouth.

Athanesia runs to reach Allan's car and drops her hair clip on the road, unaware of it.

Allan looks at her through the smoke. He can't see her clearly at first but then he catches a clear view on her.

Her black and shiny hair are flying in the air. Her face is shining brightly by the rays of the street lights. Allan was lost looking at her. His heart started to beat rapidly. She came running near Allan car.

As she stopped near the car, she starts to breath heavily. Her hairs is swaying in the wind and are all over her face. She slides her hairs behind, but the wind is still playing with her hairs. Athanesia looks towards him, they got in an intense eye contact. She swallow her throat. She is looking simple but extremely hot and pretty. It's like beauty is brusting out from her face. He can even smell her lavendery fragrance, which is approaching him due to the wind.

She changed her sight as she saw Lily coming out and hiding besides a wooden box. She then walks towards the box. Allan's eyes are still on her as if he doesn't want to anything else but her. He pulls out the cigarette from his mouth and drops it down stepping on it. Athanesia lifts the cat up and turns around. She wants to cross the road but few trucks were passing by the road. She then starts cleaning off the dust from the cat. Later she looks around and puts her gaze on Allan. Their eyes catches each other once again. As the last truck passes by her, it blows a strong horn which freaks her out. She then tilt her head a little and makes her way towards the other side of the road. Allan is still stucked on her. He doesn't want to take his eyes off her. She crosses the road and spots her hair clip which was lying on the road. She picked it up and walks towards the alleys. Slowly slowly Allan losses her sight as she walks further and after a while she disappers and he regained his senses with a blink. He takes a breath and sits in the car and the driver starts to drive.

On the other hand Athenasia bring the cat at Sarah's house. She is standing at the door. "What should I do now? The door is locked....

Wait.... wait a minute. Doesn't Sarah always keep one of her key under the door mat..?

That's great! I am super intelligent. " she then looks at the cat and smiles, "let's go inside Lily."

She makes Lily lie down in the cattery. She looks towards the clock, "40 minutes passed 12, the time really is running." walks towards the couch in the living room and lays on it. In a while she closes her eyes and falls asleep.

Taanggg... tannngg.. the pendulum starts to swing.

She slowly opens her eyes. "Gosh. Why am I unable to sleep tonight" mumbled and looks towards the clock, "it's 1 am. Didn't they came back yet? I must give them a message now, maybe it's more than enough." She picks up her phone and types a message on a group chat.

Anna: I found her and we are at home. Hurry and come back.

Sarah: Nice. I will be there in few minutes.

Anna: OK.

Jane: It's good to hear that, but I am going back home.

Sarah: Why all of a sudden ?

Jane: Michael is waiting for me there.

Danial: Jane, why don't you guys stick up together with glue.

Sarah: Nice joke.

Danial: It wasn't a joke.

Anna: OK guys. That's enough. Jane you go.

Jane: OK. Bye.

Athenasia puts her phone aside. She yawns while rubbing eyes and exhales tiredly. A moment later Sarah bumps inside and rushes towards Lily. "My little baby. I missed you so much."

Athenasia stares towards her in disgust, "Your little baby, drove us crazy. And by the way she is a bit mature now. So... "

"So what..? "

"So... I think maybe she is meeting up with her boyfriend and planning her future."

Sarah shouts, "What? No. Don't say that. If that happens then I will become grandmother and have to take care of her kids too."

Athenasia burst in laughter. "Hey where is Danial?"

"Ah he went to his house because his aunt is coming from the town."

"Oh I see. OK then I am also leaving then."

"Alright. Take care."

Athenasia comes out of Sarah's house. She walks towards the bus stop and calls for a taxi. She sat inside and relaxes her body. As the taxi starts she glances on the other side of the road where she saw Allan a while ago. She gets lost in her thoughts.

Beep.... Beep....

"Ma'am we reached." the driver shouts to pull her out of her thoughts.

"Huh... Amm... This early?."

"it's been a year ."

" Oh... OK. ... Here's your money." Handing him the money she gets off the taxi. She walks inside the building. Walks towards the apartment and opens the door using password 0111.

Enters inside, quickly remove the shoes. Rushes towards the bedroom and throw herself on the bed. Falls asleep in an instant.

On the other hand Allan enters his room and throws blazer on the bed. Removes the watch. Unbuttons the cuffs and shirt. Walks towards the bathroom.

Allan is standing under gentle splashing of shower. His eyes are closed. With his long fingers he slides back his hairs. His muscular body is all wet.

In his mind, he reminds Athenasia running towards him. Her fragrance reaching him through the winds. He opens his eyes but is still thinking about her. His expressions are getting colder. With hands on, he leans against the wall. As he closes his eyes again he see the same view. He comes out of the dressing room with a towel around his neck. He then throws the towel on the table and lays on the bed with eyes closed and falls asleep.