
(Carla x Matthew)

A/N: This is a long one with quite a bit of angst. Carla is my Oc and she is an elf who isn't from any fandom. Mathew is my friend's Oc and he is from The Adventures of Merlin and is the little brother of Percival. And comments with constructive criticism are always welcome as I always want to improve.

Carla's description: dark skin with a greenish tint, emerald green eyes, and hair with pointy ears

Mathew's face claim:

Carla's Pov:

The sounds of the breeze and the buzz of the insects, the chirps and calls of the birds around me are what calm me.

Sitting in nature calms me.

The stress of the war has gotten to me a little bit and I didn't want to bother anyone about it, especially Mathew because he already had so much to worry about he didn't need me adding to the list. But, as always, he could see right through my mask the thing I keep thinking hides the overwhelming feeling of anxiety and stress. And like the sweetheart, he is he brought me out here. The middle of the forest where all is calm and no one knows exactly what will happen, just to sit in the silence of the forest with me.

I could feel myself smile after I heard him look around for the umpteenth time I could feel the feeling of paranoia coming off him in waves. It was warranted the forest isn't as safe as it used to be, now even most of the animals have hidden from the noisy humans that stomp around looking for us.

It was frightening how they took one look at us and immediately thought us a threat. I felt better though, the forest always seemed to be in my favor when I entered. We hadn't been attacked for days and the debate on whether we should move the camp to somewhere else had been on everyone's minds. The people who debated the side of leaving lost almost instantly, so many of us wanting to protect our new home, others saying they had no right to drive us away when they were the problem.

The debate though was shut down after realizing it wasn't going to help us.

"Mathew we can go back to camp if you'd like," I whispered, opening my eyes, after hearing him move around again.

He shook his head, "No, it's just paranoia," he moved closer and pulled me in for a kiss, I blushed and kissed him back.

Seconds later I quickly pulled away at the sound of a twig snapping. It didn't stop there, leaves were crunching and twigs snapping all around us, one after another. A bird swooped down and flew in front of me shrieking in a way of warning.

The forest was loud now, no longer the calming place it had been just mere minutes before. Humans were coming out of hiding and surrounding us with menacing looks and lethal weapons. Mathew drew his sword and glared at them, daring them to come closer. I summoned my powers and had them ready for when they attacked.

One man jumped forward firing his gun, I used my powers over the plants and I guided the bullet away, ultimately hitting one of the other humans with the bullet instead, he screamed in pain and fell. Mathew lunged at someone else and he knocked their guns away, swiping his sword at them, they were dead before they hit the ground.

The more we knocked down the more seemed to come out from where they were hiding in the trees, out of the corner of my eye I could see Mathew struggling to keep up and fight against five humans all at once. I turned back and focused on the few I was battling, most I'd fought was now trapped in vines or now one with the ground or trees.

I took down a few more when I heard Mathew scream my name in pain, I turned to see them pulling out his sword from his chest, he collapsed to the ground with a heavy thud.

I screamed in rage and all the plants around me went haywire, attacking the remaining humans. Until I felt a white-hot pain in my stomach, looking down I saw Mathews sword protruding from my stomach. Looking up there were no enemies left they were all dead except the human who'd driven the sword into me I paid him no mind as he was slumped over on the ground. I could see Mathew a few feet away, I slowly crawled over as best as I could with the sword still in my stomach. He was still breathing, only just but if I could get us closer to camp I could save us, I could save him.

Mathew's POV:

The pain of my sword plunging into my stomach was horrific but seeing through my unfocused vision Carla being stabbed by my swords minutes later was worse. As she crawled towards me I tried moving to get up but every movement hurt. She came right up to me and her eyes, still looking beautiful holding immense pain, looked at my chest and I could see her thoughtful look trying to figure out how she was gonna fix this.

"C-Carla please go ...l-leave me," I sputtered out with blood dribbling from my mouth. She lightly shook her head and reached down to rip some of her clothing and putting it on my chest to staunch the blood pouring out of my chest.

"I'm not leaving you, Mathew, never," she looked determined but I could see she was slowly succumbing to her wound. My vision was slowly getting fuzzier and more out of focus but I could still make her out as she slowly started humming trying to make some sound in the overwhelming silence. I looked up a bit to try and see her face better but an outline of someone behind her caught my attention.

"C-Carla wa-watch out," I tried to warn her but it only came out as a whisper she looked down at me to say something. When I heard a clunk and her face went slack and she fell the rest of the way to the ground, unconscious.

My eyes were slowly closing but I was trying so desperately to keep them open and move my body to find hers. I couldn't move anything but my head and I slowly turned it to the side and saw her still form, laying on her side. Just behind her, I could still see the blurry shape of the person's legs walking away with a limp then collapsing a few feet away.

"I l-love you," Carla's face was the last thing I saw before the darkness finally came.

Nico's Pov:

Patrol, had been silent for the most part not a human wandering around the forest with their intent to kill us even though most of their attacks on our camp caused damage they always went home with less than had come. And since they always had people wandering around trying to find us alone my pack had been put on patrol duty as we could get a link across to others.

It had been working with only a few incidents out in the forest but only because some people couldn't get the memo and stay inside, camp. But the forest is calming for a lot of us so I could get why.


Were those gunshots? They were, they definitely were. I raced towards the sound to which was farther away than I originally thought. After the first gunshots, many followed one after another, hopefully, it means that the humans missed, along with pain-filled screams.

I pushed myself harder and eventually made it into a small clearing it was a small battlefield covered in blood, bodies, vines. I recognized two of those bodies and it made me shiver, I slowly pawed my way through checking for movement of any kind.

Once I got closer to them, lying side by side I leaned down to see if either were still breathing, one was alive. Both looked awful Mathew had a stab wound in his chest, I didn't know him too well but some people did, Carla on the other hand was bleeding from her head with what looked like Mathew's sword lodged into her stomach. I didn't know how I was gonna get both on my back Mathew would get up there no problem, I needed to bring him back to camp, Carla was still breathing with a sword in her stomach. I could worsen her injuries or kill her on the ride back which isn't ideal.

I howled loud while shouting through the link, needing help.

The response was immediate. Shouts and questions were shooting through the link I winced at how many were coming at me so I stayed silent just urging them to come, I could faintly hear the sound of a few pairs of paws hitting the ground coming towards us. A few moments later three large werewolves came into the clearing shifting instantly. They were looking around at the small bloody battlefield with confusion on their faces.

Nica, who was on patrol with me, Hook, and Alpine were the other werewolves that had come. They saw the two campers and went into action Alpine picked up Carla and was carefully carrying her to not make the injury worse. She shot off running back to camp to get her medical attention, Hook looked at me with a nod and gently put Mathew on my back and we slowly walked back to camp, Nica walking beside us.

A few minutes later we broke through the tree line into camp and once they noticed everyone turned towards us in shock and slowly bowed their heads in respect at the sight of the fallen knight on my back.

Elodie and Ian walked up to us with somber expressions, Elodie motioned for us to follow her. The three of us nodded as we followed right behind her. She took us to the burial sight we had been using, there weren't many graves but it was sad none the less to see the graves.

"We are going to have a funeral once Carla wakes up and is ok to leave her bed," She looked down and Dawn had walked up to us with a few other campers carrying a decorated table, Hook gently took Mathew off my back and placed him on the table. Some other campers came up to us holding equipment to put up a tent.

After the first few had died we had made a funeral plan, this was the first time we had to go through with it.

"I'm gonna go check to see how Carla's doing," I muttered after shifting, I felt somewhat responsible I heard the gunshots and couldn't get to them in time.

"Nico people are working on her to save her. Your lucky you got there when you did," Dawn said as I started walking away. I nodded and looked down still making my way towards the med tent. Before entering the tent I could see Aine and Enyo making their way over to where Mathew was. I looked away entirely and went inside with an overwhelming guilty feeling I knew wouldn't go away for a while.

-half an hour later-

I waited by the entrance of the med tent watching as they worked on Carla trying to save her life, and they did, they all looked proud at being able to save her. Once they were finished one of them finally took notice of me being there they gave me a nod and I smiled softly and turned around, walking out of the tent towards my packs and I's cabin, knowing she was gonna live.

Walking slowly into my cabin the rest of the pack were all sitting somewhere in the main room, they were all looking at me with varying expressions of sadness all looking towards me as soon as I walked into the room. I felt anxious with all their eye's on me and negative thoughts start circling through my head. What if they stop loving me because of my failure at being able to save Mathew I was the closest one? What if they kick me out of the pack for being a weak werewolf? What if they think it's my fault?

I paused when I felt salty tears run down my face, I moved a hand up to touch my face to feel actual tears. I looked up and all of my pack was looking at me in shock, they slowly stood up and enveloped me in a hug. No words were needed, they didn't think it was my fault nor did they think of me as weak but strong. My knee's buckled and I fell to the floor, them coming with me and I could feel their love through their actions making me smile softly.

Carla's POV:

I could hear voices and feel people moving around me. Where was I? Where was Mathew? Last I remembered was me trying to stop the bleeding so I could get Mathew back to camp. Am I back at camp? There were patrols on duty, they had to have heard the gunshots or even the screams.

Was I dead?

No, I couldn't be dead I recognize some of these voices. They must've found us and taken us back to camp for medical attention. Hopefully, Mathew is ok I don't know what I'd do if he died he means everything to me.

I tried opening my eyes but they felt like lead and I couldn't open them but the noises and voices were getting louder and more comprehensible. I listened for a bit before trying again to open my eyes, I got them halfway open before there were bright lights shining in my eyes and I shut them again with an irritated groan that silence the rest of the voices around me.

"I think she's awake," I heard one say it was very familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I slowly opened my eye's again to see Enyo with Cever, Aine, Hiro and Dawn surrounding my bed.

They all looked relieved that I was awake but their face's held pain and sorrow, I looked up at them confused. I tried sitting up but as soon as I tried my I felt a slight pain in my stomach but looking down I was fully healed. Dawn had moved and gently pushed my shoulders so I layed down again.

"Carla, don't try to get up. They did heal you but you need more rest for your body to catch up to the magic," Dawn kept her voise at a whisper and I was grateful for it as my head was pounding. I sighed looking around at all my friends then glancing around at the med tent looking for Mathew.

"Guys where is Mathew?" I asked earnestly. I couldn't see him, he wasn't here. Why wasn't he here? Where was he? I was looking around as much as I could in my position but I still couldn't see him anywhere. I looked up at them with a panicked looked silently asking again where he was.

Cever looked away with a expression filled with guilt and misery, Enyo had silent tears slowly falling down her face, Hiro looked a little detached as his eyes were looking just to my right with his blind eyes.

"I am filled with sorrow saying this Carla but Mathew has passed on," Cever spoke with clear sadness. My eyes widened in shock and I looked at them in disbelief, he couldn't be dead.

"No! Please don't lie to me like this! He can't be dead!" My voice was getting louder and more panicked the more I spoke. Dawn tried calming me down but the Cever's words were circling around my head then Mathew's last words popped up and a sob broke out of my mouth and tears started trailing uncontrollably down my face, I drew my hands up to cover my face.

This crushing feeling was bearing down on me and I couldn't believe he was gone.

"I wanna see him," it came out broken but they all heard it, they nodded and Dawn helped me out of the cot. And they slowly led me to a smaller beige tent with the tent flaps closed, once we got to the entrance Cever opened them, and peering in I saw a decorated table with someone laying on top of it.

Moving closer I saw familiar clothes and a familiar face and it made my heart crumble to dust. Mathew was laying on the table his face pale and features calm, I slowly grabbed his hand with my shaking one and felt how cold he was.

Sobs racked my body again and I slumped down towards the ground my hand still holding his and I spoke through broken sobs, "I want to be alone for a but please," a petite hand, I guessed it was Enyo's was placed on my shoulder, squeezing a bit then disappearing. I faintly heard the tent flaps get opened and close as they left.

My sobs and cries grew louder by the moment and they were interrupted by the occasional plead to wake up.

He never did, and I wasn't ready to be alone.