
obsession:Melting the cold warlord's heart.

He was the fierce warlord feared all over the four kingdom. Just mentioning his name was enough for soldiers to abandon their weapons and flee the battlefield. She was merely a slave with no background who was despised by most people. He was in the sky, she below the ground. From the moment he set his eyes on her, he wouldn't let go of her. Caged in his heavily guarded stronghold, she would go the extreme just to be free. He claimed it wasn't love, she just wanted to be loved. He wanted her to follow his terms, she defied every of his commands. Let us journey back in time, to a time where a slave girl who barely knew what love was, had to survive the hard life in the stronghold. Where conspiracy lurks,sly, vicious and scheming mistresses would go any length just to gain the warlord's attention. And how the warlord broke free from the hands of a power thirst king, and men who couldn't want to snatch her away from him. Will they both find love and survive the trial that awaits them or succumb to it?

Hannah_Bolanle · Histoire
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14 Chs

Living with the monster 2

Few days passed and Ronan hadn't approach her. It wasn't that she wasn't happy but she didn't know when he might try to pounce on her. This always get her agitated.

Katie came in as usual, she had helped her with her bath, dressed herand latter served her breakfast. They had both gotten along.

Olivia stood up to leave for a play whic h was held in the village theater when Ronan walked in.

She greeted him and was about to leave when he called her back. " And where do you think you are going?"

Olivia turned and answered. " To watch the play in the village."

" Why does it look as if you come in here and leave whenever you like." Olivia knew this conversation wouldn't end well . " Come here. Make yourself useful."

Olivia walked to his side when heard him say. " And do something with your clothes. We wouldn't want it, would we?" She turned to the order side if the room. What does he have with tearing clothes. She obeyed and changed her dress. When she was done her mind wasn't at rest. ' Was it today? Would he take her?' Different questions were running through her mind.

She went back to the room and found him on the bed. His shirt gone. He grinned when he saw her the look on her face. " Come her mouse." He tapped the bed indicating she could sit. He stared into her eyes and said." What are you thinking? You sure do have a dirty mind. My Bach hurts do something about it." He turned and slept on

What!! He wanted her to massage his back and made her go through all those trouble.'

" What's taking you so long?"

She stretched her hands and place them on his firm back.she moved her hands gently, making sure she didn't do anything to upset him. He moaned as she continued to move her hands.

When she didn't perceived any movement from him, she withdrew her hands.

" Who told you to stop? Don't stop until I say so." He commander her.

Taking rest at some intervals. She continued the massage.Olivia gave up on going to the play. He had wasted enough time.

When Ronan knew the play was almost over, he asked her to stop.

Olivia stood up and sat beside the window. " Aren't you going anymore."

" The show would almost be over." Olivia told he. " To bad,maybe another time." He stretched on the bed and yawned. He faced her direction and smirked.

Olivia couldn't hide how angry she was.

" What's wrong? Disappointed? You know we could have our show right here. What do you think? Wouldn't it be interesting?" He smiled showing his white teeth.

Knowing what he was referring to, Olivia decline his offer. " Don't worry, I don't feel like watching any show anymore."

" To bad, it would have been epic." A malicious smile adorned his lips.

She went back to sit on her couch. When she became bored she stood and walked to the patio. She sat on the chair and stared at the beautiful scenery.

Never in her widest imagination had she expected Valarie to be this beautiful. From her point of view she had thought it would dry, no beautiful flowers, covered with sweemays and soldiers sitting allover the place.

Well it's was never her fault from what she had heard it was a city were warriors were made.

" Baron Roche,thanks for visiting. You are always welcome." Niall and Baron Roche walked side by side until they reached where his carriage was." Where is Ronan?" Baron Roche asked." Busy I suppose." Knowing that Ronan intentionally stayed back.

" Well, goodbye. Extend my greetings to Ronan. He turned and stepped into the carriage.

" Farewell." Niall bid him

Padding his feet across the room, he turned and spoke." Shouldn't you be going to king's landing,King Henry awaits your arrival." Niall spoke to Ronan.

" Am not going anywhere."

" Stop being stubborn, it won't do you any good." Niall advised his brother." Is that all you came here to say,you can now take you leave." Ronan spoke having an aloof expression. He then looked back at the papers he was reading.

" Well don't say I didn't warn you." Not wanting to continue the conversation, Ronan changed the topic.

" Where is the report ?" Stretching his hand to handover the papers." Here you go."

" The profits are increasing, that's good. Make sure the labourers do their work well and are paid adequately. I don't want the incident that happened few months ago happen again." Handing over the papers back to Niall he added.

" Most importantly the new recruits, train them well. Make it intense,and make sure they don't slake. I don't want weaklings in my army. And one more thing. I want you to be in charge."

" Okay, buy maybe you should come and see the recruit yourself. A little gingering won't be too much." Niall smiled mischievously.

" If there's nothing more to say, I will be on my way then." Niall walked out of his office and met a messenger set from the king. The messenger bowed to Niall and he reciprocated. He watched the man leave and shook his when. ' when would Ronan listen.'

Olivia woke up, she looked around and as usual the monster wasn't around. Today was going to be boring again. She went to the bathroom and took her bath , changed into a fresh dress. When she was done she met another maid at the door.

" Good morning milady." The maid greeted her. She noticed it wasn't a genuine.

She smiled and asked. " Where is Katie?" She was friendly unlike this one standing in front of her.

" She was assigned to another room." She gave a Curt reply. " I see you have already taken you bath. What else will you be needing?" She asked putting on the fake. " Nothing am good."

" If you say so. I will be bringing you breakfast then." The maid bowed and turned to leave. When she got out he smile fell. She hissed when she realized she was serving a fellow servant like her.

When Olivia was done eating breakfast. Not knowing what to do, and knowing Cath and Mary would be busy until evening,she decided to tour around Ronan's quarter.

She walked around exploring every room. She noticed some were locked. She walked to the next and she pullythe handle and the door opened.she walked inside and found it to be a library.

" Wow!!" Books lineed up in different rows. She walked to a stand and picked a book. She read apart of it and closed it. She picked two others and left. She walked back to the room she shared with Ronan. She laid on the couch and started reading until she fell asleep.

When she finally woke up it was the time of evening she place the book on the table and left for her friends house in the village.

When she finally got there,she met them entering the house.

" Mary.. Cath ." She called out their names. The girls turned their backs to see her calling them." Olivia you are here. Hope yourday wasn't to lonely?" Mary asked her.

" Well it wasn't bad. I saw some books to read. How was work today."

" It was fine. Come in let's not keep you waiting outside."

She sat on a chair. " Why don't you work with us, staying alone in the the stronghold without doing anything isn't it boring. Plus when u work, u can keep the money. You might need it someday. What do you think cath.

" Well am in support of what Mary said, you can't rely on Ronan." Cath added as she sat on the other end of the chair Olivia was sitting.

" I know, but what do you think will happen when he finds out." Olivia said not knowing what Ronan would do.

" He might not do anything, he doesn't care about anyone but himself and come to think of it,men like him when the are done using women they leave them never thinking about what happens to them. A good example is his brother,he has a reputation with women. He use and dump women so I'll advise you not to rely on them." Cath advised Olivia.

" Okay I'll think about it."