
Chapter 1

On a snowy afternoon, there was a young man walking home. Despite how cold it was, he only had a thin jacket on and a rough red scarf wrapped around his pale neck.

The young man, named Xia Feng, rubbed his hands together as he tried warm them with his breath. He quickly walked to the street light and waited for it to turn green.

Beside him were also other people, freezing and wanting to go home after a long day of work or school. Xia Feng himself was exhausted from working three shifts for two different part time jobs. He hasn't slept a proper full night in more than a week, resulting in his panda under eyes. He couldn't wait to get home, though it was certainly a crappy apartment that made him all the more lonesome, it was home for him. The first place he bought after he left the orphanage.

" Ding." The street light changed to green. Xia Feng woke from his daydream and hurriedly made his way over the long crossroad. As the group of pedestrians walked to the other side of the road, a ball fell out of a young boys hand. The ball rolled back onto the street. The boy, a toddler, was so small no one noticed him, except for Xia Feng who was at the end of the group.

" Ah, hey wait kid! It's gonna turn to a green light in a second!" Xia Feng called out as the kid passed him.

" But my soccer ball!" The child only paused for second hearing the young man's warning. The desire to get his toy back triumphed. With his little legs the boy ran over to the middle of the street to get his soccer ball.

" Hey!" Xia Feng called out again and jogged over to the kid. On his way over, Xia Feng noticed a truck on the corner. The driver was on his phone as he made a narrow turn. The child was too small to be noticed.

Xia Feng gasped in horror. He sprinted to the child, and covered him in his embrace. It was too late to push the child out of the way, he could only try to protect him.

The hit sent them toppling over to the side walk, as Xia Feng slammed onto the concrete ground. He groaned as the pain fried his nerves. Yet he kept his arms locked around the child. He only let go once the boys mother ran over to them in tears.

The scene was chaotic as many called the ambulance and cops on the truck driver.

The boys young mother leaned down to Xia Feng. " Thank you so much and I'm sorry I'm sorry…" She sobbed as she frantically tried to stop the bleeding on Xia Fengs head.

" It's okay…" He muttered as he wanted to comfort the lady.

Xia Feng felt dizzy and muddled. His deceased mother appeared in front of him. 'Ah, times up for me huh.' He thought as he shakily took the lady's hand off his head and held it tightly in his hands.

" Mom… did I do well? Am I… a good boy? Ma…" He whispers with his last breath.

The young mother, though stunned, realized Xia Feng was losing consciousness and seeing his own mother.

" Ye-yes you did so well, mother is proud of you. Such a good child." She sobbed as she answered. She frantically looked around to see if the ambulance was here yet. What was taking so long?! Such a good young man was going to be lost forever! The boy looked like he barely finished high school, he still had a whole life ahead of him. A future that was robbed…


Dazed by the bright light, Xia Fengs eyes slowly flutter open. He found himself in a white space. He got off the ground and walked around in curiosity.

" Is this the after life? Am I waiting to be judged or something?" He muttered. Xia Feng wasn't religious per say, but he did believe that there is God whom created everything.

After waking around for a long time and still not reaching the boundaries of this white place, Xia Feng gave up and plopped on the floor to lay down.

" Might as well get some sleep."

He could finally relax, he didn't have to struggle to make ends meet. All he had worry about when he awoke is if he's going to heaven or hell. But, he lived a decent life so probably not hell. Hopefully.

His thoughts trailed off as his heavy eyelids fluttered down. He spent a long, long time sleeping. The ground he laid on wasn't hard, it was actually softer than the futon he had at home. It was quite a comfortable sleep.


Xia Feng scrunched his nose as felt something soft tickle his face. He swatted it away, thinking it was his cat Misses. Misses usually tickles his face first then slaps him if he doesn't wake up.

" Ouch!" Xia Feng springs up, feeling a sting on his cheek. He held his face in disbelief, Misses couldn't have died too right?!

He looks around to find nothing.

" What the-"

[ Up here, idiot host.]

" Huh?" Xia Feng looked up to see a white fluffy fur ball floating in the air.

" The fuck???"

[ Mind your language.]

" Oh sorry. Um… where am I and who are you?" Xia Feng slaps his mouth as if his mother lectured him before respectfully questioning the… thing hovering above him.

[ I am system 482, under the " Villain management" department.]

" …Weird name. But could you elaborate?"

[ I am to guide and assist you as do your missions.]

" What missions? And could you just explain everything at once?"

[Understood. I shall start from the beginning. You were randomly chosen, after your death, to become a host. ]

" A host?"

[Your job as a host is to travel to worlds and complete missions. As I am under the Villain Management department, your missions all shall be related to villainous characters in the worlds we head over to. You will be possessing a different persons body in each world we travel to. ]

" Am I going to ever be the villain?"

[ Maybe. Usually you will be a nameless side character or a cannon fodder.]

" …. I see."

[ Though this is an advantage for you. As long as you don't deviate from the basics of their personalities, you have the freedom to act out of character.]

" Oh, that's right, since I'll be possessing a grown persons body they would have already developed a personality. Wait does that mean I'm taking their life away?!"

[ In a sense yes you are. However after you complete your mission, you will be pulled back from that body and the original soul will come back.]

" Oh! That's good." Xia Feng let out a breath of relief.

[ However, there are times when you will occupy a soulless body. You then will have the option of staying in that world for as long as your body can hold on.]

Xia Feng nods, taking in what the system said. Xia Feng was actually quite excited. He's never traveled before, and now gets to travel around worlds.

Xia Feng kept his enthusiasm as the system explained a few more things to him.

[ That's all for now. Anything else you need to know will be explained at that time. Do accept our bonding?]

" From the way you spoke it seemed like I have no choice?"

[ You don't, this is just for formalities sake. Now agree or you will be thrown back to the reincarnation cycle of your world and forget everything in this current life of yours.]

" Fine, fine I agree." Xia Feng didn't want to forget his dear mother.

[ Good. Soul connection complete.]

As the system said that, a white string of light wrapped around Xia Feng and the system for second. Once it receded, Xia Feng was now able to mentally communicate with his system and he was now able to access his system interface.

[ You have a mission available. Here is the information.]

System 482 sends the plotline over to Xia Feng. A blue panel with white writing popped in front of him.

Xia Feng frowned as he read through it. " How fudging Mary Sue?! So cringe, who came up with this???" Xia Feng looked at his system in disbelief.

[ Don't know, don't care.]

Already adapted to the systems attitude by now, Xia Feng went back to reading.

At the end, Xia Feng sighed as he pushed back his hair. "… he isn't even a villain, he's more like a cannon fodder at this point. The male lead and female leads halos are way too over powered!"

He sniffed as determination filled his eyes with fire. " Let's go save this pitiful man!"

[ Sure, sure, whatever. Initializing transfer…

Transfer complete. Good luck host.]

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