

As someone who never owns a CAD, Leon is Looking at Tatsuya's briefcase with curiosity.

That silver handgun is a Specialized CAD, which is intended for Magicians who are strong in specific Magic Sequences.

Leon wondered what kind of CAD he should choose in the future, a specialized or general CAD just like Miyuki.

Considering his status as a bloom, at least his talent in magic must be above average, so he should pick general for versatility, but the idea of specialized CAD is somewhat intriguing as well. Both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages.

These dilemmas faced by Leon are common to the first-course students, as the talented magicians in the world go through similar types of experiences.

But it was different for the second-course students, they have to pick specialized CAD in order to catch up with the rest of the students. Afterall It's better to be average at one thing rather than to be worse in all of them.

Leon rubbed the bracelet on his right hand. It's a general CAD he borrowed from the public morals committee. There are many unused CADs collecting dust in the storage room. So, he helped himself to one of them.

By sending some of his Psion into the bracelet, he was able to sense some blueprints inside the CAD. In the theory, as long as he put enough Psion needed by the blueprint inside the CAD, it will start to transform the Psion into the Activation Sequence.

But Leon suppressed his desire to do so because he thinks it's a very bad idea. His knowledge about how the magic works are still shallow and dependent on the show from his previous life which is very lacking.

He didn't have time to let his mind wander as he saw Tatsuya and Hanzou headed towards the center of the room.

"Alright, today I will act as the judge of this mock battle, but first, allow me to explain the rules, listen carefully," Mari paused for a moment and said, "Lethal magics and techniques that cause disabilities to the opponent body are strictly forbidden. You're also forbidden to use any form of melee weapons, but unarmed combat is allowed."

She continues, "I will determine the winner when one side is unable to continue the battle or break the rules which result in defeat. Now, both of you please stand behind the starting lines."

After getting into their respective position, Tatsuya and Hattori faced one another. Both of them are showing a relaxed expression, but Leon was able to spot something interesting, there's sweat trickled down Hanzou face.

He started to wonder if he put too much pressure on Hanzou, but either way, it's no longer his business. Leon just hopes vice-president put enough effort to fight Tatsuya.


A signal from Mari and the figure of Tatsuya has already vanished from his original position, putting the spectators in immediate confusion. their minds can't process what they are seeing. But not for Mari and Hanzou who knew about Kokonoe Yakumo.

By manipulating chakra to surpass the limit of his body, the speed of Tatsuya is comparable to someone using acceleration magic.

Hattori's expression is solemn as he filled his bracelet with Psion, ignoring Tatsuya that suddenly vanished from his sight. Hanzou situation is not good, but it's still within his calculation.

Even though Hanzou was surprised by the speed displayed by Tatsuya, Hanzou is an elite among the students of first high, so he was able to retain his calm and act according to his plan by casting AOE magic.

Hanzou is confident of his plan, it was perfect. He even chose the practice room with a sandy environment in order to execute his magic perfectly.

The dust in the practical room flies up into the air.

No matter how fast Tatsuya can move, he won't be able to evade his magic. Hanzou is confident in his judgment. It's the only way for him to stop Tatsuya and win the match.

In this battle, the one who attacked first would win.

He toned down the scale of the magic so it will be faster to deploy, but it still covers the whole room.


Speed·Convergence Compound Magic, "Linear Sandstorm".

Around Hattori, six dust storms started to grow in speed as it spread out with him as the center and headed into various directions, obscuring everyone sight. They can no longer saw anything, their vision is filled with sand.

However, the sandstorm seems to stop spreading before it can reach the spectators. Looks like Hanzou is already put the spectators' safety into consideration.

This proves his standing as a strong magician below The Big Three, the three strongest students acknowledged by the school. They are Mayumi, Mari, and Juumonji.

Although Linear Sandstorm is not deadly, it can't be said to be harmless either. Depending on the intensity the user put into the magic sequence, it may cause a serious injury upon the victim.

So, it's not weird when everyone is worried about Tatsuya safety, especially Miyuki. Even though she knows he would be alright, she can't help but worry about her brother.

Mari also contemplating whether to stop the battle or not as it started to get dangerous for Tatsuya, but Leon didn't think so.


The sand storm started to rampage violently, trashing the room without a care in the world.

Leon's red eyes always focused on Tatsuya's movement even amidst the sand and never left him even for a second.

Under Leon's amused gaze, even on the verge of crisis, Tatsuya is bent on hiding his countermagic from the other people.

Leon saw the state of Tatsuya attire, it was dirty and full of dust, but it doesn't change the fact that Tatsuya will win the battle. The victor is already decided, Leon thought.

Tatsuya was high is the air, upside down with his head below, his silver handgun is aimed at Hanzou who had a victorious smile on his face. He has no idea that his defeat was already set in stone even before the match started.

There are no dramatic sound effects, Leon only saw the handgun glowed three times in a row before the sandstorm stopped their fury.

"How... "

After everyone sight returned to normal, they can only open their eyes in disbelief when they saw the unconscious figure of Hanzou in front of Tatsuya.

"...The winner is Tatsuya!"

Mari had no choice but to announce the winner even though she had no idea what happened during the battle and how Tatsuya was able to defeat Hanzou in that situation.

Everyone can only show their confused face towards Tatsuya, hoping to reach enlightenment, but they're disappointed when Tatsuya says nothing other than 'I was lucky'.

Looking at Tatsuya, a light lit up in Leon's eyes and his breathing started to get faster.

He was itching for an exciting fight against the main character of this world. He wants to see how far the gap between them and what will happen if they fought each other. this thought refused to leave his mind.

But he quickly calmed down and sighed in disappointment when he remembers there are many people around him. There is no way for Tatsuya to accept Leon's challenge right now considering the effort he put to hide his ability earlier.

"Onii-sama, let me..."

Miyuki approached Tatsuya in a hurry and immediately activated her CAD. It lit up Tatsuya body and his uniform suddenly become spot clean without a single speck of dust.

It was at this moment that Leon made up his mind to chose general CAD.

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