
MC Slept With Belphie


Mammon came skipping in the hallway.

He had his signature stupid grin on his face as he passed by without a care through his brothers' rooms. He was practically bouncing, humming his 'Mammon is awesome' song to himself. The thought that he was such a lyrical genius came to mind. Should he start a band? He laughed like a maniac, marveling at his brilliant idea. Maybe he should have MC join the band, she would surely pull some fans in, and they could make money.

They would be rich, riCH, RICH. MUHAHAHAHA.

"Mammon shut up!" Levi's muffled voice distracted the second-eldest from his daydreaming. A familiar scenario immediately ensued, the two older bickered about who should shut up. It was just their way of greeting each other now.

Peace was never an option in the House of Lamentation anyways, there was always one fuss or another every minute of the day.

Mammon was the usual start of it all.

Like today, a couple of demons and witches were pressuring him to pay up, and as per usual, he's happy to abuse MC's kindness. He was planning on dragging her to work part time at a coffee shop.

It's Sunday!

Surely she has time?

Anyway, seeing MC in a maid costume would be a bonus, it was the uniform of the shop.

It was totally not his ulterior motive, yep, totally.

He giggled to himself.

He bursts open through the door, and as if on cue, MC let out a little yelp. She was sitting awkwardly on the side of her bed, caressing her waist. She looked like she was in pain.

She hasn't noticed Mammon yet, who was now red from ear to ear. Many, many, times, Lucifer has warned MC to lock her door and Mammon to not just simply enter her room without knocking.

MC was wearing pajamas, but the buttons were severely mismatched as if worn in a hurry. Her hair was disheveled and her usually brilliant eyes were still half-closed.

She let out a yawn as she tried to get up, only to fall on her knees again, whimpering.

"M—MC!" Mammon shrieked at the poor girl. Peeking though the cracks in his fingers, flushed like a the raw hell tomato Beel had for a midnight snack last night.

MC looked at him and blinked, still half asleep.

"Oh, Mammon, good morning." MC muttered, slightly limping as she used the bedpost to prop herself up.

"Would you wear some clothes on?!" The white-haired demon screeched at her.

"But I am," MC looked down to see that the third button was in the first hole, and practically everything else was unbuttoned revealing her waist and a collar bone. "Oh..."

She blushed and turned away, fumbling to fix it despite feeling like she was about pass out. She couldn't help but wonder how Mammon was practically camping in her room everyday but was still flustered over seeing her looking like that. Well, it's not like she has ever been naked in front of him, however.

"Shut up..." Yawned Belphie, who was now sitting up, hugging MC's pillow and grogily watching the early morning sitcom unfold before him.

"BELPHIE?! THE HECK—WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Mammon screeched at the sleepy demon.

MC sighed.

"We slept--" She couldn't finish.

"EEEEEHHHH?!" Mammon screamed on full volume, making his younger brother cringe at him.

Belphie paid 'Stupid Mammon' no mind and went back to burying his face on MC's bed. It must've have been the most comfortable bed he has ever been. He wondered why a little before falling back asleep.

"Belphie, that's so unfair. I didn't get any sleep and my waist hurts so much because of you..." MC whined as she curled up at the foot of the bed.

"O-Oy! MC! Don't fall asleep! W-What do you mean you didn't get enough sleep because of Belphie?" Mammon shook MC, but she was practically snoring. She had eyebags, and a wrinkle in between her brows. Asmo would be outraged to see her in such state.

"Mmm...Mammon you're so noisy." MC moaned, curling up into a tiny ball of drowsiness.

"Oy! Belphie!" Mammon whipped his head to his younger brother, who didn't look sleep deprived but was basically knocked out anyway.

Belphegor was silent. Either he couldn't care less or he's already off to dream land.

With all the noise, Beel curiously peeked in. He was held the door ajar as he effortlessly chewed on seven pieces of beef jerky like they were nothing. Anyone could tell that he had already raided the fridge. The beef jerky was MC's, and unlike Beel, she was pretty generous with sharing her snacks and things to the brothers.

"Oh, so...Belphie.. was here?" He said in between chews, peering at his twin who was at peace at the bed that was not his own.

"Oy! Beel! Take your twin off MC's bed!" Mammon welcomed him snarkily, still propping up MC who had already fallen asleep on the carpet by the bed.

"Belphie had a nightmare last night, he couldn't calm down so he probably went to MC." Beel explained, ignoring his older brother's demands.

"MC's scent calms him down so..." Beel, now kneeling on one knee, gently bent down carry the sleeping MC.

They were already in the hallway of the house when the pieces finally clicked in Mammon's genius head.

MC's bed was too small, it was designed for only one person. Originally, her bed was king-sized, but she requested for Lucifer to have it changed. A tiny bit embarassed, she admitted not being used to sleeping in such a large bed.

Mammon knew that, and courtesy to him camping in her room on almost a daily baisis, Mammon knew that MC liked to sleep all curled up hugging a pillow. Belphie liked having a lot of pillows too, and he brought about 10 with him when he migrated to MC's bed. He looked particularly fond of MC's pillow though, which didn't help Mammon feel OK with the situation.

Anyway, the reason why she didn't get any sleep was probably because they had to cram up in her tiny bed.

She probably couldn't turn away Belphie last night either. Of course she couldn't, MC was a martyr like that.

"Eh? What? What happened to MC?" Levi's onion head popped out of his room. It's not that the ruckus interrupted his slumber, he was holding a game console controller. The opposite of Belphie, the otaku practically didn't sleep.

"MC...fell asleep." Beel said plainly as he gnawed on his snack, not stopping in his tracks. Levi followed them, he was about to get breakfast anyways.

The brothers walked as Mammon explained the situation to the third eldest.

"Eh? But I thought Belphie would come for Beel when he has nightmares." Levi quietly commented as he snapped a pic of MC's sleeping face. Mammon whisper-shouted at him, but settled down when Levi told him he'd give him a copy. Nothing you wouldn't expect from the Avatar of Greed.

The two were busy fiddling with their DDs when they heard a gasp.

"Oh my gosh, what did you guys do to MC?" It was Asmodeus, approaching them with a face mask on.

"What? OMG she has eyebags!" He exclaimed as he looked down at the sleeping figure. Beel shushed him.

Levi explained to him what happened.

"Stupid Mammon, of course MC wouldn't *beeep* Belphie. She'd want to do that with me!" Asmo scoffed in a lowered voice. The three couldn't get together without a single conflict. It was nothing new though.

They bickered in whispers.

"What are you all doing?" Satan then popped out of nowhere, holding a copy of The Fall of the House of Usher, a book from the human world MC gave him and he always carried around.

He took one look at the sleeping MC and looked to Asmo for an explanation. They were practically a parade of whispering demon brothers now, and as expected, the oldest soon joined them.

"What is this?" Lucifer looked at his brothers, his arms crossed and his head already shaking before anyone could say anything. He was in the middle of a paperwork for the council, and came out only to investigate the activities of the troublemakers. He always felt uneasy whenever something bizarre happened in the house, so he learned to trust his gut whenever it acted up.

An explanation was offered, and Lucifer sighed. He promptly held out his arms to Beel.

Beel raised an eyebrow.

"I will bring her back to my room." Lucifer said in a plain voice.

Beel shook his head.

"No! Let's bring her to my room." Mammon protested, almost snatching MC when Beel pivoted and dodged him. He almost faceplanted to the carpet.

"No, of course we'll bring her to my room." Asmo chimed in, looking all confident and almost grabbing the sleeping MC when Beel dodged him too.

"Eh~ let's bring her to my room. My aircon is in max and I have Henry 2.0 and Ruri-chan figures." Levi joined in.

"Oh shut up Levi, only your otaku self need those to sleep." Asmo retorted.

It took only a second before a whispering heated debate about the new issue broke out.

MC moaned, asleep but nonetheless irritated with their bickering.

They all fell silent.

"Stop, all of you." Satan shook his blond head. "MC can't sleep in any of our rooms. For one, Mammon doesn't clean, his room is disgusting." The white-haired demon was about to protest but Satan didn't give him a chance.

"Levi's room is ice cold and is littered with his figurines and DVDs." He continued, looking at the third eldest who was now pouting but silent because it was true.

"Lucifer's is full of documents and mine is crammed with books." Satan finally pointed out at the arguing brothers. Holding his chin in thought, he watched the realization hit them.

"Then MC should sleep in my room right?" Asmo happily interrupted.

"No, you can't be trusted with a vulnerable MC for a second." Satan replied robotically, Lucifer agreed quietly. Asmo protested, and a new topic to bicker about was born.

Before they can all turn to Beel, the ginger was already gone.

"Eh? Where's Beel?" Asmo interrupted.

They found him gently lying MC down to his own bed, snatching a few pillows from Belphie's bed and tucking her in. As if aware of this, MC let out a satisfied sigh.

The brothers began filing in to the twins' room. Another argument ensued. It was apparently unfair that MC was sleeping in Beel's bed, and was hugging Belphie's pillow.

They all, again, bickered for a little while before Levi, and Mammon each ended up getting a pillow from their own beds and made a nest out of it for MC. Of course they were competing which pillow got to be hugged by MC. This time, Levi got to make MC hug his favorite Ruri-chan dakimakura. He had a look of smug victory as he snapped another picture with his DD.

"Heh, this is almost like an imouto trope material." He giggled to himself.

Asmo came back with a humidifier laced with Lavender and plugged it at the twins' outlet, proudly explaining that the aroma helped with stress, anxiety and could calm down anyone who smelled it blah blah blah.

Satan and Lucifer seemed uninterested in contributing anything, and vanished without a word. That is, before Beel came back to see MC all snuggled up under a black fur blanket with her face buried in a green cat plushie. It was obvious to him who the additions were from. He smiled knowingly.

It was almost lunch when Beel went to the kitchen, not to raid the fridge, but to cook MC and Belphie's favorite dishes. The two hibernated until late noon and ate heartily.

Mammon managed to convince Asmo to come to the part-time job with him, mentioning the uniform and the young succubi who frequented the shop.

MC sat out a lecture from Lucifer, saying that she didn't need to be generous to Belphie to her own health's expense. She was frowning all day until she came across Satan in the library. He promised to read to her before bed that night. MC mentioned his voice being like a 'Good Night's Sleep Podcast' whatever that is.

Asmo came back to lecture her how sleep deprivation ruined one's skin, and proceeded to provide a detailed explanation of a bunch of vitamins she can choose from that helped with insomnia and skin care.

Mammon brought her favorite cake, and gave her another lecture about how she was too much of a martyr, that she should be selfish sometimes. It was a long preach, and that was already the third one after she had just woken up. She didn't expect Mammon, of all people—or devil, to nag at her.

MC was traumatized. She swore to never sleep late again, at least not with the brothers being aware of it.


Note: I first wrote this at 3:00 in the morning a long time ago, saw now that it had over 3K views and was horrified when I reread it again so I made some minor 'changes'. I'm working on another chapter since school is over.

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