

It was not a coincidence that you got enrolled in RAD as an exchange student. It was all a conspiracy. You're a mole sent by a group of villains to RAD in order to gather info on Diavolo and the Seven Rulers of Hell. They are not just a normal villain group. They were behind monsters, machines, alien, demons, etc. attacking human realm in those Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider shows (yeah those shows were real too). But the mission proved to be difficult when you were/are entangled in the drama in Devildom, mainly the family drama of the Seven Lords of Hell. Credits: Obey Me! Shall we date and all of its characters belong to NTT Solmare Corp. Super Sentai & Kamen Rider belong to Toei Company. Power Rangers belong to Hasbro Inc. Notes: The cover was made by me using Canva, the image on the cover is the Pre-Release Wallpaper of Obey Me!, available under CC-BY-SA. MC is gender-neutral. You may see that the story has male lead, it was because webnovel's leading gender only includes male and female. Yes, it's mandatory to check in lead's gender to create a story.

Joyful_Abyss_Mage · Jeux vidéo
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Pact with the Avatar of Greed

"Of course!" you replied.

"So about your cat..."

You expected Satan's Wrath, so when he began to talk about your non-existent cat, you were stupefied. However, you regained you compose quickly and began to talk about your "beloved cat" named Lucifer. You knew better than to remind him of his detention later this afternoon.

Everything was fine until you noticed Lucifer's glare towards you two, which made you gulp.

"Don't pay attention to him!" Satan said.


"He's the sadistic tyrannical ruler of the House of Lamentation, who enjoys punishing others."

"It seems that you dislike him."

"Let's go back to talk about cats."

Satan drew the line you knew you shouldn't cross. So you decided not to pursue any further. It was not because you didn't know though. From the file on Satan, you learned that Satan was born from Lucifer's Wrath after The Fall. What you wanted was earning his trust.

"Oh that's right. Two weeks ago, when I was ironing my clothes, Lucifer jumped on the shirt which I finished ironing just a moment ago and he kept lying there. It must be very warm. It was very cute. Though at the end of the day, his white fur was all over my shirt."

"White fur? Didn't you say Lucifer was a black cat?"

(Oh shit!) you said to yourself.

"M...my mistake. I wanted to say his black fur."

"Can I see picture of Lucifer on your phone?"

"I left my phone in the human realm."

"You can use your DDD to gain access to your social media accounts and photos in your phone in human realm."

"Really, I didn't know." you said to Satan while saying "F*ck" inside your head.


Well, lucky you, the plot armor saved you. The bell rang indicating the end of lunch time.

"Hurry up, or I'm gonna leave ya behind." Mammon came to your table sand shouted.

"Oh right, coming!" you were really glad that your next class was with Mammon, and not Satan.

= = = = = = =

After all classes ended, you managed to avoid Satan thanks to his detention. That was when Asmodeus appeared and took you to go shopping with him.

"Sweetie, you look so stunning in this! But if it were me, I bet I would be 100 times more stunning."

"MC, you are so gorgeous in this, not on par with me, of course."

The shopping went on until evening when you returned with countless shopping bags. You finally got something to wear beside the clothes that was on you when you cam to Devildom, your pajama, and your uniform.

= = = = = = =

Levi: [What did Lucifer say?]

[Lucifer said he had frozen a certain form of money that belongs to Mammon] :MC

Levi: [Are you sure?]

[Yes] :MC

Levi: [Come to the kitchen!]

= = = = = = =

*munch* *munch* *munch*

As you stepped inside the kitchen, you saw Beelzebub devouring the food inside the refrigerator. It took him a while to notice you.

"What are you doing here?" the orange-haired demon asked.

"I'm hungry." you answered. It was the least suspicious excuse/reason to use when you go to the kitchen.

"I understand." Beelzebub said. "When you're hungry, you can't just wait until the next meal to eat, right?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"But, there's nothing here. I've already eaten all things inside the fridge."

"I see."

Then Beelzebub left, mumbling something about poisoned apples hidden by Lucifer.

"Alright, you can come out now." you said to Levi, who was hiding in a corner.

"Woah! H...how did you know I w...was here? It w...was just like in the anime I saw e...earlier today..."

"Shhh" you put your finger on his lips.

Levi stopped talking and his face reddened. The scene just now reminded him of an anime he watched yesterday. And it was an anime with smut tag.

"Why did you hide? This is your house."

"Well, just like in the that scene of..."

"Alright, get to work, we don't want to be caught." you said.

Levi immediately shut his mouth and began rummaging the freezer.

"Not this, not this too, this...no, it's the ice scream Satan hid from Beel 200 years ago..." Levi mumbled as he was searching.

After a minute of rummaging, Levi finally took out a black credit card...frozen from deep inside the freezer.

"Give it to me." you said.

"O...ok!" Levi gave the frozen card to you.

As you held the frozen card, you channeled the heat inside your body and focused it on your two hands. It was a simple technique that all villains like you know, well, except the grunts.

Soon, the ice began to melt and the water vaporized, leaving only the card. Levi was completely shocked. He intended to ask you but did not get the chance this time.

"Hey, what are you two doing in the kitchen?" Mammon came in and shouted.

"Mammon, look what we found." Levi pointed to the card on your hand.

"That...GOLDIE, my beloved, my lover, my life!"

"Gross!" Levi commented.

"Mammon, make a pact with me!" you said.

This time, Levi was stupefied. He could not open his mouth as you took the lead.

"Why should I make a pact with a puny human like ya?"

"In exchange for Goldie, of course!"

"I'm a demon and you're a human. I can just take it back from ya effortlessly."

"Alright, I'm calling Lucifer."

You showed Mammon your DDD, your finger was ready to press dial Lucifer at any moment.

"Wait, I'll make a pact with you."

= = = = = = =

Mammon took out a leather parchment.

"Here, read it."

You read what was written inside the the parchment, making sure that no condition inside was unfavorable to you (like you selling your soul to Mammon, etc.). Mammon then gave you a Raven and you signed your name on the parchment with it. After that, both you and the Avatar of Greed bit your finger and let your blood drop on the parchment.

Suddenly, you felt your skin getting burned.

"Argh!" you screamed out of pain. "What did you do?" you looked at Mammon.

"It's the pact mark. When a demon forms a pact with a human, a pact mark will appear on that human's body, right at where the demon wants. That mark will remain there until the day the human's body decays under the grave.

Soon you felt that the pain and burn began to gather at one place, your ribcage. That was where the pain and burned got more intense. It was just like the day the Great Leader marked you with his curse.

= = = = = = =

"You got the Avatar of Greed under your control without selling your soul. Well done!"

You heard the voice of Lord Pride from the purple daruma on your drawer.

You went to the mirror, lifted up your shirt as you looked at your reflection. There, you saw a crow that looked like tattoo on your left ribcage.