

Auteur: NyxSein
Fantasy Romance
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What is Nullis

Lisez le roman Nullis écrit par l'auteur NyxSein publié sur WebNovel. Centuries past and on the contrary of what humans think, it did not advance like what they hoped for. From the top of the food chain, they fell very hard. Humans being slaughtered like meat is the cur...


Centuries past and on the contrary of what humans think, it did not advance like what they hoped for. From the top of the food chain, they fell very hard. Humans being slaughtered like meat is the current norm. Before it was called cannibalism, but today it is called fine dining. With monsters wandering everywhere. What will become of the humans, or as what normal folk calls these days: the Nullis.

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"Are you satisfied with looking at him? Or do you want to touch him as well? Huh?" Ambika continued accusing. "W-What weird things are you spewing?" one of the girls replied, taken aback by Ambika's accusations. "Huh? What am I saying? What are YOU doing? Staring at someone else's husband! Huh? You perverts," Ambika retorted. "P-Pervert. You must be crazy. This woman is insane!" the girls shot back defensively. Rudraksha intervened, stepping closer to diffuse the escalating confrontation. "Ambika, it's okay. Let's go," he said calmly. "How dare they look at you?" Ambika yelled at Rudraksha. Rudraksha turned his gaze towards the two girls and offered a polite apology on Ambika's behalf, signaling that it was time to move on. The girls nodded, somewhat bewildered, and walked away. Confused by Rudraksha's response, Ambika turned to him with a furrowed brow. "Why did you apologize?" Rudraksha looked at Ambika with amusement. "Why would you fight with them?" he countered, his tone gentle. Ambika crossed her arms, a stubborn expression on her face. "Why would they stare at my husband?" Rudraksha stood there, momentarily taken aback, before bursting into laughter. Soon, Ambika joined in the chuckle. "What will I do with you?" Rudraksha shook his head while smiling at Ambika. •• Rudraksha started punching Ved while family members desperately tried to intervene. Ishaan cried out, "Stop! You'll kill him!" Ambika, sensing the danger, rushed forward and positioned herself between Rudraksha and Ved. Ishaan, panicked, shouted, "Ambika, get back! He will hurt you!" But Ambika stood her ground, meeting Rudraksha's gaze with unwavering determination. Rudraksha, momentarily taken aback by Ambika's presence, hesitated mid-swing. "Rudra, please calm down" she said firmly, her voice cutting through the chaos. Rudraksha's expression softened as he stared at his precious wife, a flicker of recognition in his eyes, his fists lowered down.

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Trust and Believe in Love

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The All-Knowing Uchiha

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Deaxth · Anime et bandes dessinées
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