
Not so perfect

Celina_Sainju · Urbain
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18 Chs

Chapter 5 Feelings

Bright hurrily run to give paper to Snow. He saw Snow and call her. He give her paper and hit at her head.

" Stupid, How can you be so careless." Bright said.

Snow rub her head and give silly look. Bright cover his mouth and close his eye. He cannot understand what just happened.

" Thank you so much" Snow look at Bright and hold his hand. Bright face turn red. He pull his hand back and said," Stupid, Never think that I will return your things back if you forget to take." Bright rudely said and went home.

Snow tap his leg and angrily said," I thought you are kind but you are rude and arrogant. Huh....."

Bright went in room and smile without reason. He was happy. He didn't realise he have feelings for Snow. Bright can hardly fall a sleep because of incident happen in past but that night he fall a sleep.

In school

Snow look sleepy. She was doing her homework till late but she cannot complete it. Math is hard for her. She is good in all subject except Math.

Merry wave Snow. " Hey, You must be Snow. Merry told me about you. Nice to meet you. Let's be friend." A girl suddenly hold Snow hand and speak non stop.

"Ahh.." Snow confusely look at Merry.

" Ummm.... She is Alice. My bestie. She was absent yesterday and day before yesterday." Merry tell Snow.

" Umm... Hello Alice." Snow greet her.

" Whoa! You are so nice." Alice smile

Bright, Zane and kelvin enter in class. Everyone were looking at them.

Whoa!!! Girls were whispering with each other.

Snow ask Alice why they are together. Alice told her they are best friend.

"Huhh..." Snow look at Merry.

" Brother!!! " Merry run and give Zane book.

Snow suprisely look at Alice. Alice said," Don't you know Merry' s Brother is Zane."

" Huhhhhh..." Snow shockly said.