
Not Mariam

…she’s a widow and he’s a CEO of Star Multimedia Company

_H_O_V · Sports, voyage et activités
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

Mariam opened her eyes to meet a pair of brown eyes looking at her , she immediately took notice of her unfamiliar environment which is obviously a hospital.

         It's the girl that's as plaiting Ahmad's hair , 'what's she doing here ? ' Mariam thought.

     Mariam remembered that she fainted but couldn't remember how , she sat in a more comfortable position and asked the first question that came to her mind .

          'Who carried me here ? ' Mariam asked

    'It was me ' The girl replied and Mariam got even more confused.

      'And ..who are you ? ' Mariam asked .

    'Zinat' she replied

     'Actually ya Ahmad went back to the office so he told me 'stay here and don't communicate with her when she's up , she's a lunatic ' Zinat said and laughed at the end of her sentence .

       'Lunatic..I see ' Mariam said looking around the white painted room . Mariam imagined Ahmad's deep voice calling her a 'lunatic ' to his sister.

      Mariam removed the blanket that was covering her and got up trying to balance her dizzy steps .

    'Where are you going ? ' Zinat asked

   'To where I live ' Mariam replied as she adjust her veil .

     Zinat rushed and had Mariam's arm to prevent her from falling .

   'Please, just sit please  . I don't want Ya Ahmad's trouble ' Zinat said pleadingly

       'Why ? ' Mariam asked , she sat down when she couldn't bear the throbbing pain in her head .

     'He said that I should not let you go until your discharge papers are ready ' Zinat answered and gave Mariam a cup of water .

        Mariam finished the water and thanked her .

'And when will it be ready ? ' Mariam asked

      'Tomorrow' Zinat replied calmly

   'No I've to go now , I can't sleep here ' Mariam said

    'Please sit down , ya Ahmad will be annoyed ' Zinat pleaded and pulled Mariam to sit in the bed .

    Mariam sighed in defeat and sat down on the bed .

         Zinat sat down beside Mariam and spoke 'I know Ya Ahmad can be disturbing sometimes right? ' Zinat asked trying to start up a conversation with the noted Mariam.

     'Trust me , he is ' Mariam replied and removed her veil leaving only her cap on her head .

        Zinat chuckled at the reply and Mariam was shocked , she was not expecting Zinat to laugh at her reply rather she was expecting the opposite.

        'I know right , but he's pretty cool ' Zinat said and the two continued to talk mainly about Ahmad's behavior and about his fiancé .

        'You know Sadiya right ? ' Zinat asked Mariam

  'Who's she ? ' Mariam asked even though  she knows a bit about her .

     'The famous modest model in Kano , she's Ahmad's fiancé actually' Zinat answered

         'Oh ' Mariam replied not knowing what to say next .

      'She's nice then ..right ? ' Mariam asked

  'Yeah she is , though Mama is not really in support of their relationship but Baba is fully in support obviously because her father is his business partner ' Zinat said

    'What of Ahmad ? ' Mariam asked sounding a little bit  like a creep .

   'What if him ? ' Zinat asked

  'Does he like Sadiya ? ' Mariam asked

  'He does .. a lot ' Zinat replied

    The two of them were talking when someone opened the white door .

         Ahmad entered the room with a girl behind him .

  Mariam quickly put on her veil and felt a little bit jealous of the beautiful woman that's behind Ahmad .

     The woman has a model like structure , her brown eyes fit her oval face shape perfectly well and her dark skinned face just look fine . She has the same medium sized body as Mariam .

        'Talk of the devil ' Zinat mumbled in a very low voice that only Mariam could hear her .

      'Ya Ahmad , please next time knock before coming in .. I mean you almost saw Mariam without her covering on and it's not like you're going to marry her ' Zinat said to her brother who's dint even reply her rather Ahmad continued to stare at Mariam as if he's feeling guilty of her condition .




