
Not Her Choice

Sienna's Dad gives her hand in marriage to a millionaire's son without her consent. When she finds out why, she agrees to marry Jack but she has no feelings for her new husband. Jack however, falls for the beautiful Sienna upon first sight. Will Jack win her heart or will their marriage be doomed from the start? Also what happens when Rhys, who is Jack's handsome best friend is thrown into the mix and falls for Sienna? With secrets and lies surrounding them all in a love triangle like no other, which man will Sienna get her happy ending with?

missrose25 · Urbain
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12 Chs

Chapter 4

"Sienna are you ok?" I heard Dad's anxious voice ask when the darkness disappeared and my eyes opened to see the light.

"I'm fine," I replied as I looked around to see Dad beside me looking worried and I noticed a man making notes on a computer. Wait a minute, he's a Doctor. Dad's Doctor. Everything that had happened came rushing back to me. My Dad has Cancer. "What happened?"

"You passed out," Dad explained. "Are you sure you are ok?"

"Yes, I said I was fine. Can we go home now?" I said irritably. I'm guessing the Doctor and Dad spoke about Dad's pain relief options while I was passed out so there's no need for us to stay here is there? Besides, Dad and I need to have a chat don't we? Even though he is really dying, it doesn't excuse why he would think a forced marriage for me would be the answer to his problems.

"Yes, if that's everything Doctor," Dad glanced at the Doctor.

"Yes that is everything. Here's your prescription," the doctor handed Dad his prescription. "If you have any side effects or the pain relief doesn't help then book an appointment and we'll see what's going on,"

"Ok, thankyou doctor," Dad thanked the Doctor before we left the clinic to get Dad's medication. I can't believe he was sick and never told me. How long has he known? When was he planning on telling me or was he never going to tell me and just die without me knowing he was sick?

The car journey home was a silent one.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked as soon as the door was shut when we arrived home.

"I didn't want to upset you," Dad replied.

"You didn't want to upset me? You didn't want to upset me? You already have. You should have told me as soon as you found out so we could've spent more time together before you left me," I burst into tears and Dad pulled me into his arms.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you would get upset. I hate seeing you upset and I didn't find out about the cancer not that long ago. I'm still coming to terms with it,"

"When were you going to tell me? Never? Were you just going to die and have the coroner tell me?" I demanded once I had calmed down and my tears had been wiped away with my sleeve.

Dad didn't answer, just held me tighter.

"I still don't see why you are forcing me to marry. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself without you," I said confidently.

"You are certain of that now Sienna but once I am gone, it will hit you hard. You will be a mess for months. That's why if you marry, you won't have to worry about money or anything until you are over my death,"

"So it's a temporary marriage until I can get back on my feet?"

"Yes but if you don't want to marry him, I understand and won't force you to. I'll call David tomorrow and-"

"There's no need, I'll marry his son," I decided. I don't want to marry a complete stranger but it is what my Dad wants so I will do it. Who knows how long he has left. I want the time he has left to be as stress less as possible. He wants me to be looked after once he is gone. He won't be able to die in peace knowing I am all alone. I have no choice but to marry the millionaire.

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