
Not a Spider, But a Dragon

Peter had thought that he would die that day, yet he lives now, with such powers he had never thought of even in his dreams. He admired a Spider, tried to be a Lizard but now he faces the world as a Dragon. Witness Peter Parker in a completely different form in his journey throughout the multiverse of Marvel. This is a Marvel fanfiction with elements from various other fictions.

DRAGONS_EYE · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 11

I was sparring once again with Ancient One. Like always, I started with a bolt of red lightning. However, this time, the lightning bolt was different.

Instead of a single bolt of red lightning, I launched a spear formed of concentrated red lightning.

Ancient One created a lightning resistant shield. However, the shield was already wavering after being hit by single spear, despite it being a lightning resistant one.

It had been a week since I had arrived at Kamar Taj, and started my training in the mystic arts. The days where I created portals of red lightning were long gone.

However, seriously, it took me a lot of effort to move past the portal spell.

At start, whenever I created a portal, it was shrouded with red lightning and self imploded.

After some rigorous training, I could finally create stable portals although they were still shrouded by lightning. When after much training, I could only reduce the amount of lightning surrounding the portal, Ancient One simply gave up and said that I would be able to create normal portals with time.

Then, I started my training on energy constructs. It was at this point that my combat ability soared.

When I had created my first energy construct, an energy whip, it was again formed of red lightning instead of neutral magical energy.

Fortunately it was beneficial to me this time as I could use the lightning constructs in combat and it also helped me in training my magic.

Ancient One had said to me that I should know focus on energy constructs as I would not be able to use other spells until my lightning attribute stopped bleeding into my spells. So, I should try to create energy constructs of just neutral magical energy.

Fortunately it did not affect me as much because I could easily produce the same effect as that of most lightning spells with my lightning constructs.

Moreover, I had confirmed that my intelligence had indeed been enhanced. Actually, only the introductory books in the library were available in English. The rest of the books were in freaking Sanskrit language.

I didn't even recognise the script it was written in, much less the actual language. Yet, I was able to learn Sanskrit in just two days.

Now, back into the fight, Ancient One's shield broke after just taking another spear. Seeing another spear coming after her, she warped to another spot.

This time, however I did not attack immediately like a rampaging beast as I did earlier. Instead I took to the skies claiming the higher ground to take the upper hand.

This was another change. Now, I could control my instincts enough that I could make my own decisions in a fight instead of just relying on my instincts.

Ancient One launched a barrage of energy blasts at me which I easily dodged with the help of my wings. This was also a way for me to train my flight ability.

I launched a barrage of lightning bolts at her forcing her to warp once more. This time, however, I was prepared.

With the help of my dragon sense, I easily knew where she would appear. As I sparred again and again with Ancient One, I could easily feel when a warp circle was activated.

This was what had happened during our first fight. During that battle, as I had fought her continuously, I had unconsciously sensed the activation of the warp circle near me using my dragon sense.

Forming a lightning blade in my hand, I plunged downwards, ready to strike as she materialised. But it was not that easy to take advantage of the Ancient One.

She created a wind tornado forcing me into my tracks and thus we continued our dance of magic, After some more time into the spar, Ancient One finally stopped it.

"It is getting more and more difficult to spar with you. You attack like a relentless beast, a truly unfair opponent for any sorcerer." Ancient One admitted with a look of exhaustion on her face.

"To stop you, I would have to use more lethal spells which I can't use because we are just sparring." Ancient One reminded me to not get arrogant.

"Moreover, we sorcerers are not at our full strength unless we fight using the mirror dimension which I can't use because you have not advanced to that point." Ancient One explained that a sorcerer's greatest strength was the mirror dimension.

Ancient One didn't, in fact, have to explain since I had fought her once at her full power. She had used her full power at me in that battle so that I did not get arrogant after suddenly gaining such tremendous powers.

I still get shivers whenever I remember that battle. Ancient One had distorted the mirror dimension so much that I could not even get near her, much less attack her. All the while, she was raining lethal spells at me as if they were nothing.

"I believe that your training is now reaching a bottleneck. You still can't stop your lightning attribute from bleeding into your magic spells. Also, you have not achieved any matter of control over your tremendous strength." Ancient One said to me and I fully agreed with her on this point.

I knew that I would not be able to advance any further until I achieved some proper control over my body. However, I didn't even know where to start from in order to move on this path.

"I think that we must start with the basics. Which in your case, I believe, is your lack of control over your strength."

"However, you will not be able to train it on Kamar Taj. As such, I have reached out to another hidden society which will teach you how to control your strength."

Ancient One suddenly dropped the bomb that I would have to go to another hidden society.

"Would I be able to maintain contact with Uncle Ben and Aunt May there?" I questioned as I had only been able to survive this whole new world with a whole new me because I could always relay on Uncle Ben and Aunt May. They were always a call away, ready to listen to all of my problems no matter what they were.

"No, they are a completely closed community." Ancient One said, completely thrashing my hopes.

"However, before going there, I believe I can give you a little reward for all your efforts here. I will take you to meet your Uncle and Aunt tomorrow." Ancient One said raising my hopes.

"Seriously. Thank you, Ancient One." I was so happy that I wanted to hug her. But, unfortunately I couldn't, remembering my lack of control.

"However, you will not be meeting them at your home. I can only allow you to meet them at the New York Santorum. Now, go and tell them the good news."

Although, I could not meet them at my home, it did not dash my hopes in the least. At last I would be able to finally meet them.


Thus, Peter has finally a chance to meet his family after the whole debacle. Be ready for a eye watering reunion because there are just too many tears waiting to drop.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n /DragonsEye