
Not a Mob: Psycho

A former mercenary dies and gets reincarnated in the world of Bleach, vested with tremendous psychic powers. No plot knowledge. No harem.

Einlion · Anime et bandes dessinées
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105 Chs


"The method to attain Bankai in a short period is using an artifact known as a Tenshintai(God Change Body) to actualize your Zanpakuto Spirit in the real world," explained Rukia. "After that, you must persuade or defeat it. Should you fail, you could lose your life or have your will supplanted by that of your Zanpakuto..."

"That sounds pretty dangerous..." muttered Rangiku, assuming they would be unable to use their Zanpakutos for the duration of the trial, a sentiment that was confirmed when Rukia nodded her head, appending, "Unless you are supremely confident in your innate and practiced abilities, manifesting and attempting to defeat your Zanpakuto Spirit is suicide. For the duration of the trial, you will be unable to use your Zanpakuto. Furthermore, should you abandon the trial and forcibly reseal the manifested Zanpakuto Spirit, there's a good chance your Zanpakuto will become sealed, unusable from that moment onward..."

Shifting her gaze to Ohta, Rukia added, "That's where Ohta-kun comes in. If the person undergoing the trial has someone they trust to assist them, the process becomes much simpler and comparably safe. However, if you depend on an outsider to subjugate your Zanpakuto and achieve Bankai, it could 'imprint' on them, recognizing that person as its true master..."

Looking between Orihime and Rangiku, Rukia clarified, "In simpler terms, you would become bound to the person who subjugates your Zanpakuto Spirit. Orihime received her powers from Ohta, so it wouldn't matter much in her case. However, if you, Matsumoto-san, permitted Ohta to aid in the attainment of your Bankai, your very soul would be 'beholden' to him from that moment onward..."

"Yeah, that's not happening," said Ohta, chiming into the conversation before Rangiku could say or do something stupid. "I'm fine with you and Orihime, but I barely even know this woman."

"That didn't prevent you from giving me the ride of my life..." remarked Rangiku, her expression forming into an alluring pout. Even now, she felt like Ohta's cock was still within her, the echoes of his deep and forceful movements resonating through her body and causing a balmy wet mess between her thighs...

Blinking in surprise, Orihime asked, "Did you and Ohta-kun have sex...uh, Matsumoto-san...?"

"That's an understatement," replied Rangiku, crossing her arms in a way that accented her tremendous bosom as she revealed, "This boy treated me like a plaything and blew his load in me no fewer than six times. For a while there, I thought he would never give me a moment to rest and catch my breath..."

Instead of getting upset at Rangiku's words, Orihime looked at Ohta with glistening eyes containing a hint of longing. The most he had ever cum in her was three times, largely due to the presence of Rukia, so she wanted to experience what Rangiku had 'endured' at least once...

Shaking his head, Ohta lightly pat the hopeful ginger's head and said, "I'm not in the mood right now, but I will be eventually. Just be patient..."

"Okay~!" replied Orihime, smiling happily since Ohta was generally good at keeping his word. He hadn't expressly promised her anything, but she believed it was only a matter of time before he afforded her an experience even greater than Rangiku's.

Seeing the peculiar interaction between Ohta and Orihime, Rangiku raised her brows and asked, "What's the deal with the two of you? I thought you were lovers, but now you look more like a master and his pet..."

Answering in the duo's stead, Rukia explained, "Orihime is my attendant, interim physician, and a collateral lover of Ohta-kun's. He refuses to be in a committed relationship with anyone other than myself, but Orihime is an exception as she wishes to support our relationship, not interfere with it..."

"That's right~!" exclaimed Orihime. "I really 'really' like Ohta-kun, but I'm also really good friends with Rukia. I want them to be happy, and it makes me happy just being near them~!"

"I see..." muttered Rangiku, adopting a somewhat awkward smile as she scratched her head. Orihime's words made her feel sorry for the bubbly ginger, but she wasn't in a position to lecture others on their relationship dynamics. The boy-turned-man she loved broke up with her the day after they had sex and willfully avoided her from then onward. She had tried to get his attention and make him jealous by flirting and eventually sleeping with other men, but all he ever did was smile at her, make jokes, and then wish her well before summarily leaving, treating her as if they were barely acquainted with one another...

Feeling a sudden urge to get a drink, Rangiku stood up and said, "I'll be in the guest bedroom..." before sauntering off. Her departure was followed by the stares of Ohta, Orihime, and Rukia, all three eventually goggling at her ass, swaying seductively with each movement.

Waiting until Rangiku had retired to the guest room, Rukia remarked, "I can see why you're attracted to her. I never paid much attention to the appearances of other women in the past, but Matsumoto-san is certainly a beautiful woman..."

Nodding her head, Orihime cupped her breasts, staring down at them as she muttered, "I need to start drinking more milk..."

"Both of you are fine just the way you are," asserted Ohta, drawing the duo's gazes. "But that's not important right now. Tell me more about this Tenshintai method. What are the side-effects of having your Zanpakuto Spirit subjugated by another? Orihime doesn't even know the name of her Zanpakuto, so would she be able to use it?"

"That last part is certainly an issue," acknowledged Rukia. "However, as Orihime's Shinigami powers are derived from yours, you should be able to assist her in accessing her Soul Space/Palace via Soul Resonance. If not, she'll just have to wait until she learns the name of her Zanpakuto before undergoing the training."

"Sounds about right..." muttered Ohta, meeting Orihime's gaze to find she was staring at him with an expectant glimmer in her eyes. They had tried to trigger Soul Resonance a few times, but resonating with more than one person was difficult. They had gotten close, but as the process was like a clash of wills forced into a compromise, Orihime would invariably pass out before they could achieve the coveted state. Simply put, even with the powers he vested her serving as a 'bridge,' the gap between their mental and spiritual energies was too great.

"We'll try it later..." said Ohta, habitually caressing Orihime's head. At the same time, he prompted Rukia to continue with his eyes, compelling her to say, "As for the side effects, they're as I mentioned previously. Once a Zanpakuto Spirit has been subjugated, it effectively becomes subordinate to the person who bested it. Depending on the degree of subjugation, the Zanpakuto could simply ignore its wielder, refusing to lend them its power without 'permission' from the one it views as its master."

"Then why doesn't the Gotei use this method to awaken the Bankai of weaker Shinigami, consequently subjugating them?" asked Ohta. "Seems like a fairly reliable way to prevent betrayal..."

"It's because the person who becomes the new master of the Zanpakuto is obligated to maintain that relationship," explained Rukia. "If you neglect the contained Spirit, it could become moody and temperamental, outright refusing to lend its power. That forces the Shinigami with the subjugated Zanpakuto to stay close to the person who subordinated it. If the wielder doesn't have a strong bond with said person, their Spirits could even turn against them."

"Sounds incredibly convoluted..." remarked Ohta. However, at the same time, he could understand why this method wasn't used more frequently. Managing your own Zanpakuto Spirit could be a pain in the ass. Trying to subordinate and manage others sounded like a nightmare...


Pretending he couldn't feel Anpu silently judging him, Ohta said, "That's even more of a reason not to get someone like Rangiku entangled in our affairs. If she wants to undergo the training, more power to her. But she should get someone like her Captain to subordinate her Zanpakuto Spirit, not someone she barely knows and casually had sex with..."

Nodding her head, Rukia admitted, "That's certainly an option. However, as capable as Captain Hitsugaya is, he lacks the 'capacity' to manage the Zanpakuto Spirit of someone like Matsumoto-san. You should know that a Zanpakuto Spirit is a more 'primal' reflection of their wielders. While I am confident he would be able to subjugate Matsumoto-san's Zanpakuto, it would doubtlessly rebel unless she is similarly subordinate to him. And I don't mean subordinate in the vein of a Captain and his Lieutenant..."

"In other words, the person who subordinates the Zanpakuto needs to periodically fuck its original wielder...is that what you're saying?" asked Ohta.

"Any sufficiently powerful bond should suffice," argued Rukia. "However, if you consider that Matsumoto-san's Zanpakuto Spirit is a less 'uninhibited' version of her, I don't think it would be content with a master who ignores or refuses to sleep with its wielder..."

"And with that, you've convinced me 'not' to subordinate her Zanpakuto Spirit..." stated Ohta. He definitely didn't mind giving Rangiku a thorough dicking, but if her Zanpakuto became subordinate to him, he would 'need' to keep fucking her indefinitely. At the very least, he would be stuck with her until she managed to reclaim her authority...

"I understand your reservations," replied Rukia. "However, with Aizen's forces growing by the day, it would be 'beneficial' to have even one more person capable of using Bankai. Matsumoto-san is also an experienced Shinigami who has been a Lieutenant for many years. She would make a suitable candidate to fill the vacancies in the 3rd, 5th, and 9th Divisions."

Realizing that Rukia was pandering to his 'opportunistic' sensibilities, Ohta fell silent. It would unquestionably benefit him and, as a result, all of them to have another Captain under his thumb. He had humored the possibility of becoming the Captain-Commander of the entire Gotei in the future, so the more influence he had over its members, the better...

Closing his eyes and exhaling through his nose, Ohta replied, "We'll see how it goes with you and Orihime before I decide anything. But, Rukia..."

Opening his eyes and staring at the raven-haired beauty with a serious look, Ohta said, "You know I love you...but if you keep testing me like this, I 'will' lose my patience. Then you will have to accept 'everything' I would have given to others..."

Feeling Orihime's gaze practically drilling a hole into the side of his head, Ohta added, "Sans Orihime..." in a marginally fainter tone. At this point, the two were practically a packaged deal, so while Ohta didn't regard Orihime as his woman, he wouldn't neglect her. Not when her healing power could regrow limbs and effectively reverse time...

Catching Ohta off guard, Rukia firmly asserted, "I have been yours since we claimed one another. If my words and actions cause you undue frustration and you feel the need to vent, I will accept the consequences willingly. No matter the time or place."

"And if she can't, I'll lend a hand~" chimed Orihime, pressing the tips of her fingers together and adopting a smile that seemed to illuminate the entire room, shattering the tense atmosphere.

"Speak of which, have the two of you eaten~?" asked Orihime. "If not, I could try cooking."

"No/No...!" exclaimed Ohta and Rukia, their voices overlapping perfectly. Orihime wasn't nearly as airheaded as she acted, but she had a negative aptitude for cooking. Ohta allowed her to help out by cutting vegetables and preparing ingredients, but when she was left to her own devices, the dishes she prepared could best be described as 'experimental.'

Rising from the sofa, Ohta said, "I'll get started on dinner. The two of you should take it easy and get started on your homework if you have any. I'll call you over to set the table when it's finished."

Before Ohta could walk off, headed for the kitchen, Rukia mused, "Don't forget about Matsumoto-san's portion. You're free to send her away after dinner, but as long as she's here, she's our guest."

"Yeah, yeah..." replied Ohta, running his fingers through his messy brown hair as he continued on his way. Rukia wore the pants in their relationship, largely because he let her, so unless Rangiku pissed him off, he wouldn't give the buxom blonde the boot outright. If she 'did' end up becoming his subordinate, it would benefit him to conquer her stomach, not just her body and Zanpakuto...




(A/N: Ohta doesn't mind 'investing,' but Rukia is clearly the one thinking ahead in their relationship xD...)