
Non Existent Deleted Book Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Emmêlé sous le clair de lune: Non transformé

    Être le défaut de la meute, c'est déjà assez mal. Être REJETÉE ? Par votre propre compagnon destiné ? Ouais. ÇA, c'est un tout nouveau niveau de bassesse. Ava Grey est le défaut de la meute, une changeuse de forme sans loup. Elle se débat dans la vie avec le vague rêve de liberté. Son opportunité survient quand elle est soudainement informée qu'elle assistera au Gala Lunaire, un bal annuel pour les jeunes adultes shifters afin de trouver leurs compagnons destinés. Et elle le trouve. Il est séduisant et intense, et ses baisers envoient du désir dans ses veines comme une drogue. Jusqu'à ce qu'il la REJETTE. Ava n'est pas prête à retourner à sa vie morne. Elle s'évade et forge une nouvelle identité loin de sa meute et loin de son compagnon alpha. Elle se fait de nouveaux amis et est même adoptée de force par un husky hilarant. Mais juste au moment où elle trouve le bonheur et s'installe dans sa nouvelle vie, des événements étranges commencent à se produire... Son husky cachait des secrets. Elle entend des murmures selon lesquels des meutes de shifters sont à sa recherche partout. Et elle peut sentir une odeur familière dans son appartement, ce qui n'a aucun sens... parce que l'homme à qui elle appartient l'a rejetée. [Participation au Cupids Quill de mars 2024] --------- Ceci est une romance métamorphe de loup avec de multiples déclencheurs qui aiment danser main dans la main avec tous les thèmes sombres à travers un champ de fleurs mortes. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les sommets les plus hauts et les creux les plus bas. Riez, pleurez, ragez ; vous pouvez tout faire en suivant Ava dans le voyage plutôt périlleux d'être une changeuse de forme en cette génération de romance de loups-garous. Il y a des scènes R18 éparpillées dans ce livre comme des bonbons jaillissant d'une piñata. Merci de lire de manière responsable. ------- DISCORD DE L'AUTEUR : https://discord.com/invite/ApNZDux8kj

    Lenaleia · Fantasy
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  • Mariage Non Désiré : Chérie, Plus de Divorce !

    Après trois années de mariage, Wendy Stewart était habituée aux remarques sarcastiques de Michael Lucas, ses menaces fréquentes de divorcer et même son indulgence envers une maîtresse. Elle pensait qu'elle pourrait supporter cela toute sa vie, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe accidentellement enceinte d'un enfant que Michael ne voulait pas. Finalement désespérée, Wendy signa l'accord de divorce et partit. Elle pensait qu'ils auraient pu se séparer pour toujours, mais Michael refusa de cesser de la chercher après le divorce. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvèrent, elle était la meilleure designer du monde. Souriant doucement à son ex-mari, elle dit : "Mon cher, nous sommes déjà divorcés." Michael la regarda simplement froidement, "Dis-moi, que faudra-t-il pour que nous nous réconciliions?"

    TheHana · Urban
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  • Nero, My Existence is Perfect

    Nero begins his new life in a different world, in a body that does not belong to him. Along with a system he still needs to learn and understand it.

    Lruska · Fantasy
  • The Non Existent Extra

    Life is unfair. That's something I figured out when I was young. It's not just life but the world itself is unfair. I was an orphan who joined a game design company trying to survive. But I was fired when the owner's son wanted the damn job. Thankfully I had backup plans. However, all those were thrown out the window when I was thrust into the world of one of the stories I created. My first story. And honestly, I felt...happy. This was a place where I could take advantage of everything! I could live a peaceful yet rich life! All I had to do was follow the story. There was one problem though. I was an extra. And to add to that I had no memory of who I was. ___________ Ok so just a little disclaimer this is obviously based on The Author's POV but I did also base it mostly on ORV as well as IOAMI

    WorldEater_11 · Fantasy
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  • A non-existent story

    Meet Margo. Just an ordinary girl with an ordinary life. Until her nightmares show up. The end of the town. That is the only thing that she dreams about. But that is just a dream, right? That is what we all thought. Until nature started to act up. Dead fish on the beach and snow in the middle of July. This could not be the end, right?

    pastel_queen24 · LGBT+
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  • My Non-existent System

    Are you sick of normal system novels that are all fantasy and all that? Well, that's not what this novel is! 17 year old Hyun Ferrari is an ugly, fat, tall, pizza-loving nerd boy that reads manga and webnovels and watches anime. He's always wanted to be handsome so he could attract the ladies, but he never thought it was gonna happen since he's lazy and 50 pounds overweight. He has a lot of friends though, but he gets bullied a lot since none of his friends can fight, nor he can either, except his one girl friend Jugyeong Keum, who's in the Taekwondo team at school. But one day, out of nowhere, Hyun sees a screen pop up and it says {System Start}. He thought it was like those novels that have those screens pop up and tell you to do tasks for immediate rewards like "your punches are stronger", or "your ugly black eyes are now green like your father's." Though he thinks he's getting buffs and all that, in all actuality, he's hallucinating, he's having delusions, his brain is telling him to do what he's been telling himself to do for 4 years. Work out, gain self-esteem, ask out a girl, take care of your skin, and QUIT EATING PIZZA! But since he's been ignoring it, his slightly psychotic mind decided that it had to go to desperate measures to make it happen... WARNING! THIS BOOK IS LIKE 80% DIALOGUE IF YOU HATE THAT THEN SORRY XDDDDDDD!

    Kimyona_8486 · Realistic
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  • Non existent paradox.

    Humanity has reached a pinnacle of quantum science and has discovered `techyon particles` the greatest thing that could exist in the universe which led the war among the world's of entire galaxy, to stop the war our main character `Amon` will harness the abilities of anomaly and will turn the greater cosmos upside down.

    Reinersan · Action
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  • Non-Player Character

    “I’m glad I save you before you could die from your suicide attempt. There’s no need to worry; I’ve given you a second chance in life.” The last thing that a boy named Claudia remembered was jumping off a bridge to end his own life, but now he’s woken up in the world of Serial Slain, his favorite MMORPG. For years, he had been playing the video game, eventually reaching the top five of the North American leaderboards. He had no real-life friends and seldom spoke to his family, so Serial Slain was his only solace in life. But one day, he loses his only in-game friend, he gets betrayed during a dungeon raid, and he loses all his progress, including every level and item. With no other purpose in life, Claudia committed suicide. His attempt was a failure, and it rendered him paralyzed and cognitively deficient. Luckily, a woman named Virgil gave him the chance of a lifetime by hooking up his brain to a fully immersive VRMMORPG, Serial Slain 2.0—a new update to the original game. Now, as a Tester of the new VRMMORPG, Claudia must defeat the final boss or risk returning to the reality that he hated. Just when he thought he was living his ideal reality, he soon realizes that even the video game world has its fair share of sorrow and suffering. . . World Map: https://twitter.com/lizorleiorarnol/status/1411774908149944321?s=21 . . Warning: This novel deals with sensitive topics, such as suicide, and uses strong language. . . Discord @Epyonnn2759 Twitter @LizOrLeiOrArnol for random stuff. If I get enough support, I'll also make some light novel art for my story. DM me if you catch any typos

    Epyonnn · Games
  • Life as the MC's Non-existent Sibling

    Hey I'm the sibling of the main character! Please take care of me readers. This is my adventure to go back home and find another chance of not dying to a vehicle. I swear I'll get that motherf*- Author: Language, John. Language John: What do I even need to do? How do I get back exactly? Author: Hmmm... Trade Secret ?. Oh here's your first stop. I truly hope you survive and entertain our readers more. ? Bye ~ P. S. This is a fan-fic about the "Warlock of the Magus World" I wasn't sure in the past if i were only going to include this. I was actually avoiding telling people but my doubts had been clear. Also to satisfy my desire on making other fan-fics, I already made a part 2 of this with a slightly different title with of course a different fan fic but slightly connected to this one. I swear I'm digging my own grave choosing novels and anime like this but... it's a challenge.. And I have no deadline to follow.. Also wouldn't it be great if I could actually finish this ? Yaaay for Potential and Possibilities! -Author MoonCafe (The one who has a life outside WebNovel.. just saying)

    MoonCafe · Fantasy
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  • Non-existent Heartbeat

    Kharis's skepticism towards tales of vampires was shattered when she stumbled upon an abandoned house in the heart of the forest, seeking refuge from the civil guards. In a twist of fate, she encountered a man whose features bore an otherworldly allure, distinct from the familiar Filipino faces, signifying his foreign origin. However, the startling revelation awaited Kharis under the full moon's crimson glow - the man she beheld was a vampire. Ambrogio, among the vampires who sought sanctuary in the Philippines from the turmoil in Jerusalem, suspected a traitorous leader within their ranks responsible for the systematic demise of their kind. To integrate into this foreign land, his trusted guardians arranged for an American businessman to facilitate his journey to the Philippines. Amidst the shadows of concealment with fellow vampires, Ambrogio acclimatized to his new surroundings over time. Unlike the stereotypical existence of emotionless vampires, his encounter with a mesmerizing beauty beneath the moon ignited a dormant sensation of a gradually awakening heart within him.

    EVE_SOLEIL · Fantasy
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  • The First Cultivator - Changing Existence

    Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am powerful

    Han_Jue_Fan · Fantasy
  • Running from my non existent fears

    A 16 year old orphan, Dokéshi, finds his calm and ruly manner slipping through his fingers as he goes through 18 fears he didnt know he had. Each fear worse than the last. The mysterious death of his parents, and the missing teens in his area led up to what he thought would be his death... But was it actually?

    Lane_Holloway · Horror
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  • L'AMORE NON ESISTE (Tidak Ada Cinta)

    "Lo marah karena omongan gue tadi kan? Jawab gue Sheina." Tanya Vincent sambil terus menatap wajah Sheina.       Sheina memberontak dan hendak menjauhkan tubuhnya dari Vincent namun segera ditahan oleh Vincent. Vincent langsung menarik pinggan Sheina agar semakin mendekat dan kini tubuh mereka sudah saling menempel.     "Lep.. Ahhh lepasin kak. Nanti bibik bisa liat." Ucap Sheina berusaha menurunkan tangan Vincent dari pinggannya.     "Gue ngak peduli, yang penting sekarang lo jujur, lo marah karena ucapan gue yang tadi kan?" Vincent kembali bertanya namun tetap tidak ada jawaban dari Sheina.     "Jawab Sheina." Ucap Vincent kali ini dengan suara yang lebih keras dari yang tadi. Sheina yang sudah mulai kesal melihat sikap Vincent langsung memberanikan diri menatap mata Vincent tajam.     "Mau lo apa sih kak? Lo ngapain sih masih deket- deket gue hah? Lo ngapain masih susul gue ke sini. Lo ngak mau kan kalo gue suka sama lo? Iya kan? Dan satu- satunya cara agar gue ngak suka sama lo ya gue ngak sering- sering lagi ketemu sama lo." Jeda Sheina, lalu melepaskan tangan Vincent dengan sepenuh tenaga.     "Lo ngak usah ketemu gue lagi, gue ngak mau ketemu sama lo lagi kak." Ucap Sheina yang membuat Vincent terdiam sejenak.     "Emang harus ya lo jauhin gue? Gue bukan ngak suka kalo lo cinta sama gue, tapi gue cuman ngak mau lo sakit hati Sheina, dan lo ngak harus jauhin gue. Lo harus selalu ada di samping gue, ngak boleh ada orang lain yang jadi pelindung lo selain gue." Ucap Vincent yang membuat Sheina tertawa.     "HAHAHHAAAHAHA, hebat.. hebat.. hebat banget lo kak. Emang lo siapa gue makanya lo bisa ngatur- ngatur gue sampai gue ngak boleh deket sama orang lain selain lo? Emang lo siapa gue hah? Jawab gue, jawab gue Vincent" Teriak Sheina tanpa memanggil Vincent dengan embel- embel kakak lagi, emosi Sheina semakin menjadi- jadi akibat ucapan Vincent tadi.     "Gue emang bukan siapa- siapa lo, tapi lo penting buat gue, dan gue ngak mau kalau lo harus deket sama orang lain selain gue."     "Munafik, brengsek, egois lo bener- bener egois kak. Lo bukan siapa siapa gue tapi lo ngatur- ngatur hidup gue. Urus aja hidup lo, gue bisa urus hidup gue sendiri kok, lo ngak perlu ikut campur sama hidup gue."     "Gue berhak ikut campur sama hidup lo." Ucap Vincent.

    Mega_Dream · Fantasy
  • I Reincarnated As A Non-existent Princess!?

    some college student majoring in history learn something new about the last empress of the Fedrein empire and Melayni the only princess of the last empress the college student died and reincarnated as non-existent princess p.s : other title is “i replace the original princess!?”

    Vivi_Vina · History
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  • Non Existing Stars

    Sometimes we are born under unwanted circumstances and we feel as if our lucky stars are actually trying to destroy us. Well, let me tell you something, and we’ll begin with them lucky stars, they are a lie. Lucky stars are just a term someone decided to create to make life’s misfortunes and fortunes explainable, but they are not existent. That being said I have room now to explain in detail a tale of many misfortunes and one kid that turned out to be pretty great and yadda, yadda. So, let us begin. This kid was born in a very crooked and poor household, I don’t mean to say that a very rich household cannot be crooked, but his was incidentally also poor. Why, you might wonder, because his mother was an addict, who loved to spend whatever little money she managed to get her hands into on heavy drugs, did she stop using them when she got pregnant? Of course not. So, our unlucky kid was not only born in an unsanitary and unsafe place, this kid was already born as an addict, just like his mother. But as a newborn, you don’t have the means to put your tinny fickle hands on what your body is addicted to, you simply have to power on through an unasked rehab and withdrawal symptoms. Of course, his mother was not very much happy or sad when this kid was born, she was a bit too hollow to feel much besides an insane craving for drugs. So, as the kid cried his lungs off, someone called the police and this tiny baby goes to child protective service, then to the hospital so he could pass through rehab without feeling the withdrawal so fiercely. He was cared for some time; one can even say he was loved. But as anything in his little life, it did not last very long. Soon he was stuck on a foster house, waiting to be adopted into a loving family. Which didn’t happen because not everyone is easily interested in a kid that can fall into drug abuse or addiction easily. It is just how the world and people work. So, this kid had to jump from foster home to foster home until he finally accepted that no, he was not getting adopted. And this is where I want to begin, this is where I will start to give all of you more intake and details, so hang in tight, because we are in for a very bumpy ride.

    BlackPepperish · Realistic
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  • All Existence

    In his previous life on Earth, Lucien reached the top. He had it all and more, but he was not satisfied at all and felt like the world was constricting him. Sadly, no matter how much influence and money he had, he couldn't fight the cycle of life. Lucien never stopped trying to fight fate, if there was a chance to live longer he wouldn't mind sacrificing all life in the world, but alas, his time ran out. Follow Lucien Bloodmoon in a world where Practitioners exist with Vampires mixed among them and Beasts populating the Mountains, as he makes all existence submit. There is a Discord Server where I will response as soon as possible or you can ping me: https://discord.gg/9kpZ4gM And for those who consider supporting the novel: https://www.patreon.com/Zebul Volume 1 is also out on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/All-Existence-Crimson-Moon-Book-ebook/dp/B07HJ97K45/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1538324396&sr=1-1&keywords=all+existence Thank you for the support!!!

    Zebul · Fantasy

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