
Non est Deus( Danmachi fanfic)

A strange boy who sees something deeply hidden in people, who owns the strongest sword style without a sword, arrives in the labyrinth city with the goal of finding his master. But the intended fate changes when divine blood touches the child's body. Seven mysterious creatures make a bet that directly affects the life of a child. From this moment his story begins. Events of this fanfic begins 9 years before the main story, a little later after Ais joined the Loki familia. I do not own the characters or plot of Danmachi or Katananagatari. I only claim ownership of the OC and the plot associated with them. I took the picture from Google Image, if it belongs to you and you don’t want it to appear on the cover of my work, please let me know.

Justlucky · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Teachers. Friend?

Twilight Manor, an hour and a half before breakfast. A specially designated place for a boy who is particularly difficult to learn.

- Each piece should be the same size, so the ingredients will be cooked equally, if of course you do everything right, - the stern woman who manages the dining room of the Loki family now watched as the boy whom she promised to teach to cook takes a knife in his hands. It is obvious that he flew towards the wall.

- Damn you! This is the third one! How will you cook without a knife?!

- I can cut with my hands, - as if to prove his words, Shichika cut the onion into two identical parts.

- Wow! Can you peel an apple? - the dwarf put the fruit on the table. Before the inexperienced chef took the apple in his hands... *SLAP*

- What did I say about changing the ingredients?

- There is a different type of knife for processing each of them.

- And what else?

- The main thing in the kitchen is cleanliness.

- Then why are your hands, which just chopped an onion, reaching for the apple that I'm going to put in the pie?

- I'll wash them and come back.

Upon return, all vegetables and fruits were peeled. At first it turned out unevenly and a lot of excess was cut off, but progress was almost instantaneous, with every apple, every potato, every pear, the cut became smoother and smoother.

Twenty minutes later, the rest of the cooking team began to arrive in the kitchen.

- Kitchen, attention! I have great news for you! Who's preparing fruits and vegtables today?

- Today I am responsible for this! - the chianthrope man responded in a clear voice.

- Fabulous! Your job is already done, instead you will teach this vengeful spirit to cook! Clear?

- B-b-but....

- I ask, is everything clear?! 

- Yes, chef! - arguing with the chef in the kitchen is an unaffordable luxury not only for cooks, but also for any family member.

- One dish every time he helps anyone. He will be taught by the one whose work he does.

By the time the morning bells rang, Shichika was able to prepare his first dish. Fruit salad. Yes, this dish does not require heat treatment as such, but the accuracy of cutting, combination of ingredients and method of serving play an important role. And under the supervision of his teacher, he did it.

Happy and with his salad in his hands, he went to the table with Loki and the others.

- Oh, I thought you were busy with something, would you share your creation?

- Take it.

- By the way, why don't you try to sing anymore? The last time it didn't turn out so bad, - the words of the goddess made those present choke, Ais dropped her fork.

- No, until he learns, he can't sing here, - the pouting girl remembered how, the first time she heard these sounds, they almost brought her to tears.

- She is right.

- Really.

- No offense, buddy, but she's telling the truth. If I were you, I would look for a teacher.

- I think I've already found it, she's a professional at this.


*A few days ago*

- Shi-chi-ka.... Enough! I can't, I've seen a lot of people sing poorly, but you're worse than half of them. Combined. Only this time, I will teach you, we'll start when you find yourself in the dungeon, the inhabitants of the surface are not ready, - the boy's too slow progress frightened Asha, she decided to take everything into her own hands.


- Riveria, I have a request.

- This is the first time in my memory that you have asked for something. I will try to help, although I can't promise a miracle.

- Teach me proper manners, you, as the princess of the elves, can help me in this matter.

- Okay, but let me find out how much you already know.

- Nothing.

-*Sigh* I will wait for you on Tuesday and Thursday every week, in the dining room, two hours after dinner. I can't do more for you.

- Thank you.

Having finished breakfast, the boy went out into the city, the plan was to negotiate with one of the families involved in winemaking on a stable supply of quality products. As he walked closer to the eastern area, a vaguely familiar female voice called out to him.

- Shichika! I haven't seen you for a long time, do you have any plans? - a blue-haired adventurer from the Ganesha family ran up from behind and shook her self-proclaimed friend by the shoulder.

- Ardee? I was going to visit Soma or Dionysus, I have business with them.

- Amazing! Then let's go, when you are next to me, no one will dare to offend you, not even the robbers from the Soma family.

- Robbers?

- Don't you know? They have always not been famous for their behavior, but a year and a half ago their affairs deteriorated sharply, and so the desperate adventurers of their family began to fight for every valis, rumors appeared about robberies in the dungeon, where they were the main suspects.

- It's clear that they probably have a bad time with money.

- No. Considering the prices and sales of their signature wine, they simply cannot be poor. Moreover, they must have a decent amount of money. However, this is none of our business. Is there anything else you want to tell me? As a friend, I'm always ready to help, - placing her hands behind her back, Ardee leaned to the right, examining the boy's reaction.

- I don't think I have anything to tell. Although, I need to learn to dance. I wanted to ask someone from the Ishtar family to become my teacher, passing men say that they are professionals in this matter. Yes! And I met with them in the dungeon, not to say that we parted peacefully, but they do not harbor hostile intentions.

- W-w-what? Ishtar?! - the blue-haired girl's face turned red, - No! Absolutely not! Do you know what they do?

- One man said that they were "having fun."

- Urgh.... Then you show me where all these men are, I need to talk to them like a policeman. What about dancing..... I can teach you, our god is known as the "People's Leader" so we hold balls and celebrations more often than others. So many of us can dance.

- I don't need to go to Ishtar?

- NO! Forget about them. They are not good people.

- We've arrived. There the territory of the Soma family begins, - while talking, the two reached their destination, - What to do next? I think their captain's name is Zanis?

- You came here without a plan? What a weirdo. Then leave it to me, - taking in more air, Ardee roared, - ZANIS, COME OUT!

And to the surprise of both, a couple of minutes later a tall, thin man with gray hair and glasses came out of the gate.

- Ardee! I don't think even Ganesha's family has the right to cause trouble.

- It was I who was looking for you, not her. My name is Yasuri Shichika, I am from the Loki family. I want to establish a supply of Soma wine, a jug a week.

- 85,000 valis.

- 80,000 and I pay 3 months in advance, - the boy handed the bag with 960 thousand valis to the man opposite.

- Deal.

The man took out the money and began to slowly count it. While this was happening, a pallum girl of 7-8 years old with brown hair appeared behind the gate, however, as soon as she realized that she had been discovered, she disappeared.

After counting was finished, Zanis turned around and finally said:

- Every Saturday, someone from my family will give your guard a jug, in 3 months we'll talk again.

The gates slammed shut.

- Well, it's not that bad, right?

- No, this man is too greedy, and the girl we saw lives in fear.

- How did you understand it?

- I Saw. And it was reckless.

- Because we can't change anything?

- Yes.

- *Sigh* I feel the same way, but let's do what depends on us. For example, I'm waiting for you on Saturday near our family's building, I'll teach you how to dance. 

- Ardee, why are you patrolling the city now?

- You noticed, well, it doesn't matter, these little things don't spoil our walk in any way. The fact is that two assassins, both level 4, have entered the city, every member of my family is trying to find their trace.

- What are the clues?

- Almost none, we only know that one of them has brown hair and uses metal brass knuckles in his executions, the second has black hair and uses a pair of daggers.

- This is all? If you do not inspect every passerby for the presence of these types of weapons, then half the city is under suspicion.

- I know, I know! This is why we are walking around the city and have strengthened security, hoping to catch them red-handed.

- You'll help me, right?

- If I see something, I'll say it. I won't fight in the city.

- What if they want to kill me? I doubt you'll stand and watch.

- You have the 3rd level, I have the second. But if I have to, I will carry you away, I promise.

- You know how to impress a lady! And you are still so young. Is there someone you like?

- Yes, but she doesn't reciprocate my feelings yet. It's a matter of age?

- Then maybe you should look at someone more *ahem* your age? - a blush appeared on Ardee's face.

- No. I'm sure she will accept me.

- How tight are you?!

- Ah? Did I say something wrong?

- No, no, everything is fine, we'll meet on Saturday, - the girl walked on upsetly.

Shichika decided to go for a walk, along the way he once again bought street food, until on the Street of Adventurers he crashed into a cat girl with brown hair standing on the side.

- It hurts-nya! You have to look around- nya!

- I'm sorry, I'm just looking for a place to eat.

- I'm ready to forgive you-nya, in front of you is the place you need nya! Let's go inside, if you really regret it, then buy dinner here nya. By the way, I'm Anya.

- Okay, lead the way.

The cat-girl led the boy inside an establishment called "Hosetess of Fertility". The interior was simple but neat. There was a feeling of comfort. Having brought the boy to the bar, Anya left the menu and returned to the street. A dwarf woman, tall for her race, appeared from the kitchen.

- New faces! And what kind! My name is Mia Grand, but you can call me Mama Mia like everyone else. I'll tell you straight away that I won't pour alcohol for such a kid.

- Your employee brought me here, she said as an apology I should buy dinner here.

- That's what she said? Let's do so. Today special, catfish with rice and a large glass of juice! - the hostess handed the order to the kitchen, - well, can you handle it?

- Yes. By the way, let me ask you a question.

- Go ahead.

- Why do restaurant workers have such power?

- Who are you? - Mia's face turned cold.

- Today, many people ask my name, although I was told that high-ranking adventurers are recognized everywhere. Yasuri Shichika.

- You are impenetrable, - the smile returned to the dwarf's face, - let's just say this place becomes a home for abandoned souls.

- Got it.

- That's all? No more questions?

- Your past reaction showed that you are not happy with them, I was taught that in this case it is better to leave everything as it is.

- Those who taught you are wise. Can you tell us something interesting about yourself?

- I'm learning to sing, but I'm not very good at it yet.

- Is it true?! - Anya's head appeared from the doorway. - But I sing beautifully!1


- Shichika, dear, stop her before it's too late!

Thank you again for your time. Your activity makes me very happy. In return, I would like to wish you a wonderful time of day.

The next chapter is ready and ыince I again have to spend the whole day moving to a new apartment it will be released at 19:00 California time next day. Like this one, it will mainly serve to develop connections between the characters.

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