
No Wind Blows In Favor of a Ship Without Direction.

Norman is a highschool graduate that is very mature for his age. His lifelong wish is to have a goal and motivation to work for it. He also wished to live in another world where he can be strong and not in a place where society discriminates against everything and everyone. A place where only the rich have a say in. Follow him on his journey where he goes to another world, but will that world be able to give him what he needs or will it just be the same?

FreezeTDE · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Prologue (1)

"No Wind Blows In Favor of a Ship Without Direction."

'This quote is one that describes my life.'

'My name is Norman Rowe, I graduated from highschool a few weeks ago and am in the process of choosing a major/college.'

"What's so difficult about that? Just choose what you like or something that will make you money."

'People will most likely say that or try to convince you to choose their field of work, but no, not for me. To understand why I can't choose easily or why I don't just randomly choose one, we'll have to go back a little.'




'I was born in a middle class family, I lived a fairly normal life. Nothing too extravagant or terrible. I was always a straight-A student. You might think that I always study to get good marks and make my parents proud, but no, I don't remember the last time I studied seriously. The most I do is answer my homeworks just to avoid the nagging of my parents and teachers.'

'How can I do that? Well that can be attributed to my intelligence, which also contributes to the big problem, but leave that for later. Me being smart, I naturally understood most things easily since young. Whenever someone taught me something, the person being good or bad at teaching never differed to me. I understood whatever it is without much difficulty.'

'As a child I assumed that everyone is like me, being able to understand this quickly or answer their homework quickly. I thought everybody is like that, even when they say they didn't understand something or that they want to change teachers because they don't understand, I assumed they didn't like the teacher's character or something, and didn't think much of it.'

'Me being a genius isn't just limited to understanding subjects and new information, it includes even physical activities.'

'When I was 4 years old, my parents decided to enroll me in swimming, so I can have a good physique and be healthy. At the time I was happy that I had something to do, because at the time there wasn't much a child could do as a formm of entertainment.'


Hello!, Author here, I Know this chapter is super short, but I'm still testing out the waters and seeing if I can work with this genre.

Will there be magic and fantasy?.... Maybe, who knows?

The schedule will be a little hectic at the start, but as we progress, it will stabilize.