1 Chapter One

You snap into consciousness as your alarm goes off at 4 am. "Four!? Why the shit did I sign up for this?" Grubbling you rolling out of bed you head to your bathroom to take a quick shower, reminding yourself that today is the auditions for BigHits backup dancers.

"Ah!" You yell loudly as the icy water hits your back. "Got it. I'm awake now, thank you." you shake your fist at the wall, cursing the dilapidated studio you were renting. The water heater never worked properly and you constantly had ice water.

Scrubbing quickly you jump out and get toweled off. Pulling your hair into a quick bun at the back of your head you pull on your sports bra and leggings, throwing a sweater over your top and grabbing your duffle bag as you head out your door.

After a quick ride on the train, you make it to the studio that auditions are being held in, and you made it there just before 6 am.

Smiling to yourself you walk up to the sign in table, "Hi. I'm here for the backup auditions."

The man sitting at the table looks up briefly at you and then wordlessly points at a clipboard in front of him. Picking it up you look around and find a small seating area where other girls are filling out their own forms. Taking a seat you pull out a ballpoint pen you carry everywhere with you, clipped to your notebook for choreographing dances. Setting the notebook on top of your duffle bag on the floor in front of you, you begin to fill out your own form.

"Ooo! I love the cover or your notebook?" A high voice startles you.

"Uh?" You look up to see a small girl with large, dark eyes and a wide smile looking intently at you.

"The one on the floor?" Her smile slips slightly, "The one with the purple geometry designs. Is it yours?" She points in front of you this time.

"Oh!" You pick it up, "Yeah it's mine." Smiling you set it back down again.

She plops down in the chair next to you, "Have you finished your form?"

"Not quite," you answer looking back at your clipboard.

"I'm ShiMin." She smiles at you once you set your pen back down.

"Hi. I'm y/n." You hold out your hand.

After shaking your hand, her smile spreading, she says, "So do you draw, or write?"

Your brow furrows for a moment, but then your eyes follow hers to where they are lingering on your notebook. "Oh! It's for my choreography ideas."

"Oooo!" She positively lights up at this, "That's even better. What have you choreographed?"

"Just stuff for myself." You pick it up again just as your name gets called by another staff member. "I guess it's my turn." Packing up your stuff you head into the studio.

"Y/N?" a man at a table against one wall asks you.

"That's me," you answer as you look at the other people seated at the table, two more men and a woman, all of them rifling through papers.

"Did you fill out the form?"

"Oh, yes." You pass him the clipboard.

"You can begin whenever you're ready."

Pressing play on the stereo in the corner you begin the routine you'd finished planning just last week. As the beat roles through you, you move from one step to the next, feeling the music travel through you. You do your best not to look straight at any one person, mostly focusing above the people sitting at the table or looking into the mirror.

As the music finishes the man speaks again, "Do you know any contemporary? Or do you just hip hop?"

"I can do most modern styles. If not, I'm always willing to learn."

He nods his head as the woman leans over and whispers to the man seated next to her. The man on the other side looks up at you and you inhale sharply. It's Jimin from BTS, sitting right in front of you, and he just watched you dance without you knowing it.

"You did great." He says, a small smile crossing his features, "Hobi is going to be mad that he missed that." With that comment, he winked.

The first man speaks up, "We'll call you and let you know."

In a daze, you make your way out the door and back into the waiting area.

"Y/N?" ShiMin excitedly runs up to you, "How did it go?"

You stare dumbly into the distance until she shakes you roughly, "Huh, what?"

"How did it go? And why do you look like you saw a ghost?" She quirks one brow up at you.

"Oh." You stumble to a chair and take a seat. "I think I did well." Taking a breath you look up at her you whisper, "Fair warning. Jimin is in there," and then shush her when she opens her mouth like she's about to scream.

"Are you joking?" She whispers back.

You shake your head, "Totally took me off guard. But he's in there."

Just then ShiMin's name is called to go in. She stares at you and then back at the crew member then back at you her face flushing. "Wish me luck, I guess."

Grasping her hand you smile at her, "You don't need luck. You'll do great! And don't be nervous, he was really sweet."

Quickly nodding her head ShiMin stands up straighter and proudly walks in for her audition.

You slowly make your way home. Almost in a daze as your headphones are firmly in your ears, music blasting. Somehow you make it to your front door, looking around yourself you shake your head and enter your small studio apartment.

It's not until the next day as you're making lunch that you get a phone call.

"Is this Y/N Y/L/N?" The person on the other end asks.

"That's me." You reply nervously, trying to sound peppy.

"You've been accepted and first rehearsal will be in three days. Please remember no recording is allowed on site and no photography either." They definitely were sounding more and more like a robot, or maybe they'd just gotten tired of saying this phrase.

"Got it. Anything specific I need to bring?"

"Just yourself in clothes good for moving in and dance shoes."

"What style?"


You confirm the time and place once more and end the call feeling more excited and yet dreading the time you'd have to wait.

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