
Nine Sacred Things: The Greatest Gift Treasures

An ordinary girl? I don't think so. All years serving is what she do. But yearning that her fate will twirl. Shedding gemstones as tears , you don't know? Life is full of difficulties, unlucky all follow. Yet she wanted to escape from another misery. And saved by handsome guy that shrouded with mystery. For the second time too from fraudsters. Showing weird things, what's the identity? Then that's how she'll starts her journey... Unfinished former work date: August 18, 2019 - October 30, 2020 Rewritten: January 1, 2022-

shistineJdLd1 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


Author's Note...


Somewhere in Region 2

Mon, March 28, 2022

12: 00 am

Dear Readers,

Hi! How are you? Thank you for waiting three days patiently. I gladly congratulate you for reaching the second entry of the story (The Nine Sacred Things: The Greatest Gift Treasures). Here you are means you'd like to know what kind of story this is. Is it good to read? Is this worthy of my time?


It's for me to make and for you to judge.

So I would like to share something about this story...

But first, I would like to say that this story is my original work. But of course if you spot a few ideas that might familiar or similar with the other works, articles and videos, I just want to remind you that there's a chance that I got inspired by it or it's just a coincidence.


All the characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidencial. But the work reflects reality which is one of the main issue of our society.

The names, places, events etc. were picked and created by me. Though you might find it lame?

Anyways... This story's history was dated back at August 19, 2019. I was twelve years old at that time. Young and the story started from a random thoughts after reading long- lost legandary princess themed wattpad stories and watching various japanese cartoons or you call it manga...

It's an idea from "Fushigi Yugi", "Flame of Recca", "Ray Gun", "Magic Knight Rayearth", "Inuyasha", "Tenjou Tenge", "Munto", " Mermaid Forest", "Rozen Maiden", "Angels of Death", " Hunter × Hunter" and many more.

As what I'm thinking? Mickaela, Vincent's sister, from "Ray Gun" who was prisoned by bad and greedy guys because her tears turned into pearl is the origin of the idea where the main female lead that cries too but instead of pearl it's gemstones.

The few scenes from "Fushigi Yugi" like the scammed steam buns, fraudulent human traffickers, throwing pebbles to those tricksters and hero saving a mistress shown in Episode 2: The Frauds. Somehow it's almost the same but I modified a few small details. That way it won't seemed like I plagiarized someone's work, right?

I got the idea of using powers there from long lost legendary princess wattpad stories. While the design of the main female lead's sacred thing got me inspired from "Magic Knight Rayearth"'s swords style.

And the rest are from this weird brain of mine...

I switched writing from notebook to notebooks and from Tagalog to English language. That time and up until now I still struggling on how to use the right words in writing every chapter.

I decided that I just want to complete it here. This is the third time. This time, this is where will I write it. In wattpad, I don't need to worry about wasting the pages of my notebook because of writing errors. I'm not thinking that the ink of my ballpen might run out. I need not to feel anxious that I can't erase the misspelled words because I can edit anytime. Most importantly I can just wait for people to notice the story or promote it.

I know that I lack the skills to write a story that always at your liking but I hope you like this story. I hope that you're enjoying reading this so that your three days of waiting patiently for my story to update will worth it.

I just wanted to write a story where it's meaningful, enjoyable and full of lesson. I hope that with writing this, I can convey to you guys what I thoughts and message though it might subtle. But with reading your comments, thoughts, relies and opinions I also lear something new.

P. S: I don't know that I can create such characters!

Oh! Wait before I forgot. I'll add here the character's information that didn't mentioned in the previous entry. They are the human merchandise, inlanders and foster parents of the main female lead...

Extra Number 4: The merchandise

-Power: Unique Beauty, Seduction Skills and other Slave Related powers

Age: Infant to 18 years old

Description: Human merchandise are actual people that sold off as slave or even prostitutes. Good seductress and efficient in many skills that an excellent slaves have. They all have dark past and sometimes unclear future. Once, the maiden who cries precious gemstones was a part of it but fortunately she break that shackles and live a life she wants.


Extra Number 5: The Inlanders

-Power: Unknown, There's many possibilities

Age: All age are possible

Description: Acting like the NPCs in a game. They may be a merchant, passerby, stall owner, seller, civilian, couple, villager, assassin, thugs, deity and any person you can meet. Personality are different form one another cause they have different entity. Acting as a perfect extra.


Extra Number 6: Bosnia Nisuzue

-Power: Super Speedy Money Counting

Age: 45 years old

Description: A very horrible and greedy person. She adopted children since infant to 18 years old to be sold for money. She with her sadistic husband, they live in the luxuries because of the sweat, tears, pains and efforts of the children they trafficked. She has a unconcerned, high and mighty attitude. How abominable!!!


Extra Number 7: Dinggo Nisuzue

-Power: Super Strength and Extreme Tormenting Skills

Age: 47 years old

Description: He's a sadistic, notorious and brutal person who likes to turtore unobedient children so that they'll submit and work forcibly without fighting back at him. Like his wife he also have a huge fan of money. He's greedy like his wife with rotten personality. He's disgusting in a different way.


Sneak peek: Basically there live a wretch and evil couple who does a very illegal and inhumane job in a secluded area in the wilderness of the forest. They were human traffickers. Too hateful, isn't it? Maybe, you would wonder why they still didn't catch by authorities?

Well actually, they were very crafty, have many accomplices, hideouts and strong backing. And by the injustices and problems revolving around the kingdom, authorities and monarchs don't have time to eradicate such hidden and horrible organization and people.

They adopted and even kidnapped many children from infancy to a eighteen years old kids and raise them into slavery or sold off to others. They cause many evil things. The style and the ways they handle things are too cruel. They turtore unobedient children so that they'll submit and work forcibly without fighting back at them.

"What? Still want to escape?"


Another dark side of the society. Like slavery in the Africa and other countries. I hope that there will no more things like this in the future. Everyone deserves their moral rights!

Thank you for reading this. Please vote, share your thoughts about the story and maybe you can also follow me if that's not hassle or difficult to you.

Hope I you still waiting patiently for the next Entry 3 in three days. The story will starts to paved its path in the next time I'll update this again. Again thank you and bye!

Your author,
