
Night of the Genocide: Integrate Accelerator, Beat Itachi

Su Zhu traversed through Academy City and ascended as the No. 1 Accelerator on campus. But his life took an unexpected turn when, during an experiment to connect to Ultrain for brain development, an accident transported him to the world of Hokage, where he became Uchiha Sasuke. Initially, the overwhelming power of the super-developed brain was too much to bear, forcing him to suppress his memories. For six years, he lived peacefully in Hokage until the tragic night of the Uchiha clan's massacre. It was then that Sasuke's memories resurfaced completely. Within the depths of a monthly space, he unlocked the Mangekyō Sharingan, exchanging his father's eyes with his own hands to attain the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. Empowered with one hand wielding Eternity and the other controlling the celestial bodies, he awakened the Indra Chakra. "Now, my foolish elder brother, quiver in fear!" He commenced an intense showdown with Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Obito. In the presence of the Third Hokage, he executed the annihilation of his entire clan, and before his eyes, he crushed Konohamaru with his own hands. Facing Danzo, the entire Shimura clan met its doom. Support me at: https://patre on.com/TheAiTranslator

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It's So Scary, So Scary, Run Tu Was Abused And Left A Psychological Shadow

The situation was escalating rapidly, and the Uchiha tribe was caught in the crossfire of the devastating battle. Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Third Hokage, watched in horror as the destructive power of Sasuke's Susanoo wreaked havoc, and the ground trembled with each powerful blow. The once peaceful village was now a battlefield, and he felt a great responsibility to put an end to the chaos.

Uchiha Itachi, still recovering from the aftermath of the battle, was desperate to find a way to stop his younger brother. He knew that his words alone wouldn't be enough to reach Sasuke's heart now that he was consumed by vengeance. Itachi looked up to the Third Hokage, hoping that he might have a solution to this crisis.

However, the Third Hokage's attention was momentarily diverted when a man in black, revealed to be Uchiha Itachi, appeared behind him, coughing up blood. Hiruzen was shocked by Itachi's appearance and the state he was in. He had promised not to harm Sasuke, and seeing Itachi like this was concerning.

"What happened to you, Itachi?" Hiruzen asked with worry in his voice.

"Sasuke!" Itachi almost spat out the word, his eyes filled with both concern and sadness.

"Sasuke?" Hiruzen repeated, noticing the urgency in Itachi's tone.

At that moment, another deafening sound echoed through the air as Sasuke's attacks continued to wreak havoc on Obito. The Uchiha clan's territory was turning into a disaster zone, and the Third Hokage knew he had to act fast.

Ignoring the protests of Danzo, the Third Hokage gave orders to disperse the onlookers and seal off the Uchiha territory. However, this situation was far from over, and he needed to find a way to confront Sasuke without causing more harm.

While the Third Hokage was trying to figure out his next move, the Shimura fire, one of Danzo's trusted agents, was sent into the Uchiha tribe to investigate. Unfortunately, he was no match for Sasuke's overwhelming power and was defeated almost instantly.

As the Shimura fire fell to the ground, Sasuke noticed his presence and immediately confronted him. The rage and power emanating from Sasuke were terrifying, and the Shimura fire had no chance to defend himself.

In the midst of the chaos, tears streamed down Uchiha Itachi's face. He never wanted to witness this kind of devastation, especially caused by his own brother. Itachi felt helpless and lost, not knowing how to stop Sasuke's rampage.

Finally, Sasuke's relentless attacks caused Obito to be sent flying and crashing to the ground once more. The young Uchiha avenger's power was awe-inspiring, but it came at a great cost.

At that moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a difficult decision. He knew that he had to confront Sasuke directly and try to reason with him. As the Third Hokage stepped forward, the full version of Sasuke's Susanoo appeared, and the intensity of the battle reached its peak.

However, just as the situation seemed dire, a figure appeared behind the Third Hokage. It was the masked man known as Ah Fei. He looked calm and composed, even in the midst of the chaos.

"Ah Fei... What are you doing here?" Hiruzen asked, trying to assess the situation.

Ah Fei's response was calm but cryptic. "I am here to observe, nothing more."

Hiruzen's attention was divided once more, but he knew he couldn't let this man interfere further. He discreetly signaled his other Anbu to leave and took Ah Fei to a corner to talk.

As the two conversed, the battle raged on. Sasuke's attacks were relentless, and the destruction caused by his power was immense. The Uchiha clan's territory was in ruins, and the onlookers could only watch in horror and disbelief.

Amidst the chaos, Hiruzen saw a glimmer of hope. He knew that he had to find a way to stop Sasuke before more lives were lost and the village was destroyed. But confronting the young avenger would not be an easy task, and Hiruzen understood the gravity of the situation.

As the battle continued, Sasuke's wrath seemed unstoppable, and the Third Hokage knew that time was running out. He had to act quickly to prevent further catastrophe and bring an end to this tragic confrontation.