

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 73

This action must have woken her up from her little slumber for she moved forward slowly reaching to touch a compartment in the coffin that set off a signal to open the coffin then collapsed on me moving closer to my face as continued to please her. Daria moaned loudly with the small confines of the casket; her moan resonated throughout for it sounded as if she was right next to my ear. The sound of sliding steel bars echoed through the coffin as the grinding above us slid away out of position, the lid started to open slightly as the light began to shine in.

The sounds from above us started off as something sliding then the casket shook a little as the top started to open. The lid was removed. My sight blurry at first seemed to only show a bright white lite as it dimmed down to the low yellow glow. I tried to adjust to the new scenery around me. Daria, who was on top of me, was slowly being helped by others placing their hands around her arms helping her out of the casket. Once she was lifted and off to the side, I could see two male figures holding her still. The silence was deafening like earmuffs placed on one's head. She was being checked out by several people as they bandaged the wound on her leg sending out a notification that she was in good condition. Applause erupted from out all around coming from the audience that had been waiting patiently for the outcome, waiting for the arrival of the new family member.

Seeing other hands reach in, unstrapped my ankles and wrist as the two sets of hands unbuckle my limbs, one on each side of the casket helped me up to me to a sitting position. I steadied myself on the edge of the coffin pushed myself up by my arms so I could stand felt stronger than before. Like I was lighter in some way. Finally, I was able to gather my balance, took a few deep breaths, stepped out of the coffin feeling the cold floor as my feet settled to the ground.

I looked up trying to see what was around me, but my head started to do the spins. I held on to someone besides me until the room stopped spinning, gathering myself and standing on my own two legs feeling more secure with my stability.

The lights were low at the time I stepped out of the coffin with the lights growing brighter as I stood there. Eyes closed; I opened them slowly seeing for the first time the audience in the arena watching and standing there as if this was the first time a person came out of a coffin. The system took over, with my sight becoming clear even better than before. I could see the people in the crowd now, thousands of people in my view wearing black but with different outline colors as I then spotted the big screen in the middle of the arena showing a closer look of me, making me take a step back as I looked up. The crowd did not move or make a sound until Queen Nancy who still looked a little weak and venerable, walked up to me, looked me over up and down like a piece of meat ready for consumption after not eating for several days as a glint in her eye with a sly smile appeared across her face. She asked, "Do you feel alright?"

"Do you feel any different Tagem?"