

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 67

People started to enter the room as the makeshift lock on the side door opened. Males and females dressed alike in a pure white toga. In an instant the room being filled with these new arrivals as they started to decorate the room in tapestry, trunks rolled in by dollies. A hand reached out to me a man of what looked to be of a younger age than I was, but his physical stature was lean and muscular. He reached out his hand, I looked at him not knowing what was expected of me. raise my hand out of the water noticing that my skin after all this time was not pruning. He grasped my hand escorted me out of the water to a group of lovely ladies that started to dry me off, applying lotion all over my body. It was too much for my taste since I didn't use cream in the first place. I seemed to Glisan in the lights. As if my whole body shined like you would see at a muscle man competition. A black gown with red edging at the seams for which I found out was the families' color of the one performing the Ceremony with me was short in length that just reached three inches below my ass. One girl started trimming my hair, another clipping my nails, one that seemed to be trimming between my legs for she scared me the most. They all worked in unison for the PM'ing that was going on must have been intense. I thought to myself.

All the people had finished. A mirror wheeled up in front of me. I looked like a fighter in ancient Roman times that was about to battle in the Coliseum. I shined from the oil as more lights seemed to be turned on. The mirror wheeled away, everyone that was in the chambers with me lined up on both sides of the adjacent wall that I had walked through to enter the room. The lights turned off, the contacts switched on in an instant, this time with no pain as the view showed a completely different room. The pillars ha markings all over them the walls that were once bare now had scene of a story like you would see in a catholic church telling a story.

The first of the three showed someone raised upon the shoulders of the people carrying the person. Witch looked to be in the same outfits as I and the rest were in. The second showed a stadium looking arena as the audience cheering as the figure being cared to a stone table. Red, blue, gold lights appeared, making it feel like an introduction to a basketball game. Hands held mine softly, guided me between the rows of people standing their heads bowed as I approached. The once black water wall that looked like the night sky opened exposing a room known as the main hall. We proceeded to walk through. The lights matched the room we had just left. It was a great hall for the noise rolled like thunder, the area seemed much bigger and the noise coming from that room was deafening. I started to stiffen up but continued to walk forward with a little help from the hands holding mine. Not noticing the third picture the group of people caring for the person placing the person who looked to be unclothed placed and on the stone with the group surrounding the table.

Thinking I made it this far so whatever happens, happens. Having my personal escort next to me as they proudly showed me off to what I could see hundreds of people or Vampires. Sucking in deep breaths when my body would allow me to do so, I viewed the surrounding of this new room as it was the size of an arena. The one woman to my left and the man to my right wearing nothing at all but the lotion that seemed to be on me. They glistened as the lights bounced off them, showing strong, firm bodies. They raised my hands to show me off to the audience.