

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 42

"Yes, Mother," Vixen replied, wondering if that would be a promising idea.

After a few drinks hanging out with Wattie, Daria, Vixen, and some others of the family I received an invitation from a Nancy for a meet. I had no clue whom this was until I asked Daria. She explained that Nancy was her and Vixens Mother and a family Elder.

"What does she want to see you for?" Daria asked with a puzzled look on her face. She doesn't say except that she would love to meet me at my earliest convince." I whispered in Daria's ear as I still forget that I can also PM Daria. Old habits are hard to break.

Daria facial features looked to freeze as in deep thought. I wandered if that happen to be the look that was seen by others when one is PMing someone. Daria's expression changed quickly " we should see what Mother would like to speak to you about. probably wants to meet the one who has stolen her daughter's heart." Daria tried to say with a straight face.

" Knowing full well what her mother wanted after the PM conversation with Vixon.

Replying " I would love to meet the Mother of the beautiful Daria." Thinking to myself the people her do take this on-line gaming family scenario oddly seriously. I know I had been playing my roll as I do in the game for the past few days but seems like it is more of a life style as only now it hit me. Is this not a game to them I started to wander? Or are they just that serious when they come here and they fully absorb into their roll playing? Will have to be more observant from now on and see what the actual mental state of these people truly are. An invitation form LadyNancy appeared in my view. Still trying to handle this viewing of a computer looking screen in my head is still hard to mentally gather in. I acknowledged her invitation for a friend. (During the online system Utherverse, people can request to be a friend and this way you can find out if they are on the gaming system at that point in time and shows what location they might in if wanting to join them if they are on.) "I would like to meet you now if you have some time." LadyNancy replied after accepting the friend invite.

The three of them accompanied me the location of where I was to meet LadyNancy. Even after being there for few days I still could not find my way around this place, there were so many floors and underground passages that I would have gotten lost if I had to find my own way around this place.

Walking to see Nancy I started to think of Catherine how she went everywhere with me since the first day and the time we had spent together from the airport to this location of paradise to meet the Families. A small smile would always appear on my face as if it were my personal joke, but it was just the happiness' that I felt being here that brought it out.

Taking a corner, I saw this beautiful woman walking in the other direction in a long black dress tightly hugging her in all the right position. She stopped about at the time we were about to pass each other.

"Hello, Tagem."