

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 123

Alissa: I have no family relation in the Blood families but have served the family of Vampires for over twenty years. I would like to be a part of a family, and I think yours, my Lord, would be a good fit for me. For I would love to be first hireling my Lord.

I looked at Daria not fully understanding what was being asked. Daria: She is asking to be the first non-blood family member that is held in high regards within a family. They would be the one that helps with the dealings with the norms as we now call them. She smiled at knowing where we got the name in the first place.

Daria: She is highly qualified Tagem, for I would not know any other that could equal her abilities. I almost choked on the drink in my mouth as I remembered her skillful quality with her hands in the sauna. Tagem: then meet us tomorrow little one for we will go over more of the hireling.

Alissa bowed her head and disappeared into the crowd as my attention rose to Daria when she hip bumped me to give me a drink. I grabbed the drink from Daria placing her on my lap as I sat down. We drank some more and danced the night away as I grinded Daria, Catherine, and Samantha on the dance floor.

We ended the evening as the party continued, tired from all the action of events that occurred throughout the week. I fell asleep once I hit the bed for what seemed like days had passed once I awoke at midday. Still a little groggy from the day before, I stumbled my way to the kitchen to grab some food and coffee.

Coffee with a plate of cheese, bread and fruit placed on a plate. Taking the plate and coffee in the other hand I turned to the table stopping in my tracks. Finding a Spanish looking women sitting at the end of the table.

Lord Tagem, you mentioned I should meet you in the morning looking at the clock on the wall to the right of her reading 1:30 pm. I see, well let me ask you a question little one. "Why do you want to be this family's hireling?"

"I know you said last night, but now I want the real reason." Standing there with my breakfast in one hand coffee in the other and wearing only my smile. Facing her directly to give her ample viewing of myself even though it was not the first time I had been naked in front of her, but it was the first time as a blood Family member.

She had the look of what she had rehearsed for the hundredth time speech she had been practicing in her head. Closing her eyes opening them and what looked to be sweat starting to form on her forehead.

"I, I want you, my lord." She lowered her head after she blurted her words out. "I can't seem to get you out of my mind. The touch of you, before you became a Blood member turned me inside out for that, is why I could not keep my hands off you at the prepping station.