

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 122

We were once a great and powerful, peaceful society that happened to place its home on a quake line destroying our past and future. Now we have the chance to bring that back not just for the ancestors but for us as a whole. I have seen little of our accomplishments but thanks to the connection I have with Elder Nancy of MC I know we are not just a welfare culture. Waiting for some else to take charge of our lives and think of us saying we should do this or do that for the benefit of all. "No!" I pounded the table with a fist. We are free thinkers that have the leadership to guide and carry out the rules for all to follow but not infringe on our way of life or thinking. "For without the free thinking that would be slavery, would you not agree? "We as the Blood Family leaders and members know that we need to be passionate, carrying but not in a way that infringes on another family. We do not put others aside or take advantage of others because we can. True leadership is being respected not feared by your followers. " So, I hope I have explained to all in this room what we expect from here on in. The Demon family is part of not just the NewBlood family but our family."

I sat down not knowing if my words came out of the way in my head or if I was to be convicted of some crime. The noise of the room started at the other end of the table as Elder Talon, and Elder Nancy joined Elder Bancroft standing and clapping to my dismay. The rest of the leaders of the families and their followers responded in kind with the noise rushing through the room.

Elder Bancroft announced on this day the NewBlood family with the assistance from the Elder's will be the base contact with the Demon family. The celebration continued for hours later and was carried out to the clubs and after-parties that followed.

Word spread quickly since being sent out on an all-family PM. At one of the clubs enjoying the partying, festivities, food, and drink Daria presented someone to me who I recognized from before I turned. One of the young ladies who bathed me before the ceremony.

"What can I do for you little one" I yelled with the noise blaring loudly. I waited for her response when all she seemed to do was keep her head down with her eyes on me. "Speak louder little one I can't hear you." Tagem: What can I help you with little one? Daria responded for her since I had put her in the group talking statues of PM. Daria: She would like to offer her services to the NewBlood family.

I closed my eyes slightly shaking my head and raising my shoulders giving the international sign of I do not understand what you mean. "Daria: All families have servants well nonblood members who serve the family in any capacity. Alisa has no family that she is bonded to, she would like to offer her services to you, my Lord, and the family."

Tagem: what is it that you do out in the norm world little one? Alissa: I work in the medical field, my Lord. Tagem: I see! Why my family? I like to try and get straight to the point for me no time for small talk, and it puts people off guard most of the time. Where you get the truth out of someone without them realizing it.