

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs

Chapter 118

I could only watch this child who seemed to have stolen my heart once mentioned as mine. I was speechless, for I did not know what to say but could not take my eyes off the child.

"My child!" Whispered out from my lips.

I wanted you to see her because she will not be this young for too long, you will meet her again, I thought it would be wise to see your daughter as she is still in her Eakiling form. Also, as she is now the only little demon with a mother and father might have some adjusting. Her training will continue here for obvious reasons. All the children are taught in the demon way knowing their father has passed away. We do not sugar coat the facts like the norms do. The truth is power over oneself is what we believe.

She grasped my hand moving closer her shoulder to my arm resting her head against my body. Did you have children when you were a Norm Tagem?" She asked

I could barely shake my head from side to side and utter the words "no" as I could not take my eyes off this beautiful little girl laughing and playing with the other children.

I never settled down, for I was all about working and taking care of myself to even think of taking care of kids. Plus, I never thought of myself as a father figure myself. A tear started to run down my cheek as I spoke not knowing this feeling that was coming over me. I have had pain in my life, but this was a whole different type. I have loved but not in the way I felt for this child that I have not even spoken to or held in my arms.

"Can I talk to her?" I asked, wanting to look at her feel her in my arms. To feel the body, feel her breath upon me to know she is real, and this is not just some crazy dream. I cannot allow you to be in contact with her right now. She will be told of you Tagem that I do promise. She will be the first to have a father, and I will not take that away from her. I looked down at the High Priestess tears running down her face; I thanked her turning my view back to my child watching in silence.

Entering the room with the girls all dressed waiting for me after being told by one of the Priestesses I was with the high Priestess. I walked over to Samantha wrapped my arms around her holding her tightly. Whispering simple words. "Thank you"!

We walked into the room from the night before where we ate our dinner and the party erupted afterward of the night before noticing all the décor changed. Now with a small table for the five of us flowers all around and what were once walls now a view of the city. The city skyline with the sun and some clouds high in the sky with a mountain far in the background. Before we could even ask the High Priestess explained. We are truly knowledgeable about working with holograms. We can project images as close as to the real thing. The talk continued for a while with an American breakfast with an Asian feel. We ate, made small talk at the table, and said our thank you's for last night and this morning.