

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantaisie
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127 Chs


"There is nothing that either one of us can do Vixen. We must follow her words for maybe this will be a blessing in disguise. You have always liked him as a brother so maybe you will finally have one." The Gatherer smiled at Vixon arms open. Vixon approached her letting the Gatherer wrap her arms around her. "I was so hoping to do the ceremony." Vixon placed her head on the Gatherers' shoulder.

I know Sis, I know, wrapping Vixon in her arms. You have said he was like a brother to you so now he will be your brother if he passes. Pulling Vixon off her shoulder, he might not pass and then he could be just in the family! The Gatherer smiled and that made Vixon smile.

After the plane was finally seated with all the passengers, the stewards did their safety briefing, Captain did his weather check and time of arrival over the loud speaker. I and Stacks settled into our first class seats in the front row that was more secluded than even the rest of the first class seats. With a curtain that separated us from the crew and the pilot door it seemed to hide us from the other passengers view. What was even better was that the plane was only half-full and very

few people in first class. I appreciated the legroom that I had, for usually my knees are crammed up tight to the seat in front of me. Stacks had taken the spot next to the alleyway leaving the place between us open. I motioned Stacks to sit next to me; she smiled and apologized saying "I thought you would like some room for the long flight, Sir."

I put the arm rest up patted the cushion with my hand motioning her over. Undoing her seat belt raised the arm of her seat slid over closer to me. Hearing the click of the buckled as she secured it. Placing my hand on her leg and slowly slide it up under her skirt grabbed her thigh pulling it towards me so that her legs began to spread. My hand rose further up her thigh as she solely looked at me. I reached the spot I was aiming for feeling the soft silk to the touch. I stopped, as we had been looking at each other I whispered" closer Stacks." As she leaned in I tapped the silk that she was wearing I shook my head from left to right pulled my hand out from under her skirt leaned back in my seat.

Stacks was speechless, froze just looking at me then took a deep breath. Never has anyone ever disproved or shunned her in this manner. Before the plane was even close to reaching a suitable runway for takeoff for passengers to move around Stacks unbuckled her seatbelt opened the compartment above her grabbed a blanket. Just as Stacks closed the overhead compartment and handed me the soft cloth material. A stewardess in a white button shirt with thin blue stripes in a horizontal pattern on her sleeve with a blue skirt ending just above her knees came up from behind grabbed Stacks' waist. With one hand asked Stack to sit down for the plane is about to take off, and all must take their seat for take-off. Stack turned around too quickly for the flight attendant for the stewardess left hand was now on stacks breast as her right hand now on Stacks round firm bottom. Noticing the flight attendant cheeks redden as much as her hair. She now found herself in an awkward position with her hands placed on this woman in front of her.