

I wrote this chapter way back when I just started writing this story so you will notice that it's written the same way as my first chapters

it's about what Paul is thinking after that accident with Lilia


Paul was doing his job in killing the monsters that get near the town as usually, this job is very risky but not for an Ex-adventure like Paul. since he faced many monsters that are stronger than the one that appears here

after he was done he went back to his home to be greeted with the warm smile of his wife,

zenith : welcome back dear, dinner will be ready in 5 minutes

Paul was standing there looking at his wife,after a moment he went to their bedroom to change his clothes.

and what came to his mind was the words of his son on that day

Rudeus : do you really want to risk destroying this family and mother's smile just for this ... tell me, do you think that my mother deserve this from you...

Rudeus : ...anybody can tell that my mother have complete trust in you, she knew about your past nature, but still she loved you, and you promised her, to leave that in the past.

Rudeus : I don't knew if you realized this or not but the thing that is making this family strong is the trust and love my mother have for you,, without that this family wouldn't be able to survive till now.

Rudeus : father, I don't want to loss my family.

in that day Paul looked at his son's cold face, he could see a hint of sadness in his eyes.

never would it come to him that the greatest lesson in his life will be from his son.

thinking about his son's words in that day, it really wasn't worth it. he thanked god for his son was there to stop him in that moment which would have led to ruining his family and breaking his wife's heart.

as he was thinking about this Zenith called him to have dinner.

when he was going downstairs he looked at the dining table that have his wife,son and his son's soon to be wife Lilia surrounding it..

he looked at them smiling and laughing as they are placing the food on the table, for him this looked like the perfect picture of a happy family

zenith looked at her husband standing there and looking at them, she couldn't help but call him

zenith : what are you doing standing there, come here and sit down, we prepared your favorite food.

Paul snapped out of his thoughts and smiled while coming down

Paul : yeah, I am sorry to keep you waiting.